Wayfarer - C.330: Ye Shuangcheng


C.330: Ye Shuangcheng

In the city of Yongding, outside the entrance to the Xiao manor, a man in white was fanning himself with a white paper fan as he looked arrogantly at the front gates of the Xiao manor. Beside him were a few guards in blue.

"Ye Shuangcheng, as General Ye's brother, you're not an outsider. General Ye and Young Master Xiao are in the middle of a discussion and will be headed out shortly. Please wait inside." A butler of the manor stepped forward and invited the white-clad man in.

"Ah? Don't touch me!" The man in white, Ye Shuangcheng, deliberately moved aside.

"Make way!" The guards in blue shoved the butler aside as they surrounded Ye Shuangcheng protectively.

The butler grimaced, not expecting the man to be so rude.

"I won't be stepping inside, lest rumors abound that I'm in cahoots with the Xiao clan," Ye Shuangcheng replied.

"Insolence! Who dares cause a ruckus outside the Xiao manor?" a voice shouted.

A robed man descended from the air.

"Oh? Who's this? The Sanyuan sect master, I see. I heard that you weren't ashamed, but rather honored, by the fact that Xiao Nanfeng stole your sect's draconic vein! And here you are acting like his servant," Ye Shaungcheng mocked.

"Insolence!" the Sanyuan sect master repeated, his eyes blazing.

"I believe you're the insolent one. Don't you know where we are? We're within the domain of the Tianshu Empire, and I am an official of the court. See what happens if you dare touch me!" Ye Shuangcheng replied coolly.

"You!" The Sanyuan sect master's eyes flared again.

"Calm down, Sanyuan Sect Master! He's General Ye's elder brother. We should let General Ye handle this." Sage Hong'e, who had just flown over, immediately grabbed ahold of the Sanyuan sect master.

The other sect masters who had chosen to cooperate with Xiao Nanfeng had all gathered by the entrance to the Xiao manor. Upon seeing Ye Shuangcheng's arrogant behavior, they were astounded.

"You're the sect masters of various Immortal sects in the region, aren't you? Do you really intend to stay here out in the wilderness when the Tianshu Empire's star is rising?" Ye Shuangcheng smirked.

"You!" Despite the sect masters' anger, they hesitated to retort. freeweb(n)ovel.co(m)

Just then, a shout came from within the Xiao manor. "Second Brother, what nonsense are you spouting at the gates of the Xiao manor?!"

Ye Sanshui rushed out of the manor, aura and eyes blazing.

Ye Shuangcheng's eyes lit up. "Haha, Third Brother, you've become a general, have you? Well done!"

Ye Sanshui stilled as he saw his grinning second brother. He took a deep breath, then said, "Second Brother, come in and let's speak."

"I'd rather not, thank you! I don't dare enter the Xiao manor. I wouldn't want to be buried alongside Xiao Nanfeng, after all." Ye Shuangcheng shook his head.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Ye Sanshui shouted.

"Don't be anxious, Third Brother. I've come to fetch you, as well as to bring you a tremendous opportunity." Ye Shuangcheng smiled again.

"What?" Ye Sanshui frowned.

"Your eldest nephew, Ye Dafu, is now the Tianshu Empire's General of the East, and you've been appointed as a court official. Even I have received an appointment as a fifth-rank officer. The Ye clan is on the rise! The crown prince himself promised this to me. Now, come on, pack up and let's head back," Ye Shuangcheng urged.

"What do you mean, appointed? I'm a fighter in the Xiao army, and I quite like my position," Ye Sanshui replied archly.

"What's there to like? The Xiao clan is on its last legs. Many of the marquises of the Tianshu Empire have become Immortals, and the Tianshu court is surrounded by an Immortal aura. There are dozens of Immortals across the Tianshu Empire. Xiao Nanfeng is only the heir to these lands; do you really think he could foment rebellion? With such a scant partition of land and a pitiful distribution of forces? There's nothing he can do. Pledging fealty to him will only cause your advancement to halt—and might even bring you life-threatening danger."

The sect masters all around frowned at each other. Ye Shuangcheng might have been directly addressing his brother, but he also seemed to be indirectly discussing them.

"Ye Shuangcheng, have you forgotten that the Ye clan might well have perished if not for Marquis Xiao? You've come to the city of Yongding at this critical moment to denounce the Xiao clan. What are your true motives?" Ye Sanshui challenged his brother.

"Third Brother, Dafu and Eldest Brother are waiting for you at home. Are you really going to be this stubborn? I've already been promised by the Crown Prince that, if you return home to accept your appointment and act in a meritorious fashion, you could well become a marquis in your own right!"

"I don't care to be a marquis of the Tianshu Empire. If you continue to make a fuss here, don't blame me for neglecting our fraternal bonds," Ye Sanshui spat out.

"His Highness is about to be formally conferred the title of prince and given his own estate to govern. He's in need of talented individuals, and he bears high hopes for the Ye clan. If any of you sect masters here are interested in working with him, he's willing to forgive all your past offenses and present you with important tasks and opportunities. Sect Masters, are you willing to join His Highness' employ along with the Ye clan and welcome the brightest of futures? Please, there's no need to feel ashamed. My nephew, Ye Dafu, has already made his way over and been entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Anyone who wishes to go can join me. I'll guide you there," Ye Shuangcheng promised.

The sect masters glanced at each other in shock. Ye Shuangcheng was here on behalf of Nalan Changkong to poach their members!

"Guards, detain Ye Shuangcheng!" Ye Sanshui shouted.

"Understood!" A group of guards rushed over.

"Third Brother, are you crazy? You'd rather have your talent wasted in this backwater locale rather than be appointed as an official in the heart of the Tianshu Empire?!" Ye Shuangcheng shouted.

"Detain him!" Ye Sanshui thundered.

"Desist!" a voice countered from the Xiao manor.

The guards that had been charging toward Ye Shuangcheng stopped short as they looked toward the doors of the Xiao manor. Xiao Nanfeng was slowly making his way out.

"We greet Young Master Xiao!" everyone chorused.

"Xiao Nanfeng?" Ye Shuangcheng raised his eyebrows.

"Young Master, Ye Shuangcheng has sided with Nalan Changkong, and is here to cause intentional conflict. His reckless behavior predicated on being my elder brother is a serious crime that requires his immediate apprehension!" Ye Sanshui declared.

Xiao Nanfeng smiled. "There's no need to be so serious. He's not wrong, after all. Compared to the glory of the Tianshu Empire, my faction does seem rather shabby in comparison."

"Young Master...?" Ye Sanshui exclaimed.

"Xiao Nanfeng, how have you made my third brother this loyal to you?!" Ye Shuangcheng suddenly shouted.

"Ye Shuangcheng, I don't blame you for not being interested in joining my faction. Considering that you're Ye Sanshui's brother, I'll overlook the mess you've created since coming here. However, if you intend to bring Ye Sanshui and the various sect masters gathered here with you, you'll have to provide some proof of your claims. What if you're just lying to them?" Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

"Of course. This is an official recruitment notice that His Highness has approved. He is in great need of talented subordinates, and has prepared positions of particular rank for all of you. Follow me. The moment we arrive at the Tianshu Empire, you'll be in His Highness' employ." Ye Shuangcheng raised a scroll high up in the air.

Nalan Changkong's seal was displayed prominently on the scroll, as was a list of the names of the various sect masters and their designated positions.

Ye Sanshui glared coldly at his brother. "That notice is fake!"

"You'll be able to discern at a glance whether it's legitimate, of course. His Highness' seal harbors a trace of the Tianshu Empire's fortune, and cannot be faked. Why don't you have a look, Xiao Nanfeng?" Ye Shuangcheng smiled as he proffered the scroll.

"Ye Sanshui, Sect Masters, why don't you have a look?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"You can't, Young Master!" Ye Sanshui fretted.

Xiao Nanfeng had no intention to change his mind. In exasperation, Ye Sanshui had no choice but to consider the scroll carefully, then pass it on to the various sect masters. Everyone glanced at each other.

"Well? Is it real?" Ye Shuangcheng smiled.

"Enough!" Ye Snshui thundered. "Ye Shuangcheng, have you become Nalan Changkong's lapdog?"

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head. "Ye Sanshui, there's no need to argue with him. Nalan Changkong's recruitment notice could, in some sense, be considered a blessing. Those who are willing to leave with Ye Shuangcheng can do so immediately with their subordinates. I, Xiao Nanfeng, promise not to pursue the matter."

"Oh? You won't pursue the matter?" Ye Shuangcheng exclaimed in delight.

"I am a man of my word. As long as they leave with you willingly, I do not intend to pursue the matter." Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

Ye Shuangcheng whirled toward the sect masters standing all around him. "Sect Masters, this is your one and only chance. You should know that the Xiao clan is on its last legs. Fortune favors the Tianshu Empire, and His Highness desires your talents. Everyone, are you willing to depart with me?"

Ye Sanshui's eyes sizzled with anger. He wanted to shout at Ye Shuangcheng to halt, but Xiao Nanfeng stopped him. freewebno vel.co m

The disciples following behind their sect masters turned to each other restlessly. Many were tempted, and were stepping forward to urge their own sect masters on.

The Sanyuan sect master slapped a disciple and sent him flying. Everyone quieted down as they stared at the commotion.

"Sect Master, why did you hit me?!" the disciple cried out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"To wake you up, you fool! Do you really think Nalan Changkong intends to recruit us? If he were sincere about doing so, why wouldn't he reach out in private? Why would he make such a show of this? Are you so foolish that you can't even think for yourself? Nalan Changkong's trying to take advantage of us to make a fool of Young Master Xiao. How dare you send me a mental transmission to urge me to accept?!"

"I, I—" The disciple clutched his face in shock.

The Sanyuan sect master took a deep breath, then kowtowed toward Xiao Nanfeng. "Young Master, with the birth of so many Immortals within the Tianshu Empire, my disciples have been tempted to seek other allegiances and have even started no small number of rumors. However, I assure you that I am fully loyal to the Xiao clan. I rushed over to Yongding today to make this known to you specifically."

"Young Master, my sect shall always be a part of the Xiao forces. This I swear on the future of my sect!"

"Young Master, I've dealt with the imbeciles of the Fuyou Immortal Sect who have fallen prey to others' ill intent. The Fuyou Immortal Sect is fully loyal to you!"

"The Chongshan Immortal Sect remains fully committed to the Xiao clan. I too have come to Yongding to reaffirm my allegiance. I have detained those who dared to disrupt our army's morale pending your judgment, Young Master."

The sect masters made their choice clear.

"You!" Ye Shuangcheng shouted, his face wretched.

Xiao Nanfeng understood very well that the sect leaders had contemplated the possibility of switching sides once again. However, those who had already made this choice once were all intelligent enough to realize that, if they were to leave him and seek another lord, they would never be taken seriously. Their tarnished reputation would stick to them and make them stand out like a sore thumb.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded at their affirmations. He was hardly going to point out their innermost thoughts; that would serve no one. Rather, this would be an excellent opportunity to raise morale.

"Everyone, I thank you for making your intentions known. I ought to demonstrate and make examples of those who serve the Xiao name. My forces operate strictly on merit; those who perform meritorious acts shall be rewarded generously. Ye Sanshui has been the general and commander of my forces, winning acclaim and merit throughout the land. I have yet to provide sufficient compensation for his deeds. Today, I intend to take advantage of this opportunity to reward him," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Everyone looked perplexed.

Xiao Nanfeng handed Ye Sanshui a jade box. "Ye Sanshui, take this as a reward for your merit. Consume it immediately."

Ye Sanshui glanced at the jade box curiously. As he opened it, an incredible aroma seeped out. The sect masters all around sniffed curiously at it, only to find their hearts and minds suddenly calm and collected.

"Could that be... a blood peach?!" One sect master suddenly opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Chongshan Sect Master, are you aware of what that peach is?" another sect master asked.

"Have you all forgotten? Nalan Yunhai consumed a blood peach after ascending to Wingform-realm. In just a few days after he returned to the capital of the Tianshu Empire, he underwent a tribulation and became an Immortal!"

"What? That's the blood peach that can turn a Wingform-realm cultivator into an Immortal?!" the sect masters exclaimed.

They stared at Xiao Nanfeng in shock. Xiao Nanfeng could turn whoever he wanted into an Immortal! As long as they earned sufficient merit, they might be able to win such a prize for themselves. Wasn't this far superior to working under the Xiang or Nalan clans?

They were uniformly relieved that they hadn't been so foolish as to switch their allegiance. Otherwise, they might have regretted their choice for life.

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