Tome of Troubled Times - C.100: What Is Unfaithful

Tome of Troubled Times

C.100: What Is Unfaithful

Tang Wanzhuang simply allowed her subordinates to chase after those from the Four Idols Cult, fully committing to her act. Her gaze had long since shifted to another direction, to another hill at a distant field by the lake opposite the one she was currently standing on.

While Elder You and the others were unaware of where Zhao Changhe was, Tang Wanzhuang’s heightened senses had managed to discern where he was.

Zhao Changhe and Han Wubing were standing on the hill watching the chaotic farce below. They seemed to be aware that Tang Wanzhuang had no intention of harming Xia Chichi. Zhao Changhe let out a sigh of relief when he saw this, and he glanced at Han Wubing with a strange expression.

Han Wubing also turned his gaze toward Zhao Changhe.

It appeared that their involvement in external affairs had concluded, and it was now time for them to settle their own matters.

Both of these fairly foolish individuals had peculiar emotions. Technically speaking, today was the date that they had agreed to duel. However, with all the twists and turns that had taken place before this duel, with them helping each other and coming to hold a mutual appreciation for one another, even though everything was prepared, neither of them had the will to fight anymore.

What was the point of dueling when it would just end up as a sparring session like the one that Zhao Changhe had with Yue Hongling? Would it actually even hold any significance?

Zhao Changhe asked, “Are we still going to fight?”

“...We agreed to duel on this day ourselves. We should at least see it through,” replied Han Wubing.

Zhao Changhe gritted his teeth. “Heh, do you know how long I’ve been wanting to beat you up?”

Han Wubing replied, “...I do. You tried to cut me down at least twice, once in your room and the other time just now.”

Zhao Changhe drew his saber. “Then you should give me two free strikes, and we can call it even.”

Han Wubing unsheathed his sword. “Do you not realize that anyone who saw all the things you’ve done would also want to beat you up?”

...And with that, their fighting spirit had been rekindled.

Their weapons were drawn, and a fight was now moments from breaking out.

Tang Wanzhuang, who was in the distance, shook her head slightly. “He’s clearly still just a big kid... Alright, let’s return.”

The maid asked curiously, “Young miss, do you not want to see the result of their fight? Han Wubing’s cultivation is higher than Zhao Changhe’s. If he is accidentally injured...”

“He won’t get seriously hurt. If anything, he will just suffer some superficial injuries, and honestly, he deserves to suffer a bit.”

“If Zhao Changhe wins, will the Tome of Troubled Times appear?”

“It won’t. If this is called fighting... then if Zhao Changhe and Xia Chichi were to have a more intense battle in the future, perhaps even tonight, would the Tome of Troubled Times also appear?”

The maid’s eyes were filled with confusion for a moment, then she suddenly realized what she meant and said, “Young miss, you, you, you...”

Tang Wanzhuang thought while stroking her forehead. “It is completely inappropriate for him to have such a relationship with that witch. Logically speaking, I should try to destroy such a relationship... But if I really do so, I would cause estrangement between us. This situation is truly difficult to handle...”

The maid glanced at her but hesitated to speak.

Tang Wanzhuang was fully aware that forcefully ruining their relationship would lead to estrangement. However, there was actually another way to destroy his relationship with that witch. For example, if she herself were to snatch him away, then let alone avoiding estrangement, they would likely get as close as people could possibly be. Could the young miss, who is so skilled in scheming, have possibly not thought of that?

In fact, Tang Wanzhuang really had never considered such an option. After all, who would consider involving themselves in such a way... Besides, she was doing all this because she precisely did not want to be forced to marry Zhao Changhe should he be recognized as a prince.

In the end, her strategy was straightforward and grandiose. “Initiate a comprehensive search and capture operation targeting the members of the Fur Idols Cult and Maitreya! Bring peace to Sword Lake City!”

She first needed to force Xia Chichi out of the picture. At least for today, she would not fan the flames of passion. She decided to simply leave deciding what to do in the future for later.

The sun was now setting to the west.

Inside the city, the officials were busy hunting down the members of demonic cults.

Meanwhile, outside the city, two grown-up kids were engaged in a fight.

They had been fighting for more than an hour, and both of them were exhausted.

Finally, they dropped to the ground.

They lay on the hillside, gazing at the sunset and the evening glow, with no desire to speak.

As expected, the Tome of Troubled Times did not appear.

For Zhao Changhe, a fierce and exhilarating martial arts competition was much more enjoyable than being entangled in matters of identity and emotions. There should have originally been no such petty disputes by the side of the Ancient Sword Lake. He had traversed a thousand li to engage in a hearty battle, a clash between saber and sword...

Unfortunately, the atmosphere had been spoiled. But that was life.

He could now understand why, after their battle, Cui Yuanyong and Yue Hongling had been able to appreciate each other. When you swung your saber with all your might, only to have your opponent skillfully deflect it, that moment could truly evoke feelings of admiration.

And so, they both knew that they would be able to wield their weapons even more perfectly next time. One’s strength grew through repeated trials and battles such as this.

“Little Wubing...” said Zhao Changhe suddenly. “You used a killing move just now, didn’t you? I felt my scalp tingle for a moment there.”

“Not bad,” said Han Wubing as he looked at the sky. “The outcome of the fight was already decided.”

“Pah, as if!” Zhao Changhe wanted to save face, knowing that he had deliberately suppressed the power of Dragon Bird just now. However, he was well aware that without relying on the power of the divine weapon, he would have really lost. He changed the topic and asked, “Since you have a killing move, why didn’t you use it when you were in danger before?”

“Because I only learned that move in the sword chamber, while you were busy kissing a woman.”

Zhao Changhe said, “...Women really do slow down the speed of one’s cultivation.”

Han Wubing said, “If there’s a need, just settle it at a brothel. A warrior’s heart should not be tied down in such places anyway.”

“What if someone takes a liking to you?”

“As long as you clearly refuse them, you will have no such problems. I have no interest in romantic affairs, so why should I mislead someone for a lifetime?” said Han Wubing. “A hero like you should not be involving himself in the affairs between men and women. It just feels awkward.”

“Then there is still a difference between our perspectives of the jianghu.”

“Oh?” responded Han Wubing. “To understand the way of the sword and to rectify injustices in the world, is that not what we both pursue? I’d say that we are quite similar in that regard.”

Zhao Changhe took out his wine gourd, opened it, and took a generous sip. “My dream was to roam the jianghu with a sword at my waist and a gourd of wine in hand, indulging in women with slender waists and delicate hands[1]. I’ve achieved the first part, albeit with a saber... But the latter does not seem to suit me. I simply don’t feel comfortable doing that.”

Han Wubing thought for a while, then chuckled and said, “Although it might not completely match your temperament, I think that you’re already on the path there. But I must advise you, this path seems extremely treacherous. If you continue on this path and become regarded as unfaithful, Xia Chichi’s sword might just claim your head sooner or later...”

Zhao Changhe suddenly remembered the second half of the poem: “After ten years indulging myself in Yangzhou, I earned the infamy of an unfaithful man who frequented the red lantern districts.”

Brother Han is truly sharp...

But then again, he’s the one who indulges himself in brothels, not me.

How should one really define an unfaithful man anyway?

Han Wubing suddenly said, “Our time together has come to an end. From now on, you won’t have anyone bothering you while you enjoy the company of women.”

Zhao Changhe asked, “Where are you planning on heading next?”

“I’ll be heading back to the bottom of the lake.”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

“That is a holy land for swordsmen. I plan to learn swordsmanship there.”

“For how long?”

“I don’t know. I can easily sneak back into the city to purchase daily necessities. I won’t have any trouble surviving.”

Zhao Changhe clicked his tongue, finding Han Wubing’s words to be very much in line with a swordsman’s mindset. However, he knew that he could not survive a single day living like that.

“Then, until we meet again,” Zhao Changhe stood up and punched Han Wubing on the shoulder. “You might be my first friend in the jianghu.”

Han Wubing smiled and did not reply. Not counting his dead friend, Zhao Changhe was actually the only friend he had in the jianghu.

Zhao Changhe did not dally any longer. He hoisted Dragon Bird onto his back and walked away with long strides. “Farewell, I hope to see you again soon. You have already emerged from the abyss.[2]”

Han Wubing watched his departing figure, pondering the meaning behind the words Zhao Changhe left behind.

Did they refer to coming out from the depths of the lake or rising to prominence like a hidden dragon?

In fact, everyone still had many things left unsaid and undone. Han Wubing still had his responsibilities toward the Sword Hut. Meanwhile, Zhao Changhe was faced with piles of matters, with no shortage of high-stakes issues, whether it was related to the Cui Clan, the Four Idols Cult, or the Demon Suppression Bureau

But even as each other’s only friend, neither of them had uttered the words, “Do you need any help?” They did not even ask each other about their circumstances. They both believed that the challenges before each of them were ones that they had to face alone.

When they resolved their own issues, that was when they would be able to emerge from the abyss.

Han Wubing had a strong premonition that the next time they met, if they managed to live to that point, they would have both already become renowned throughout the world.


Back in Sword Lake City, Zhao Changhe did not even get a chance to walk far along the street before he was intercepted by a familiar brothel madam. She said, “Oh my, young man, were you perchance looking for someone?”

Facing the strange looks from people on the streets, Zhao Changhe held his forehead and made his way through the back door.

The bamboo forest was still quiet, but there was no melodious music from a guqin this time.

Zhao Changhe stepped into the bamboo house, a place he now knew well. He saw Tang Wanzhuang sitting at a desk, writing something. She occasionally coughed lightly. He could not sense any of the tremendous strength that she had previously displayed when hindering Maitreya. She was simply giving off the appearance of a hardworking but frail person.

Zhao Changhe could not help but think of Zhuge Liang[3]... Although Tang Wanzhuang was certainly not as important to the empire as Zhuge Liang, the impression she gave him was somewhat similar.

Zhao Changhe stood at the doorway for a while before finally breaking the silence. “Why do you seem completely unconcerned about your reputation? Do you really not mind being associated with a brothel?”

Tang Wanzhuang did not even lift her head as she replied, “Outsiders do not know, and those who know would naturally not make unreasonable associations. The brothel is just a place to divert others’ attention. As long as it serves its purpose, that is all I need.”

“Are there not better options?”

“Brothels have a lot of information flowing through them due to so many customers coming and going. It is a very convenient location.”

“Did you also read the Spring and Autumn Annals?”

Tang Wanzhuang finally stopped writing. “What are you doing standing there? Come in and talk.”

“I only came here to report on my mission. I will be taking my leave immediately after,” Zhao Changhe said. “Although the sword was taken away by Xia Chichi, the feared incident of the divine sword causing harm to innocent people has not occurred. Does this count as completing the mission? If it does, then I will be on my way.”

“Do you think that just this one mission can directly offset the favor from the internal arts and Dragon Bird?”

“I know that I will have to take on more missions in the future, but you aren’t going to be giving me missions nonstop, right? Honestly, if you make me work 996[4], I won’t do it.”

Tang Wanzhuang did not know what “996” meant, and she did not bother asking. She simply said, “The second mission is very simple, and you can even complete it right now.”

Zhao Changhe asked curiously, “What’s the mission?”

“Stay in the brothel tonight, pick any girl, and spend the night with her.”

Zhao Changhe immediately understood what she was getting at and replied with a hint of irritation, “Don’t make me start another argument with you.”

Tang Wanzhuang looked at him with a steady gaze and knew exactly what was going through his mind.

“Forget it,” Zhao Changhe turned and left. “Any normal person would have difficulty not developing some respect for you seeing you working so diligently at your desk, so I won’t say anything harsh. Just know that when it comes to my personal life, I do not want anyone interfering. Even if my own father came, I would still deem it unacceptable.”

1. This is referenced from a poem by Du Mu (杜牧), titled “My Lament” (遣懷). ☜

2. I am not completely sure, but I feel like the author was referencing the phrase “hidden dragon in the abyss” (潜龙在渊), which roughly means to not get lost during rough times. The words that Zhao Changhe said here were 你已出渊, which literally translates to what is written here. ☜

3. A famous strategist in Ancient China. He was a chancellor and later regent of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. ☜

4. This refers to a working system in China where workers are made to work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 6 days a week. ☜

Updat𝒆d fr𝒐m freew𝒆bnov𝒆l.c(o)m

