The supporting character's harem is very normal - C.418 Dorack vs. Doba


?"Me? I am an invincible existence in the universe; I am just pretending to be weak to experience the life of a normal person." Lathel nodded and said.

Viva: "…"

"Are you f*cking kidding me? You are clearly just an ordinary person; it is only thanks to a few strange opportunities that you have the power you have now."

Lathel: "…"

"You already know me very well, so why ask me anymore? Are you stupid?

Viva: "…"

Lathel said angrily: "You secretly reside in my body; I don't even know of your existence. Now you ask who I am; do you have the dignity to ask that question?


Viva swung her right, delivering a punch that immediately caused Lathel to explode. However, she still couldn't get over her anger, so she said: "You... you idiot, you bastard, I hate you; go away!"

Lathel opened his eyes and discovered that he had returned to the real world, and of course, he could not enter the energy space again.

"AH! I can't enter the energy space."

Lathel was not worried at all; on the contrary, he felt happy. If he enters that space, he will continue to be tormented by Viva.

If he cannot enter that space, he will not be tormented by Viva. So it was very easy to understand.

Lathel happily took out a hand mirror from the system's 'Storage Space'.

Name: Tracking Mirror

Description: Select an object, and you can monitor all actions of that object. However, the person you choose must be someone who is absolutely loyal to you and will never betray you.

Lathel received this mirror through 'Sign in' every day from the system.

At first, when reading the description, Lathel felt that this mirror was useless. Why does he need to follow someone who is absolutely loyal to him?

If it could track his enemies, like Harris or Ikarys, then it would be more beneficial.

However, at this moment, he felt that this mirror was not for him to use in combat or strategies.

This mirror merely served to entertain him during this boring time.

Lathel chose Dorack as his target.

[Ding! Do you want to choose Dorack as the target to monitor?]


[Ding! Once chosen, you cannot change it.]


Immediately after that, the mirror flashed, and the image on the mirror began to change. Lathel could now observe every action that Dorack was taking like a god.

At this time, Dorack was walking with Doro towards the village. As they walked, Doro explained what happened.

After listening, Dorack frowned and said: "In short... Doba used the power given by God to sneak attack other hunters, then threatened you to transfer the position of village chief to him, right?"

"That's right." Doro nodded shyly.

"What did he do next?"

"He…" Doro gritted his teeth and said: "He said that… if we don't surrender and leave this land, he will grant access to this place to people from other tribes."

Dorack nodded. After all, God's residence was quite far from the village, so when people from other tribes entered, it was normal for him not to know.

Besides, at that time, he was still training, so he couldn't realise what was happening around him.

"Don't worry, Doba doesn't dare grant access to this place to people from other tribes."

Listening to Dorack, Doro felt extremely confused: "What do you mean?"

Dorack didn't say anything, and Doro didn't continue asking.

A while later, they reached the centre of the village. At this time, Dorack frowned when he saw Doba sitting next to the fire, holding a large piece of meat in one hand and hugging a young woman in the other.

"Hahahaha… Hurry up, bring me some fruit and water." Doba shouted loudly as his hand crept through the simple animal skin coat of the woman next to him, groping her.

The woman sitting next to him had a red face; her teeth were clenched so tightly that they bled, and her eyes were wet as if she were about to cry.

"But…" A middle-aged man hastily said: "Village chief… There isn't much water left in the village. If we continue to use it, I'm afraid…"

"Are you arguing with me?" Doba glared and said.


Doba threw the piece of meat on the ground, pushed the girl next to him away, then slowly stood up and walked towards the man who had just spoken.

That man knelt on the ground in fear, trembling, and said: "Sorry, village chief. I will…"



Doba swung his leg and stepped on that man's hand. The sound of bones breaking made the man scream in pain.

"I am the village chief." Doba angrily said: "You must obey me unconditionally, understand? If you make me angry... I will kill all of you; no one will survive."

"Don't forget… I have the power given to me by God; killing you is no different from killing little ants."

"Don't… make me… angry… understand?"

The man whose hand was crushed by Doba, although in pain, did not dare to make any more sounds. He was afraid that if he continued to scream, he feared that... Doba would kill him.

The group feared that Doba's anger would kill more people, so they took a bucket of water that they had saved.

Doba saw the bucket of water and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha... good... Very good."

He used one hand to lift the bucket of water, then poured it over his head as if taking a bath.


"Water... That's the last barrel of drinking water."

"No way… Why did he waste it like that?"

"Huhuhuhu… mom…water… drink."

"God… please save us… Why have you forsaken us."

"Ah! Village Chief!"

"Shhh! The village chief is drinking water. If you shout so loudly, he will be angry."

"No! The village chief returned... and... Dorack."

"What?! Dorack? Did he come to save us?"


"On the other side! The village chief and Dorack!"

Everyone looked into the distance. Doba heard that and frowned, looking in the direction everyone was looking.

There, Doro was standing trembling, but next to him was a man radiating a murderous aura that made Doba afraid.

However, remembering the wound in the middle of his chest that was caused by Dorack, Doba was more angry than scared.

Anger quickly took over his entire brain. It was as if his body had been programmed to have such expressions and emotions when meeting the male protagonist, Dorack.

Lathel saw Doba and Dorack's expressions through the 'Watching Mirror' and smiled contemptuously.

"Ah! It seems that the villain is just a villain. When he meets the male lead, his IQ disappears."

"If it were a normal person that Dorack had beaten like that, his first expression when he saw Dorack would definitely be fear, then he would run away."

"But Doba was fooled by Dorack's aura. He didn't run away; on the contrary, he thought he could defeat Dorack."

After all, this is one of the common episodes and manifestations of supporting characters that Lathel often sees, so he knows that Doba's final outcome will be very tragic.

"Dorack! Do you still dare to come back here?" Doba shouted angrily, his face showing ferocity, causing everyone to retreat in surprise.

He pointed his finger at Dorack, frowned, and shouted: "I am the village chief now; if you do not follow my orders, I will kick you out of the village."

"If you kneel before me and swear to be loyal to me, I will let you live. Hahahaha… of course, I will also make sure you have plenty of food and women to enjoy."

Lathel: "…"

He felt embarrassed for Doba. Can he say such old lines as if they were spoken in the Stone Age?

'Oy! Even though you're a villain, don't be this stupid. Is asking the male lead to kneel any different than asking him to commit suicide?'

Lathel sighed and continued to observe.

Hearing that, Dorack was not angry at all. He just crossed his arms and said softly: "It seems... that punch from before didn't make you remember."

Doba gritted his teeth: "DORACK! Don't think you're stronger than me."

"At that time, I had just received the power of God. Before I could control that power, I was attacked by you."

"Hahahaha… Now it's different. Do you think you can defeat me? You are wrong… I will defeat you; make you kneel before me and cry like a child."

Dorack just snorted in disdain, his eyes looking at Doba as if looking at a bug: "Easy to say, difficult to do, Doba."

"Huh!" Doba immediately clenched his fists, and his body began to swell.

Two metres, three metres...

The surrounding people were now completely scared; they were running away as they did not dare stand near Doba anymore.

Dorack frowned and whispered to Doro: "You find a safe place to hide first; I will deal with him quickly."

Doro saw that Doba's body was more than three metres tall, his muscles were like extremely hard blocks of metal, and he was scared.

"You… you be careful." Doro said tremblingly, without waiting for Dorack to answer, his old body was surprisingly agile.

Within seconds, he ran over and hid on the rock in the distance.

"Hahahahaha…" Doba was like a small mountain at this moment, and his laughter echoed everywhere: "Dorack, will the power I gave you help you grow as big as me?"

Doba said as he walked in front of Dorack.

The two stood facing each other, but Doba was like a giant, while Dorack appeared extremely small.

Dorack shook his head and said: "No, God cannot help me become as big as you."

"Hahahaha… It's natural because I'm the chosen one." Doba smiled and said.

Dorack continued to shake his head and sighed: "No, I feel... you became so big because your intelligence was not enough, so you had to use your physical strength to compensate for that."

"You…" Doba was angry; a few blue veins appeared on his forehead: "AAA!! Dorack!"

He grabbed a large rock next to him, lifted it up, and then threw it at Dorack: "Die!"

Dorack saw the rock rushing towards him, but he was not afraid or worried. On the contrary, he muttered: "It's disappointing. I even thought you were strong enough to make me sweat."


