The supporting character's harem is very normal - C.415 This period... is terrible

The supporting character's harem is very normal

C.415 This period... is terrible

"What do you mean? I should just ignore them." Lathel frowned and asked.

"That's right." Viva replied: "In your human terms, that is... hm... ah! Enlightenment."

"That's right, self-enlightenment. Hahahaha… it seems I still remember many human sayings very clearly."

"You don't need to interfere; they will know how to become stronger because in their bodies there exists a kind of soul connection with nature."

Hearing that, Lathel nodded. It would be better if he didn't need to do anything, because... he's also quite lazy.

"Good… From now on, you can stay by my side. I will help you become stronger."

"God!" Summer suddenly spoke up: "Why do we need to become stronger?"

"Hm?! Of course you must become stronger to protect your faith." Lathel frowned; his tone was like that of a teacher.

"My faith…" Summer looked at Lathel in confusion.

Lathel sighed. Feeling he had so much to teach them, he decided...

"Sit down; from now on, you will eat with me and live with me. I will teach you everything about the outside world."

Hearing Lathel speak, the four girls became extremely excited; they immediately sat in front of him, listening seriously.

Lathel began to explain everything to them, from basic knowledge to knowledge about magic...

Somewhere else, deep inside the forest.

Iritellis looked at the dead Dark-Elves lying on the ground, tears flowing from their faces like two streams.

Her body was also full of wounds, but right now, what hurt her more were the deaths of the female Dark-Elves.

They were raped, tortured, and then killed.

Their faces showed pain, fear, and extreme hatred.

"Queen…" A female Dark-Elf standing behind Iritellis spoke up in pain.

"Don't call me Queen; I'm not worthy to be your queen." Iritellis shook her head and said painfully: "Wait until I get you to a safe place, I will..."

"No!" Another female Dark-Elf spoke up: "Queen, you are now our queen. Please don't say that now; we... our Dark-Elf race has nothing left; do you want to leave us too?"

Iritellis clenched her teeth, and her hands were clenched so tightly that they turned white.

Since leading the Dark-Elf clan in this forest, she has been trying to get everyone to escape from the pursuit of the elves and human nobles.

However, nothing seems to work. During their escape, they were discovered by the elves and human knights.

A group of Dark-Elf warriors decided to stay to hold off those people. After successfully fleeing and hiding, Iritellis decided to return to this place.

On the way back, she also knew that the Dark-Elves who decided to stay were probably all dead. However, she still hoped that at least a few people were still alive.

No, Iritellis was wrong. All of them died, and they died in the most tragic way. Some people were even cut into pieces, and the human knights even grilled the Dark-Elf's meat to eat.

This sight made Iritellis want to vomit. She also saw a female Dark-Elf being impaled by a tree from her lower body up to her throat.

Those people placed the body of the female Dark-Elf horizontally on the fire, roasting it until it was charred black.

Too awful.

Is this humanity?

Is this the elf race that people say embodies light and beauty?

Iritellis clenched her teeth, her face showing hatred, muttering: "I swear... I will destroy all those cursed human knights and elves."

Seven days later.

Lathel looked at the soup in the cauldron that was cooked, giving off an appetite-stimulating aroma, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Hehehehe…" Suddenly, Summer sat next to Lathel, her shining eyes looking towards the cauldron: "God, can we eat yet?"


Lathel used the large wooden spoon in her hand to tap Summer on the head.

"Ack! I… it hurts a lot." Summer held her head with both hands, looked at Lathel with tears, and pretended to be hurt.

"Huh!" Lathel frowned: "Don't pretend; I only hit you very lightly. Wait a little longer; everyone will go back, and we can eat together."

Hearing that, Summer smiled mischievously: "Hehehehe... yes, God."

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly cleaned up the surrounding area and started looking for leaves to use as a seat.

Seeing that, Lathel shook his head. At first, she respected him, was afraid of him, and worried that she would make him uncomfortable.

Only seven days have passed, and Summer's personality seems to have completely changed. Now, she even considers him her friend.

Sometimes she hugged him; she even let her saliva get on his clothes.

However, Lathel could only sigh and forgive her. After all, she is Dorack's future woman.

If he is too strict, he's afraid... she will be angry and resentful. And after Dorack becomes a god, she will...

Lathel thought about that and shivered nervously.

'Okay, I just need to endure it for a little while longer; no need to worry too much.'

'Wait until the mission is completed, then I will leave this place. Hehehehe…'


"AAA!!" Lathel was startled when a cold breath blew into his ear: "Winter, what the hell are you doing?"

Lathel said while holding his ear.

Winter smiled. Even though she was smiling, that smile was icy: "God, what are you thinking about that makes you smile so happily?"

Lathel: "…"

"Ah! Perhaps living with four beautiful girls like us has made you very happy." Autumn walked over holding a basket full of fruit, smiling as she spoke.

Winter held a sharp tree branch with a few fish pierced through it. She tilted her head, looked at Lathel, and asked: "Really?"

"Everyone…" Spring now came carrying some wild vegetables. Her face was red, and she stammered: "Everyone… we… we shouldn't tease God…"

"Even though he is very friendly, we..."

Autumn now gently patted Spring's head and smiled gently: "Don't worry, God also likes to be teased by us."

"Heh!? Really?" Spring's eyes shined as she faced Lathel.

Lathel: "…"

He sighed. That's right, not only Summer, but also Winter, Autumn, and Spring are no longer afraid of him. Everyone seemed to see him as a normal man.

Lathel did as usual and started to grill the fish, prepare some salab, and then put the plates of food on a wooden table that he made himself.

Everyone sat at the table and began to eat. While eating, everyone also exchanged a little information they had.

After all, Lathel didn't teach them anything, they 'enlightened' their power themselves, so he wanted to know what they had done and how much power they had developed.

Besides, each person chooses a different direction to explore the outside world. Listening to them, Lathel also got a little more information about everything outside.

The atmosphere was extremely warm, to the point that it made the four girls feel like what was happening was like a dream.

They ate and talked, but their eyes were always focused on Lathel.

For people like them who always had the thought of certain death, they never thought that one day, they would sit and eat with the God they respect.

They also never thought that they would possess god-like powers and be able to explore the colourful world beyond the cliffs.

Lathel suddenly shivered. He frowned and said: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Hehehehe…" Summer smiled mischievously: "God, you are really handsome."

"Huh! Of course I'm very handsome; you don't need to compliment me." Lathel pouted and said.

"It's just a little compliment; do you need to be so arrogant?"

"You…" Lathel gritted his teeth: "I'm starting to feel like you're inclined to treat me like your friend."

"You are the friend we trust the most." Summer said, smiling.

Lathel: "…"

'Good! You're the heroine, I don't want to talk to you anymore.' Lathel thought to himself.

"God, there are a lot of wars going on in the North." Winter now spoke up: "I saw a lot of smoke rising. However, I still kept my distance, as I did not dare to get close."

Lathel heard that and nodded: "You did it right. The war of those people, with your current abilities, cannot be approached."

"Besides…" Winter continued: "I see a lot of people running away. It seems… they are from the Dark-Elf race."

"Dark-Elf?!" Hearing that, Lathel frowned: "Are you telling the truth?"

Winter nodded: "Their appearance is completely similar to what you described. However…"

"What is the matter?" Lathel asked.

"It seems they are being chased by the elves and human knights. There were a lot of Dark-Elves who died, and... they were even eaten."

"Wait!" Lathel felt like he had heard wrong, and quickly said: "What do you mean... they were eaten by monsters?"

Winter shook her head, her hands covering her mouth as if she wanted to vomit something. After a while, she was able to control her nausea.

Winter looked at Lathel, pursed her lips, and said: "God, I saw it very clearly... They ate those dark elves."

Lathel: "…"

"Eat… What do you mean?"

"That's right, God." Winter frowned and said, not daring to remember those images: "They really treated those Dark-Elf women like food."

"After raping them, they tortured them to death. Those people even roasted the dead people on fire and… ate them."

Hearing that, Lathel also took a deep breath. He did not doubt Winter's words. What he doubted was why the humanity of humans and elves had become corrupted to this extent?

'This period… is terrible. Wait! Iritellis…'

