The Primordial Record - C.833 Evil Comes

The Primordial Record

C.833 Evil Comes

?This might be a stupid decision, but every so often you could achieve more by performing unreasonable actions, and what Rowan wanted to do was to kill time. He already understood ninety-nine percent of what the God King's plans were, but he had no idea what the Runes he just deciphered led to, or the ultimate plans of the Reflections of the dead Primordial of Evil and Time.

That was ultimately his enemy, a dead Primordial whose Reflections refused to die with their owner.

Rowan grinned and began to laugh, it was a maniacal laugh that was filled with a hint of madness, "I have gone through so much suffering and trials to reach this point, I don't think you can even imagine it, and what do I find when I reached the gate of my nemesis, the unknown god who kept an Aegis of death around my throat for all of my life, I find a fucking God King, who could as well be a clown. Death did not do you any favors, Golgoth. You should have respected its call and gone to sleep for eternity. This game is beyond you."

As Rowan spoke, the sense of danger he was perceiving from the God King multiplied but it did not deter him, his voice did not waver, and the mockery in his tone could cut through diamonds. When he severed his consciousness from his body, he could no longer check the progress of his Third Dimensional evolution, but the more time he bought, the greater the chances of success.

"Golgoth, I'm curious, Is this the reason you want me to kneel? So in this instance, you can feel pride, something to soothe that broken ego of yours, in order for you to forget for a short while, that you are nothing but a fool, played like a fiddle by his brother."

The silence that came next was total and the God King slowly spoke, "And what makes you think you understand who I am? From where I sit, you are the joker and I am the victor. Your father fled like a rat, and the death of the universe is surely the end for you all for our preparation is completed and your wretched father has lost. He thought you could be our only path to success, yet I led you by the nose to come here, oh clever Rowan, and your words insult every last bit of regard I have for you."

Rowan spat, "You only found me by luck, you fucking clown and you know it." His words were filled with disdain, but it was possible to hear a hint of suspicion inside them, most would never detect it, but the God King was not most people, and inside he smiled.

"Little Welp, the moment you killed my slave Boreas, I already knew you were in Trion, or do you think you can hide from my gaze when you are inside my vault?"

Rowan went silent, and the God King continued, it was possible to hear a hint of satisfaction in his voice, "My problem was not capturing you or even killing you which would be easy. Oh, you don't think so?"

The God King without warning launched himself from his throne and landed on one of Rowan's consciousness, wrapping his legs around his waist like a lover, and the great helmet he wore tore open, revealing the face of Golgoth.

His appearance was that of a man with pale white skin and yellow eyes that were glassy like those of a corpse. Thick purple veins could be seen under his pale skin like worms, and for a moment he resembled a handsome statue made from alabaster, and then he opened his mouth and that image was shattered.

His mouth opened and kept opening like a crocodile until it almost seemed as if his head was about to be divided into two parts, and inside those dastardly maws were not teeth, but tentacles. Pink and slimy, a dozen of them surged from his mouth and covered Rowan's face, they were cold and smelled of decay.

The God King began to eat.

The tentacles ripped through Rowan's flesh like a hot knife through butter and before long the Golgoth was licking the floor, savoring every single drop of blood that was left.

His helmet snapped back together covering his face once more, and he returned to the throne, "Where was I again… yes, I told you my problem was not capturing you, what I was wary against was the plans of that trickster, for surely I knew he would not let his beloved possession leave his sight for long,"

Rowan seemed to be in shock, the faces of the remaining five consciousnesses were pale for they had felt the pain of ultimate eradication. Golgoth had devoured every single bit of that consciousness in a manner that should not be possible.

"What? Cats got your tongue? A moment ago you were so vocal about your disdain for me. What do you have to say now."

Rowan shook his head and whispered as if he was in shock, "You are a monster…"

The God King laughed aloud, "I am the darkness that has prowled through creation for many Eras, I am Golgoth, and my Will be done, now and evermore."

Rowan shook his head vehemently, "No, no…no, no, you don't understand what I mean. Even with all the advantages you have, what I see here is a man who is so afraid of his Reflection, that he is waiting to see what he does before he makes a move. Why did you take so long to attack me? What happened to your balls Golgoth? I am nothing but the tortured child of your better half, and your greatest accomplishment is to praise yourself before me."

"Stop it Rowan, or should I call you Romion, that is your true name, do you know that? I know you don't truly understand what is at stake here, how could you? Your fate has been nothing but shadows and every truth told to you was a lie."

The voice of Golgoth became lowered and he walked behind one of the consciousnesses of Rowan, and he placed his armored hand on his shoulders and whispered in his ears, "Indeed, I am afraid of your father. Only a fool would not be afraid of the one who can easily backstab his own kin and has no honor to speak of. There is nothing he cannot do, including using a child like you to get to me."

The sound of his helmet snapped open and Rowan heard him say, "I am hungry and you are so delicious, eating one of you would assuage my hunger for a while."

The God King did not stop after eating this consciousness, he turned to the next and devoured it, and when he was done, he wanted to return to his throne, but he turned around and devoured another consciousness, leaving three behind before he seemed to become satisfied.

The God King tapped the side of his throne, "You know something, a thought just occurred to me, that perhaps, you are here of your volition, and like me, you have been betrayed by your father, if that is the case, then there may be a path for you to survive and thrive. Our true father comes, Rowan, and before him, every knee shall bow."

The countenance of Rowan grew pale, this was not coming from the shock of being devoured. Everything finally clicked and he saw the glimpse of the truth, and the Rune finally made sense to him.

That Rune was a gate. A gate that led to the rebirth of Evil.

Golgoth whispered, "Our father cometh."

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