The Primordial Record - C.794 Building A New Forge

The Primordial Record

C.794 Building A New Forge

Maeve's powers should not have originated from this universe but from something far stranger. Rowan realized that his third hidden bloodline must be more special than he had once given it credit. If it was able to attract the Primordial Record, then it must have untapped potential.

Rowan took Maeve's hand in his two small hands and traced the lines of her palms in fascination,

"You are not a goddess but something else. Like Dominators mimicking the Supreme Circles of Empyreans, you are following a strange path. Yet it manages to hide itself so deeply that if I was not deliberately looking for it, I would not even notice the signs."

Maeve who was on her knees looked up in shock before shaking her head in self-deprecation, "After all the surprises you have given me, my lord, it still baffles me that every word you speak still leaves me in shock." She licked her lips and looked away to the side, before saying, "The answers to all your questions lie in the Seed of the Eld Tree. It would be better to hear the truth from your memories and those of your mother. I am nothing but a Drone, and my understanding of my powers and their origin is limited. What I know is that it would greatly shock you."

"Nothing shocks me anymore,' Rowan thought to himself while smiling at Maeve, "Do you know the reason I'm here?"

Maeve's eyes brightened, "War my lord, we finally crush the Great Deceiver and all his works. I don't know if you have looked through the details of my growth, you will be surprised at what I have been gathering."

"Yes, I have looked at the work of your hands, your newly birthed world is interesting, not like any planet in this universe, because like your power structure, it is strange and unknown to this universe, and it would save me a lot of labor in my plans if I can understand how it was made. You see, I need to evolve.

Maeve seemed to be deep in thought at what Rowan had just said, before bringing her hands up and calling out, "Wait, my lord… This is not even your final form?"

Rowan snickered, "No, it is not. Merely a small portion of my Light. I will need to evolve to bring out everything of me into the open, and with the death of the universe, I have no fear of being expelled because of my let say curious nature."

Rowan turned away from Maeve and looked at the skies of the universe, "However, the problem with this concept is that my enemies no longer fear the retaliation of the universe also, the great force keeping us in check are gone and every weapon that they had kept aside in fear of retaliation from it Will is no longer restricted. The coming period will be one of chaos, I need to be prepared."

Maeve slammed her hands twice on her chest, "My blade is yours my lord, no matter what is to come in the future. I shall be your shield my lord, everything of mine is yours, including this world."

Rowan's smile was bright, and the stars above seemed to sparkle brighter. He turned back to Maeve and urged her to stand on her feet, and he asked her,

"You said you don't understand the process by which this Minor world was created, right?" Rowan asked Maeve.

"No, I do not, the ascension of this world is a byproduct of the bloodline I have which was further magnified by the presence of your Incarnation inside my Territory. There are certain changes that I could not anticipate because I used your Incarnation to become a goddess."

Rowan bowed his head in thought for a whole before dismissing her, "That would be all, for now, Maeve, continue with your preparation, when I need you, I will call."

Maeve bowed and left, and Rowan closed his eyes in exasperation. Another new factor had entered the game, and he did not know if he would have the time to properly address it. His mother was turning out to be not just an ordinary Empyrean of Life as he once thought but something else.

It might just be possible that his father alone must not be the only one playing a long game concerning his destiny. The plans and the actions of his mother suggested the possibility that she might know more than she let on, her plans were just too elaborate.

Take for instance this Minor World born from Maeve's ascension to godhood. A marvelous event to be certain, but in the larger scheme of things, for a being of Rowan's power and potential, it was not too eye-catching.

However, what was troubling was that this planet's core had a property that could hide itself from the heavens. These properties extended from the core and surrounded the planet in a field of energy that hid it from the perception of anyone passing by.

If he had not been familiar with the position of this planet then he would have easily skipped by it, and by his calculations, if he stayed inside the Core of this planet and undergone his evolutions, the resultant phenomena that would arise from it would have been completely hidden from sight. He would no longer need to build a Forge because something of equivalent value had been placed here for him.

There was a great difference between hiding from sight, and hiding the energy of his evolution. This showed there was a clear design behind the upgrade of this planet, and it could not be a coincidence.

He tried not to rationalize how his mother might be able to know how he would need something like this in the future and also hid it all under the nose of his father, who was a Reflection of a Primordial, he was sure he would be getting those answers soon enough.

Rowan stroked the bark of the tree he had been resting against, 'This is all too convenient.'

He would like to believe in the unending love of his mother, and that every plan she had for him would be good, but he had not reached this far by trusting anyone else but his instincts and deduction.

It might be an extra burden for him to bear if he chooses not to follow the arrangements of his mother, she might have had to sacrifice a lot of resources for such a world to be created specifically for him, but if she truly loved her son, Rowan knew that she must understand the type of person he was. He was no longer accepting gifts with hidden intentions, he had learnt his lesson when he escaped the shackles of Chaos.

Rowan decided that he would not be using her ready-made Forge, but copying some of its principles that use energy and matter in a manner that he had not seen before.

This method was a completely alien way of utilizing energy that left him fascinated. As far as he could tell, nothing inside this universe or in any power structure he had come across, whether angelic, demonic, from the mages or the gods themselves uses energy in this manner.

Rowan spent the next forty-eight hours going through every portion of the Core of this planet and he barely took apart five percent of its total mysteries, but this had earned him so much new knowledge that he could reduce the materials needed for his Forge by twenty percent. This result stunned him, and he reevaluated the mysteries behind his mother.

However, he could not make more advancements because of time constraints, he would be taking apart the Core of this planet once he had access to more Consciousness Pillars, for now, it was time to begin building his Forge.


Seven hours later, Rowan stood above the clouds looking down on the planet. From afar his childlike body was lost in the immensity of the world below him and the millions of Spirit Guises that hovered below, but his presence could be felt like the sun on one's naked skin.

Maeve was just finishing rounding up, she had been clearing every single living thing on the planet, leaving only the trees.

They were rugged enough to withstand what was to come without suffering any unknown mutation, and they had the ability to soak up the energy of any form in a limited manner.

This content is taken from fr(e)ewebn(o)vel.𝓬𝓸𝓶

