The Divine Twilight's Return - C.480: Star, the Emergency Meeting (5)

The Divine Twilight's Return

C.480: Star, the Emergency Meeting (5)

Shocked by the turn of events, the Nine Heavens and other witnesses’ silence stretched on.


‘Isn’t that supposed to be impossible?!’

‘He dismissed the System’s settings just like that?!’

‘... Does he not care about Loki’s and Tiamat’s reputations?’

They were shocked for two main reasons. The first one revolved around the fact that the System had designated ‘Nastrond’ as a neutral zone, allowing all Celestials to come together today despite their complicated history with one another. If anyone tried to inflict harm on others here, the System would stop them.

However, Chang-Sun couldn’t seem to care less about it. As evidenced by the light pools that burst out several times earlier and the increased gravity around him, the System certainly attempted to impose penalties on him. Nevertheless, he still managed to kill Satan.

‘That shows how much stronger he has become...’

Chang-Sun crushing Satan was already unbelievable in itself, but he did it while under the effects of the System’s penalties. Just what level had he reached?


‘He’s already equal to a Celestial King now, not just a candidate!’

People reflexively turned to Tiamat. This meeting was already a historical occasion, marking Tiamat’s ascension to the rank of Celestial King, but Chang-Sun had created a bloodbath, disrespecting her.


Just as expected, Tiamat emotionlessly walked toward Chang-Sun with her hands clasped behind her back.


Pabilsag stood beside Tiamat and anxiously tried to talk her down. However, Tiamat didn’t listen to a word she said.

“You are aware that you will suffer great consequences for the bloodbath you started in a neutral zone and for disrespecting me and Loki, are you not?” Tiamat questioned.

“You finally got the position that you’ve been wishing for. Congratulations, Lady Tiamat,” Chang-Sun replied.

“... You don’t even care.”

Chang-Sun smiled faintly. “I trust you to make a good judgment.”

Tiamat dumbfoundedly chuckled, causing the expressions of the people watching her to subtly change. However, she soon turned away, her face devoid of emotion.

[The Celestial ‘Divine Twilight’ is under arrest for violating the neutral zone policy!]


Clink, clink!

The space around Chang-Sun undulated. Divine Steel chains flew out and wrapped around Chang-Sun’s limbs, causing the energy he was exuding to instantly disappear. Once more, he had been reduced to nothing more than a mortal.

[Total number of defendant’s disregarded reminders: 71.]

[Total number of defendant’s disregarded warnings: 42.]

[The defendant shall receive aggravated punishments due to the seriousness of his crimes.]

[The leaders in the neutral zone shall be the judges and deliver a verdict.]

[Transferring the defendant to the selected jail!]

Chang-Sun smiled leisurely as a pool of light slowly covered him. “I’ll see you later.”

When he disappeared, Tiamat shook her head in disbelief. “Perhaps it’s because he’s already gone through this before, but he isn’t even scared.”

For a Celestial, nothing would be more terrifying than getting their divine power and Authorities sealed. However, Chang-Sun didn’t seem to care one bit. Unfortunately, Tiamat had no way of knowing if it was an indication of his confidence in his abilities or his trust in her.

‘You idiot. I might deem you too dangerous and use this opportunity to purge you, you know.’

Tiamat clicked her tongue. She then turned to her youngest daughter, who appeared to have blanked out.

“Why are you still standing there like an idiot?” she snapped. “Follow me. We have a lot of work to do.”

“Pardon? Ah, y-yes!”

Pabilsag glanced at where Chang-Sun had been before quickly following Tiamat.

* * *

With both Chang-Sun and Tiamat gone, the turmoil slowly died down. The other Nine Heavens also returned to their accommodations and made calculations of their own, leaving behind the other Celestials with one question.

“What will happen to Twilight?”

They knew how terrifying Divine Steel restriction devices were. In fact, when a rumor about a <Society> coincidentally acquiring Divine Steel and making a relic out of it spread, all the <Societies> near them joined forces and attacked them. Divine Steel was a weapon and resource that could overthrow the balance of <Heaven>. Considering Chang-Sun was bound by chains made of that very material, they couldn’t help but wonder what decision Tiamat would make.

“... She’ll probably eliminate him,” one cautiously speculated, catching the other Celestials’ attention.

“Why do you think so?”


“Because... Twilight will become a problem in her reign. To be honest, although Michael was on her bad side, he did have a point.”

The other Celestials nodded in agreement. Chang-Sun was now officially the second in command in <Heaven>. He was Tiamat’s kingmaker and was influential within her <Society> too. Moreover, as the leader of <Muspelheim>, <Jotunheim>, and <Valhalla>, he had also established good terms with <Niflheim> and allied with <Olympus>. To top it all off, he had been working with <Horoscope>.

After defeating Taeul, Chang-Sun became the new Clear Heaven. No one among Tiamat’s children stood a chance against him now. As long as Tiamat was in power, Chang-Sun would have remained influential, but things had changed.

“Twilight used to be viewed as someone whom Lady Tiamat could overpower at any time, so he had never been seen as a threat. However, aside from the fact that he disgraced her, the way he crushed Satan earlier can be seen as an indication that he is now at her level.”

A monarch overlooked how much power their second-in-command had for as long as the monarch was confident that they could replace them at any time. Was Tiamat still confident that Chang-Sun wouldn’t try to aim for a higher position? No, would Chang-Sun have no problem with staying under her forever?

There was no knowing what would happen in the future. Tiamat’s and Chang-Sun’s interests would sooner or later oppose each other. Personal reasons could also cause a misunderstanding big enough to turn into a fight between them.

Since Michael and Satan, who had been working as the enforcers of the Worldline’s balance of power, had been eliminated, no one could mediate between Chang-Sun and Tiamat if they did engage in combat.

“The way Lady Tiamat looks at Twilight has recently changed.”

“Considering how powerful they are now, it is only natural for him to start treating him differently.”

“... Twilight’s excessive intoxication with his own power has likely put Lady Tiamat on alert.”

“What? If so...”

“He may not last long as her second-in-command.”

“That might be our chance to gain power ourselves.”

“We might be able to benefit from the conflict between Lady Tiamat and Twilight if it becomes more serious.”

The Celestials murmured among themselves, their eyes sparkling with the anticipation for their possible chance.

“You people are only looking at this situation from one angle,” someone sneered, killing the mood. When everyone turned to him, he continued, “Can’t you tell? This is his warning to us.”

“A warning...?”

The Celestials’ eyes widened.

“Yes. ‘Divine Twilight’ right now is no longer the mad dog he used to be in the last <Myth War>. Do you people still not see it despite everything you’ve witnessed?”

Everyone pursed their lips. Although they had forgotten about it due to the madness Chang-Sun had shown in the past, he had been very calculating ever since his resurrection.

“‘Divine Twilight’ made that risky move to warn us not to have any funny ideas. If we try to backstab them or benefit from the situation, he will come after us himself.”


“... He’s certainly capable of doing that.”

“So don’t make any rash moves even if you want to get something out of this situation. You’d likely just end up getting on their bad side and suffering for it.”

The Celestials reflexively turned to look at Simon Magus, who had just committed Celestial Cannibalism on Satan’s soul and was now <Transcending>. <Muspelheim> Fire Giants were around him, serving as his dharmapalas.


The Celestials gulped, realizing that they could end up like Satan if they got on Chang-Sun’s bad side. Even though Celestial Cannibalism was an ancient taboo, he had still done it. He clearly didn’t care about what other people thought.

If so, then they had to be careful. Nevertheless, the eyes of some of the Celestials were still gleaming, unable to let go of their lingering feelings. Looking at those people, Nemea, the one who warned them, scoffed.

‘This place is as stable as a sandcastle. Like Bestla and Odin, Twilight won’t last long either.’ Nemea narrowed his eyes at Bel-Marduk. ‘Bel-Marduk has to be aware of that too, yet he still joined Twilight’s side... I can’t tell what’s going on in his head. Should I really part ways with him?’

Nemea’s eyes filled with distrust as he watched Bel-Marduk.

* * *

Chang-Sun smiled faintly, pulling the chains connected to his shackles. “So this is what you have underground.”

Clink! Clink!

Every time the chains hit the links on the wall, loud metal sounds echoed in the dungeon of ‘Nastrond.’

Standing in front of Chang-Sun’s cell, J?rmungandr massaged his aching temple. “What in the world are you planning?”

His brother and father were already giving him more than his fair share of headaches already. Now, even Chang-Sun, whom he had believed to be rational, was behaving like them. It was driving him insane.

“You’re lucky Fa...ther finds what you’ve done amusing. I’m not sure you know, but that the public opinion of <Niflheim> about you isn’t good,” J?rmungandr sarcastically commented.

He silently criticized Chang-Sun for losing popularity despite his big talk about subjugating <Niflheim>. They likely felt as if he had disrespected them.

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun simply chuckled. “Does everybody really hate what I’ve done?”

“... What do you mean?”

“I think most of them feel good about it.”


“Am I wrong?” Chang-Sun prodded.

“... Are you aware of our culture?”

“Have you forgotten which <Societies> I’m leading?”

J?rmungandr let out a very long sigh. “It’s been tens of thousands of years since we’ve parted ways... yet all three <Societies> are still the same.”

The members of <Muspelheim> and <Jotunheim> loved Chang-Sun’s current ruthlessness. As natural-born warriors, Giants idolized people who firmly asserted their stances and claimed victories without caring about what others thought.

‘This must also be the reason those two <Societies> made so many enemies, which led to their downfall,’ J?rmungandr bitterly thought.

Stemming from the same root as those two <Societies>, <Niflheim> naturally wouldn’t be any different. Taking Loki’s and Fenrir’s unique personalities into consideration, Chang-Sun concluded that most of the <Niflheim> members would love what he had done.

“You’re right. They think it was wild, but there are still some who have issues about it.” J?rmungandr paused and quietly stared at Chang-Sun, adjusting his glasses as he sat on a chair. “More importantly, the ‘Divine Twilight’ I know always plans several moves ahead before taking action. That risky move you made was just another part of a plan in your mind, and Lady Tiamat noticed it and played along. Am I wrong?”

Smiling enigmatically, Chang-Sun looked at the prison cell across from his. Inside, Michael was hung on the stone wall like a crucified, blood-covered corpse.

“<Maleakhe> and <L’Infernal> have lost all their influence now, haven’t they?”

J?rmungandr frowned, suddenly having an ominous feeling. “That’s right.”

Michael flinched, responding to the conversation for the first time.

“They’re probably anxious about our next move. Since it’s all or nothing for them now, some of them might suggest starting a rebellion.” Chang-Sun smiled coldly. “Lady Tiamat and I are on the same page. We desire to eliminate the seed of <Extinction> itself before <Extinction> can even arrive.”

“That means...”

Chang-Sun nodded. “We’re going to go after Ubbo-Sathla instead of just waiting around for the Outer Celestial.”

J?rmungandr sprang to his feet. He had never heard anyone attempt to take down an Outer Celestial by attacking them.

“Naturally, we’ll need shields.”

“... You’re...”

Chang-Sun’s cold smile deepened. “That’s right. <Maleakhe> and <L’Infernal> will fill in for that role.”

