The Divine Twilight's Return - C.442: Star, Jotunheim (2)Mar 19, 2024

The Divine Twilight's Return

C.442: Star, Jotunheim (2)Mar 19, 2024

Chang-Sun’s question brought Sinmara great shock.

The primogenitor of all Giants, the terror of Celestials, the one on the Emperors’ watchlist, the first Celestial King, the hero of <Muspelheim>’s Fire Giants, the legend of <Jotunheim>’s Frost Giants, the one missed by <Niflheim>’s GIants...

Bestla had left many lasting marks in the universe, and many people had perished attempting to be like her. Odin was one of them. Through his direct involvement with Bestla, he became the new Celestial King but eventually suffered a tragic downfall.

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun had just declared that he would become the second Bestla.

[The proclamation of the new <Muspelheim> King has put <Heaven> in deep shock!]


[The <Maleakhe> Seraphim says that you are finally revealing your true colors, putting them on high alert!]

[The <L'Infernal> Demon Kings marvel at your bravery but remain vigilant!]


[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ bursts into laughter, saying that you two are going to be rivals since there can only be one Celestial King at a time!]

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ fidgets, unsure how to respond.]


[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ smiles bitterly, saying that the Great Universe will be in an uproar for a while.]

[The Celestial ‘Madness Infuser’ raises his glass, believing that he will be able to see bigger, prettier, and more magnificent explosions!]

[The Celestial ‘A Blacksmith in a Volcano’ raises his glass as well!]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ is having so much fun that he raises his glass too!]

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth's Connecting Wing’ also raises his glass high, finding this development fun!]


[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ coldly watches her siblings’ chaotic party.]

[The Celestial ‘Sun of Reason and Arts’ stands beside his siblings and quietly raises his glass!]

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ is shocked by the change in her rational brother.]

[The Celestial ‘Sun of Reason and Arts’ cautiously turns away from his sister’s eyes!]


[The Celestial ‘Tsunami Bringer’ says that although he respects your bravery, he disapproves of your intention because a human-born Celestial does not deserve the seat of the Celestial King.]

[The Celestial ‘Antlered Animal King’ says that he welcomes your challenge in high spirits.]

[The Celestial ‘Plague Monarch’ quickly prepares healing potions, worrying about your possible injuries.]


[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ narrows his eyes as he watches you!]

[The Society <Niflheim> monitors the activities of the Society <Muspelheim> out of concern!]

The Celestials had different reactions to the news. Having proclaimed themselves as the enforcers who maintained the Great Universe’s balance, <Maleakhe> and <L'Infernal> expressed their determination to stop Chang-Sun. Meanwhile, the reactions of the <Anti-Star> Alliance’s <Societies> differed according to their political position. Fortunately, the ones on good terms with Chang-Sun, like <Nammu> and <Olympus>, didn’t show hostility.

<Niflheim>, which J?rmungandr was affiliated with, seemed to be torn. The <Niflheim> Giants honored Bestla and took pride in the fact that they were her only surviving descendants. However, it had already been an eternity since Bestla had passed away. They had likely already changed a lot. Even their political ties were a lot different now. If Chang-Sun declared himself as the second Bestla and started a conquest, <Niflheim> would naturally be on high alert.

‘The news would polarize them and eventually intensify their conflict,’ Chang-Sun thought.

That was why <Niflheim> had to handle the matter with care. Still, Chang-Sun thought that it wouldn’t take long before they came to a decision.

‘They’ve been basking in Bestla’s glory, so they can’t spectate forever. They will have to make a decision sooner or later.’

J?rmungandr also expressed his concerns when Chang-Sun rebuilt <Muspelheim>, believing that Chang-sun was putting <Niflheim> in danger. In the end, he turned out to be right.

‘I have to rebuild <Jotunheim> and obtain the cooperation of <Niflheim> anyway,’ Chang-Sun thought. From his perspective, he was simply initiating his plan a lot sooner than he originally intended.

「... Seriously, master. You’re... Phew!」

It took quite a while, but Sinmara finally calmed down. She let out a deep sigh, her cheeks still rosy.

Despite still looking excited, she scowled at him anyway. 「Why do you keep announcing heavy news like that out of nowhere? Do you not care if you give other people heart attacks? Seriously!」

『He’s always like this. I’ve repeatedly told him not to do that and to discuss things like this beforehand, but he’s doing it again. Tsk!』Kali chimed in.

Sinmara nodded. 「I couldn’t understand you when you first nagged at him, but I do now!」

『I’m glad someone does.』

「You can say that again. This troublemaker must have made you go through a lot while you were traveling with him.」

『You wouldn’t be able to imagine it.』

「I respect you.」

『I am grateful for your understanding, great warrior of <Muspelheim>.』

Chang-Sun couldn’t say anything about the new yet deep friendship that suddenly formed between Sinmara and Kali. If he did, he would be under heavy fire.

「Anyway, do you even know the magnitude of what you’re saying right now?」Sinmara’s eyes shone as she scratched the back of her head.

Chang-Sun nodded. “Of course.”

「No, you don’t. Lady Tiamat revealing her desire to become a Celestial King was enough to create a disaster. You’ll create worse repercussions if you get King Bestla involved in this.」

“No, I know what I’m talking about,” Chang-Sun countered, dismissing Sinmara’s concern right away. “I’ve been thinking about it since I revived <Muspelheim>.”

「... I’m speechless.」Sinmara smiled bitterly. She then suddenly turned in the opposite direction, yelling,「Guys! What do you think?」

The Changgwi Cave opened up, and <Muspelheim> Fire Giants headed out of it, each one holding weapons that were as big as themselves. They looked menacing, but they were all laughing.

「Why are you asking the obvious, Chief?」

「You already know what our answer is!」



「Trample everything in our path and make everyone kneel and prostrate!」

「We’ll burn every mountain and split every ocean that stands in our way!」

「That is what King Bestla taught us!」

「That is what King Surtr believed in!」

「War! Of course, war!」

「Conquests! We naturally choose to conquer!」

Oorah! Oorah! Oorah!

Watching the Fire Giants agree to Chang-Sun’s plan with thunderous battle cries, Sinmara smiled bitterly. 「You know what the disaster Surtr created did to him.」

「A disaster? It was nothing! Besides, we’ve already been through it once, why not do it again?」

「If something goes wrong, our new king will do something about it anyway, isn’t that right, my king?」

「Right, my king?」

「My king?」

When all the Fire Giants looked at him, Chang-Sun smiled and nodded. “Of course.”


「God! I love our king’s guts!」

「What is there to be afraid of? We can just headbutt our enemies if anything happens, can’t we, Chief?」

Instead of answering the question, Sinmara closed her Past-Seeing eyes. Her memories with Surtur flashed before her, showing her the glorious days she had with her king and husband. However, it also made her relive her painful memories of facing <Extinction> with him.

Sinmara turned her attention to the present. To her surprise, she was given another chance after eternity. Her new king, whose capacity she initially doubted, proved inexorable as he marched. Now, he was about to surpass Surtr.

She didn’t know what was waiting for her new king at the end of the path since she didn’t have her Future-Seeing eyes. However, the future that she had seen from him before had been filled with darkness.

The future was never set for certain. The one that Sinmara had seen was merely a glimpse of a highly probable future among infinite timelines. Moreover, she had no means to get every detail about it, like what people should do to get that future or what was waiting for them beyond it. She didn’t even know what the darkness was. It could be another <Extinction>, but it could also be something so grand that not even she and the others could begin to fathom right now.

With so many thoughts flooding into her mind, Sinmara slowly opened her four eyes.‘Yes, they’re right.’

Sinmara didn’t expect to get another shot at life anyway. Rather than playing it safe, she decided to put all her efforts into chasing her dream. It wouldn’t matter if something were to go wrong since her new king had already told her and the others that he would take care of it. All they had to do was believe in him and march behind him, just like they had done long ago.

Badump! Badump!

Like a war drum, Chang-Sun’s heart and [Laevateinn] pounded.

[‘Laevateinn’ and the Fire Giants are resonating!]

Sinmara and the Fire Giants already knew what they had to do. They had done the same when Surtr lifted [Laevateinn].



They raised their feet and stomped on the ground. The reverberation they caused blended and multiplied with the echoes of [Laevateinn], shaking the entire Worldline.





As if their minds were connected, indescribable elation enveloped Chang-Sun and the Fire Giants. Hot gales fanned out in every direction as they heated up, scorching the ground they were standing on. Heat simmers rose as a circle of fire soared and bound Chang-Sun and the others together. fr eeweb novel

“Raise the flag!” Chang-Sun commanded.

The Fire Giant who always volunteered to lead raised his spear high.


Fire amassed around the spear and transformed into a red flag with various weapon symbols, including a sword, spear, shield, and bow.

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ purses his lips upon seeing the flag!]


[Witnessing what you are doing has stunned many <Horoscope> Star Signs!]

Chang-Sun’s enemies knew all too well what his action symbolized—the <Myth War>, the mayhem that had turned <Heaven> upside down. Chang-Sun declared the climax of the Second <Myth War> and his intention to complete what ‘Divine Twilight’ failed to finish!

[You have pulled out the ‘Bifrost’!]

Chang-Sun pulled out an artifact that he had forgotten when he had put it in the [King’s Treasury]. He then used it to open up a teleportation gate to a new Dungeon.


Beyond the wobbling teleportation gate, Chang-Sun could see a snowfield, a tall mountain, and raging blizzards.

“<Muspelheim>,” Chang-Sun solemnly said, staring at the place. “Onward!”

「March―!」Sinmara shouted at the top of her lungs.

Boom, boom, boom!

Like a war drum announcing an army’s advance, Chang-Sun’s heartbeats and the Fire Giants’ footsteps mixed once more, resulting in thunderous reverberations.

Boom, boom, boom!

「Everyone, march!!!」

「Let’s go!」

「Crush everyone!」

Chang-Sun strode forward, and one after another, the Fire Giants followed him into the gate.

This content is taken from 𝐟𝗿𝐞𝐞𝘄𝐞𝗯𝐧𝗼𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝐦

