The Creatures That We Are - C.369: Pride TelekinesisMar 30, 2024

The Creatures That We Are

C.369: Pride TelekinesisMar 30, 2024

Green Tea, standing in the middle of the bus, kicked the door, while Old Seven, in the back of the bus, threw himself at the window.

Something strange happened then.

Green Tea had almost folded the door with his kick, yet it didn’t open, and Old Seven had failed to break the window.

None of that should happen given the physical strength granted from awakening.

With a shout, Gray Bear leapt up and quickly transformed into a large, strong bear, swinging a punch at the large windshield of the bus.


The glass shattered into pieces, but they didn’t fall.

The glass shards remained connected in the shape of the windshield, as if a layer of transparent barrier was holding them together.

“Shit!” Old Seven cursed, shooting air bullets at the window with his now recovered arms.

It didn’t work. The glass shattered, but created no opening.

“Seems like a barrier of sorts,” said Lithe Snake.

“The ride! The ride is coming!” Citrus shouted. Above them, the rollercoaster train speeding toward them went off the rail with a loud clang, flying toward the bus.

Gao Yang could tell where it would land.

“To the back!” Gao Yang shouted. “Shield us from the front, Gray Bear!”

They rushed to the back of the bus.

Gray Bear had full trust in his captain. Having transformed into a bear, he opened his arms and stood at the midsection of the bus, acting as a shield for his companions.

Both hands pressing into the rear windshield of the bus, Gao Yang took a deep breath and activated Teleportation.


His figure blurred and flickered, like poorly transmitted footage.

The glass should have shattered, but it wouldn’t be so easily broken with the entire bus sealed in place.

With Teleportation, Gao Yang managed to push the bus back for two meters.


The roller coaster train fell down diagonally and crashed into the bus. The barrier sealing the bus vanished all of a sudden.

Originally, the train should’ve gone through the middle of the bus, but with Gao Yang’s effort, it ended up slamming into the head.


The giant bear who had become as hard as a boulder stopped the head of the roller coaster train with his hands, pushing himself to offset the remaining momentum.

He only managed to hold on for three seconds.

However, that was enough time for Gao Yang to shatter the window after the barrier was gone, allowing everyone to jump off the bus.

When Gao Yang grabbed Ronnie and Can and teleported out of the bus, Gray Bear could no longer hold on.

Like an enormous serpent, the roller coaster train slammed through the bus with tremendous power and shot out of the tail of it, sending Gray Bear flying tens of meters into a short building, toppling it.

Gao Yang was worried. Although Gray Bear would surely live given his high defense, he must have been seriously injured, out of commission in the short term.

Everyone was still reeling from the near death experience.

“Help him!” Gao Yang shouted.

Green Tea shot his teammate a look, “Rain River!”

“I got it!” Rain River rushed into the now ruined building with her medicine kit.

“Watch out, the enemy is here,” Heavenly Dog warned with a wariness to his usually lazy tone.

They all turned to follow his gaze. Twenty meters from them, on the brightly and colorfully-lit merry-go-round sat a petite woman wearing a purple princess dress and a classy cocktail hat. And she was holding a teddy bear.

One would assume her to be an innocent little girl judging by her outfit alone.

When Gao Yang got a clear look of her face, the starkly different appearance left a strong impression.

She was extremely old. The skin of her face dangled from her skull, the wrinkles deep like valleys. And her facial features looked like those of a wax sculpture melting under high heat.

“You’re finally here,” she said, her hoarse voice paradoxically pure like a little girl’s, further compounding the eeriness of the situation.

“You’re...a pride monster?” Gao Yang asked coldly. “A shadowstalker?”

The old woman floated down from the merry-go-round without actually touching the ground, hovering over the blood fog.

She looked even smaller and frailer in a standing position. She seemed to be around 140 centimeters tall.

“Surnamed Tong, no first name. I’m the youngest. Everyone calls me Tong Tong.”

She spoke like a child despite her age, smiling as she looked at them—if that could even be considered a smile. “My ability is Pride Telekinesis.”

Pride Telekinesis—she could move objects with her mind!

Gao Yang’s heart pounded as he quickly racked his brain for a solution. All the while, he asked with a composed look on his face, “What do you want?”

“Let’s dance, big brothers and big sisters.”

She raised the teddy bear in her hand while holding up her princess dress, twirling. freew(e)

She looked so innocent and joyous that it was as if she was truly here to attend a ball thrown in a fairytale.

Suddenly, the air around Gao Yang became heavy and oppressive, and the sky and earth began to distort. The others also sensed the same pressure.

The large rides in the amusement park lifted into the air, including the smashed bus and roller coaster train. Instantly, it seemed like the whole amusement park was weightless, the only exceptions being the awakeners and Tong.

Then the large rides started spinning without rhyme or reason, hiding killing intent in the seemingly random movements.

With keen senses, Gao Yang could immediately detect the minute change in the air.

“Watch out!”

He teleported to Old Seven to whisk him away. Half a second later, the pirate ship slammed into where Old Seven had been.

Missing its mark, the distorted pirate ship took flight again and spinned, joining the other rides in the chaotic dance.

Large objects continued to fly toward the awakeners.

Their formation was completely broken as they were forced to jump around to flee, as if they were trying to survive a meteor shower.

Soon, the first victim was claimed. Having witnessed it, Old Seven cursed out in rage.

Gao Yang no longer had the attention to spare for other people. He, Nine Frost, Heavenly Dog, and Lithe Snake were the most agile of the group, and they started moving.

Jumping between the hovering rides, Lithe Snake quickly took cover behind the swinging hammer.

When the hammer drew near Tong, he shot three throwing knives at the dancing pride monster, but the knives were stopped by telekinesis one meter from Tong before falling down.


The throwing knives were only distractions though, and Lithe Snake appeared right above Tong, bringing the sharp shortsword in his hand down on Tong’s head.

But the same thing happened. He was forced to stop a meter away from her.

Lithe Snake’s chest tightened, feeling a powerful will overwhelming him. No matter how hard he tried, the blade refused to go an inch closer.

Tong stopped dancing, albeit unwillingly.

She looked up at Lithe Snake, who had tried to ambush her. Her drooping lips curved into a mischievous, mocking smile.

“Bad brother, you shouldn’t do that.”

She extended her right hand and balled it into a fist lightly.

Lithe Snake cried out in pain, the shortsword falling from his grip as an invisible force closed around him like a giant’s hand, breaking many of his bones and compressing his internal organs. He might as well be an ant about to be crushed by the giant.

“Spatial Dissection.”

Midair, Heavenly Dog had flown quietly to Tong’s blindspot, activating his Talent at her.

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