The Creatures That We Are - C.348: Mysterious EnergyMar 20, 2024

The Creatures That We Are

C.348: Mysterious EnergyMar 20, 2024


The door slammed open, and Fresh Snow, wearing gauze pajamas, rushed in shouting, “Gao Yang!”

She jumped onto the bed and held onto Gao Yang, radiating joy. In his weakened state, Gao Yang couldn’t take the enthusiastic greeting at all and ended up tackled to the bed with a shout.

Fresh Snow nuzzled his chin with her head. “You’re awake, Gao Yang! I’m so happy!”

“Gentle, Fresh Snow...”

Gao Yang swallowed a cry and sat up with difficulty. Still holding onto his neck, Fresh Snow turned to Spring and snapped, “You’re not hurting him!”

White Dew sauntered into the room soon after with a gentle, alluring smile on her face.

“What’s going on, White Dew?” Spring asked with visible confusion. “This boy isn’t going to be my son-in-law? You lied to me! I’m the patriarch of the family!”

White Dew gave him an apologetic smile. “If I hadn’t lied, Master Spring, you wouldn’t have agreed to save him.”

“No one’s hurting Gao Yang! Not even Master Spring!” Fresh Snow let go of Gao Yang and arched her back, baring her teeth at Spring.

After a few seconds, Spring shook his head resignedly and let out a long sigh. “You’ve grown up and gotten rebellious.”

“Master Spring,” White Dew said gently. “This human boy saved Fresh Snow after all, and he’s half a ghost now. Even if he doesn’t join us, there’s no reason for us to kill him as long as he doesn’t turn against us.”

Spring turned back to Gao Yang, feeling regretful.

Indeed, he could sense the energy of a Spectre from the awakener. Otherwise he would’ve killed him then and there when White Dew carried him back three days ago. freeweb(n)

He had thought the Spectres would finally welcome another member, but it seemed that it had been his wishful thinking.

Spring sighed again and slowly walked out of the room with his hands behind his back.

“Master Spring,” White Dew pressed. “Have you decided to let him go?”

Spring waved a hand without turning around. “I’ll let him off the hook this time for Fresh Snow’s sake, but the next time we meet, we’ll be enemies.”

He closed the door, leaving Fresh Snow, White Dew, and Gao Yang in the room.

Fresh Snow happily held onto Gao Yang, nuzzling his chin nonstop.

Gracefully, White Dew went up to the bed while lifting the hem of her dress, sitting down on the chair Spring had been seated in and leveling Gao Yang with a calm gaze. “I know you must be in a hurry to return to the White Lake Hotel, Gao Yang.”

Gao Yang stayed silent. She knew about the White Lake Hotel.

“Don’t worry. The awakeners haven’t run into any great danger yet. You might as well wait till the day breaks before leaving. It’s going to be safer.”

Gao Yang still didn’t say anything.

White Dew leaned in and crossed her legs, resting her clasped hands on her dress-covered thighs. “Listen carefully to what I’m going to say.”

“Fresh Snow did eat you, but she stopped halfway, and you miraculously survived. It’s a first for a ghost and their prey.”

White Dew smiled bitterly. If she had a choice in feeding on people without killing them, she would opt for that, too, but she didn’t. Now that her sister was given the choice though, she saw it as the rare fortune it was.

White Dew stared at Gao Yang, scrutinizing him. “Don’t think of it as you being lucky enough to live, though. The real reason you survived was the part of Fresh Snow’s curse that flowed into your body.”

“Curse?” Gao Yang noted the key information.

“We ghosts are each born with a curse. It empowers us and grants us special ability, and it gives us our second form.”

Second form?

Gao Yang put two and two together immediately. Fresh Snow could turn into a cat, and White Dew could turn into water. Those must be their second forms.

“Of course, the curse comes with a heavy price.” White Dew’s eyes glinted with frustration. “It can claim our lives without any warning.”

Gao Yang started. That would be as good as a timebomb. Do I have one in my body as well?

“Now, you have part of Fresh Snow’s curse. The good thing is you may be granted the ability of the curse and become stronger. The bad thing is you may die any moment.”

“Understood.” Gao Yang accepted it readily. Compared to getting eaten by Fresh Snow, each day he lived would now be a gift to him.

“Why did you tell me all this?”

Gao Yang was curious. Spring had the right idea. There was no peace between awakeners and Spectres.

To a Spectre, it was the right thing to do to kill Gao Yang. Even if the Spectres didn’t kill him, Gao Yang could end up coming after the Spectres with other awakeners.

“What else can it be?” White Dew smiled wryly. “My silly little sister treasures you.”

“We’re good friends! Sister, you don’t get it!” Fresh Snow interjected proudly.

“Yeah, yeah. I don’t get it,” White Dew said with fondness. “Leave as soon as the sun comes up, Gao Yang. We’ll be enemies going forward. Still, I wish for you to live longer. After all, Fresh Snow is relying on you as her long-term food supply.”

Why, thank you!

So you’ve spared me for Fresh Snow. That makes much more sense.

Gao Yang nodded. “I’ll be off by daylight.”

White Dew slowly rose to her feet. “Master Spring has prepared human food for you. Come out and have some if you’re hungry. Comes morning, Waking Insects will see you off.”

—Activate Lie Detection.

White Dew didn’t lie, and her stance was neutral, neither benevolent nor malevolent.

It wasn’t a trap then.

Waking Insects must be a Spectre too. In total, Gao Yang now knew the name of four Spectres. It seemed that they were named after the 24 solar terms. Gao Yang filed the information in his head.

White Dew left the room. Having recovered basic mobility, Gao Yang stroked Fresh Snow’s head. “Wait for me outside, Fresh Snow. I’ll be right there.”

“Don’t wanna,” Fresh Snow said petulantly.

“Come on.”

“Alright.” Fresh Snow jumped off the bed and went up to the door. Then she suddenly turned around and added with a beam, “I bought spam, your favorite!”

“Spam is best pan-fried,” Gao Yang said with a smile.

Fresh Snow’s eyes twirled around. “Then I’ll have Master Spring fry it for you!”

Don’t. I’m worried that Master Spring would kill me in a fit of anger for making demands.

Gao Yang didn’t voice his worry.

He waited a while after Fresh Snow closed the door. Then he closed his eyes.

[Access granted.]

[You have acquired 410 Luck points.]

—Check my status screen.

[Constitution: 21 Endurance: 32]

[Strength: 613 Agility: 910]

[Willpower: 582 Charisma: 411]

[Luck: 565]

—Holy shit! That’s bad!

—Although I’ve guessed that my stats would drop after getting fed on by Fresh Snow, my Constitution and Endurance almost hit rock bottom! And my other stats have decreased significantly as well.

—System, this isn’t permanent, is it?

[It is permanent.]

—It is my blood and soul that I’ve lost!

[Moreover, there is now a mysterious energy inside your body.]

—Must be the curse from Fresh Snow. Can I look it up?

[Information unavailable. You must trigger it first.]


[Please find the answer on your own.]

—Again with the infinite loop.

—Use all my Luck points to get my Constitution and Endurance up first.

[Constitution: 226 Endurance: 237]

[Strength: 613 Agility: 910]

[Willpower: 582 Charisma: 411]

[Luck: 565]

[Access ends.]

Gao Yang took a deep breath, feeling his energy slowly imbuing and strengthening his body.

Two minutes later, his pale face gained some color, and his weakness and exhaustion subsided somewhat.


The door opened. Fresh Snow popped her head in. “The spam is done! Master Spring said he wanted you to reconsider marrying into the family again. What does he mean?”

Gao Yang suppressed an eyeroll. Again with that?

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