I was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but that World is at Peace (WN) - C.1776: Intermission: The King and the Savior ④Feb 20, 2024

I was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but that World is at Peace (WN)

C.1776: Intermission: The King and the Savior ④Feb 20, 2024

The sourc𝗲 of this content is 𝐟𝗿𝐞𝐞𝘄𝐞𝗯𝐧𝗼𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝐦

Nearly 20,000 years had passed since she encountered Shalltear, but Pandemonium remained empty. Even though she remained unchanged, the world and the current state of things changed.

Order was created in the Demon Realm, and the terms "Six Kings" and "Peerage Rankings" became common knowledge, and the Treaty of Friendship was signed between the three realms.

Pandemonium's station had changed, as she became the Chief Information Manager of the Symphonia Kingdom, and she began working as a maid at the royal castle under her real name, Illness, which she had never used since the day she met Shalltear.

However, her heart has not changed. She continues to live a devoted life, asking nothing in return.

[Illness! Listen to me! I won second place in the martial arts competition!!! Well, I lost to Sieg in the finals but I will definitely win the next one!]

When the princess Lilianne, who she has taken care of since she was a child, told her so, she responded with an answer that followed through her standard. Praising a person who did her best with a smile is right Giving such a response doesn't satisfy Illness, but it does satisfy Lilianne. In that case, such a response is right.

[Please, Illness! I know how to behave as a Duchess to a certain extent, but I have no idea how to teach servants or anything like that Most of the people who said they'd follow me are former knights, and there's no one else who understands what it's like being a maid!]

Seeing Lilianne asking this to her while rubbing her head against the ground, Illness thought that "If she was asking so desperately, considering her request would be right".

And thus, she confirmed this with her King, Shalltear. She thinks that making a decision on her own isn't right.

Whether Shalltear accepts having relocated or not doesn't matter to her. She would just continue to walk the path indicated by others, going according to her standards

It was four years later that a turning point came to such an empty, desireless Illness.

Gathering all the servants, the head of the mansion, Lilianne now Lilia, strongly declared. The first male guest in the mansion is a valued guest of Lilia, and she does not allow any harm to come his way

However, her words didn't reach Illness' ears. She just kept her gaze at the male guest Miyama Kaito.

Her eyes, which were always unfocused, focused on him, staring at him as if she were devouring his being.

Seeing a being she felt was beautiful for the first time in her life Kaito, a certain emotion welled up in her heart.

(I want to see iiiiiiit. Not that anxious expression on his faaaaace, but a smiiiiile I want to see him smiiiiile. I want to see him with a happy expression on his faaaaaace.)

After having devoted herself to others for a long time, it was the first time "she had desired something". She wanted him to be happy, she didn't want him to have such a sad expression on his face She desired Kaito's happiness.

It brought about a dramatic change to Illness. Wanting to serve Kaito, she took it upon herself to be his personal maid. She worked behind the scenes to help him adjust to the mansion as quickly as possible.


[Pandemonium, here is your new mission. Gather as much information as possible about the otherworlder residing in the mansion, Miyama Kaito, and report to me with as much detail as possible.]

[I refuuuuuse.]

[What did you say?]

[As I recaaaaall, Shalltear-sama had told me this back theeeeen. That I have "the freedom to disobey youuuuuu". If that's the caaaaase, I will use such freedom right heeeeeere.]

If she were to be honest, Shalltear was a little surprised by those words. After all, Illness, who had never once complained or even looked displeased since she became her subordinate, clearly refused the mission given to her.

She was too obedient of a person. But now, she could clearly feel her strong intent to reject her command.

[Do you mind if I ask the reason why?]

[I don't haaaaave any particular reasoooooon. It's just thaaaaaat I am now putting priority on Kaito-samaaaaa over Shalltear-samaaaaa. Disrespectful it may beeeeee, from now ooooon, my actions will now prioritize Kaito-samaaaaaa.]

[I see, you've found him. The one you dedicate your devotion to.]


Seeing Illness decisively answering her, a small smile appeared on Shalltear's lips.

[I see, it can't be helped then. I will just prepare other means.]

[What will be my punishmeeeeeent?]

[There's none of that. You were justly exercising the rights I gave you, so I have no reason to condemn you. I will only tell you one thing Congratulations.]

After saying that she wouldn't punish Illness for disobeying her instructions and congratulating her, Shalltear lightly waved her hand and disappeared.

As she watched Shalltear leave, Illness simply gave her a deep bow. (f)reenovelkiss

Was it because she happened to talk to Kaito about her past? While cleaning his ears, Illness remembered her past interaction with Shalltear Alice.

Feeling that things really would change when one changes

[Kaito-samaaaaa, do you have any plans after thiiiiis?]

[Eh? No, nothing in particular.]

[I'm almost done cleaning your eaaaaaars If Kaito-sama doesn't mind thooooough, won't you stay in this position for a little while longeeeeeer?] 𝓯𝙧𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝙗𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝓬𝙤𝙢

[Eh? Ah, n- no, I'm alright with it but errr, there's a possibility that I'll get too comfortable and doze off]

[That would be fiiiiiiine. In that caaaaase, I'll wake you up when it's dinner tiiiiiime.]

The current situation was completely different from when she was told she desired nothing from others, never expecting anything from them, as she now naturally expresses her own desires. Of course, she does still feel confused, not having fully adapted to her own changes yet.

But even so, Illness doesn't dislike the person she is now. She loves Kaito from the bottom of her heart Situations like the one they are in now, where they are together and she can wholeheartedly devote herself to him make her incredibly happy, and being sought after for something makes her delighted.

(Howeveeeeer, this seemingly endless desires is rather troubliiiiiiing. It also feels distressiiiiing, repeatedly asking Kaito-sama to grant my wisheeeees. It would be great if I could give something in retuuuuuurn)


Serious-senpai : [That was a good story. My understanding of Illness has deepened Alright, let's move on to the next arc! We can, like, start the next chapter a few days away, at noon or something!]

? ? ? : [Oya? The fact that Senpai's raising a flag means]

Serious-senpai : [I didn't mean to raise any flags though!?]

