I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World - C.329 - 229: Unexpected Changes [Extra]

I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

C.329 - 229: Unexpected Changes [Extra]

Chapter 329: Chapter 229: Unexpected Changes [Extra]


Translator: 549690339

The chain shield in front of him emitted bizarre ripples, like a cracked glass jar about to be smashed.

Daniel Thompson desperately tried to dodge, but it was useless. The ones blocking him in front had already been annihilated, and no matter how he tried to flee, he was always locked on.

At least 500 war beasts had targeted him now; there was no way out.

Harrison Clark noticed the situation and wanted to help, but it was impossible. Even Harrison’s ultimate battle armor couldn’t charge in front of such firepower and help him withstand the damage.

A calm smile spread across Lion’s face as he pointed at Chen Feng and cursed, “F**k you, dumbass! If you don’t eventually escape, I’ll die a pointless death!” Harrison Clark: “…”

Daniel Thompson laughed again, “Well, being valued like this, I’ll die with dignity. I am worthy of the title of the strongest human instructor!” While maintaining a brave front, Daniel thought to himself: “I can’t bow my head, or my crown will fall. As a Tiger Instructor, I represent the confidence of human Eagle Strike Warriors. If it’s not necessary to die, I’ll avoid it; but if I must die, I’ll die standing!”

In the next instant, the shield shattered with a bang, and Daniel was engulfed in a pillar of light formed by various energy weapons.

As the light pillar disappeared, there was nothing left in the void, as if he had never existed.

Accompanied by Daniel’s death, the fierce battle between the 970,000 Black Light War Beast Legion and the remaining 60,000 Eagle Strike Warriors suddenly experienced a strange short pause.

The human warriors seemed to have suddenly lost their goal to fight for.

As for the Black Light War Beasts, they had already achieved their goal and seemed to require a brief adjustment before deciding on their next course of action.

Harrison Clark was also momentarily lost in thought.

He hadn’t expected that Daniel would be targeted and eventually die because of the impersonation.

It was too cruel, really too cruel.

But Harrison wasn’t particularly sad. He’d learned from this mistake and would definitely not raise Daniel’s status so high next time; he really couldn’t withstand so much praise.

I was wrong!

Well, it wasn’t the first time that Daniel has died prematurely, so one could just get used to it.

Harrison Clark’s ability to adjust his mood was truly unparalleled. The pause lasted for less than 0.2 seconds, and the battle resumed.

Harrison found that the atmosphere on the battlefield had subtly changed Even with the encouragement of “Self-Combustion,” the actions of other warriors had unknowingly slowed down, and the rate of casualties increased. Although Daniel had not brought disgrace to the title of humanity’s number one instructor until his death, he had eventually died, greatly shaking the human army’s morale.

If this continues at the current pace, the remaining 60,000 Eagle Strike Warriors might not last more than five minutes.

Although Nora Camp’s side had just achieved a massive victory, the road to victory was still infinitely far away. If they don’t receive assistance from the Eagle Strike Warriors, their total annihilation is also a matter within five minutes.

Harrison briefly pondered, then unleashed a wave of attacks, slaughtering more than 60 Black Light War Beasts, creating a short-lived vacuum for thousands of miles around him, before quickly completing the replacement of the backup energy source.

Then he opened the army-wide broadcast, speaking just one sentence.

“I am Harrison Clark, and all of the ‘Tiger Style Course’ came from me. Daniel Thompson was the spokesperson I pushed forward. As long as I don’t die, the Eagle Strike Warriors will eventually have the same strength as me!” After saying this, he expanded his hunting range again and tore apart every war beast that appeared before him with an even wilder demeanor.

At the same time, he opened his combat scene to short-range communication and full-channel quantum network live streaming.

With lightning speed, he annihilated more than 20 Black Light War Beasts.

At the same moment, all humans and radium witnessed his terrifying strength, saw his face, and understood all his achievements so far.

Times hit: zero.

Black Light War Beasts destroyed: 2,674.

He used this method to announce his return to this timeline in its entirety.

It came late, but it finally arrived.

The intense battlefield welcomed a new silence.

It seemed that not only humans were digesting Harrison’s record, but even radium was also shocked.

What a terrifying record!

In the hearts of countless people, he even seemed more like a killing machine than radium.

Can humans really be this terrifying?

On the Venus battlefield, Needham Brown, temporarily resting behind the frontlines, glanced at his record.

Times hit: five.

Black Light War Beasts destroyed: 177-Needham Brown clenched his fist, remaining silent.

At first, the humans were in an uproar.

But in an instant, it turned into roaring thunder!

Not only were the warriors in this battlefield inspired, but also the soldiers on all the battle lines of the Freedom Front, who had been overwhelmingly at a disadvantage and might collapse at any moment, suddenly regained their will. Hold on! We must hold on!

As long as we wait for Harrison Clark to escape, he will teach us, and we really have the day approaching him!

By then, we can also tear Black Light War Beasts in our hands like crushing pigeon eggs!

Nora Camp anxiously shouted in a private communication channel: “What are you doing? How can you broadcast your information openly on the quantum network? Radium knows now!”

Harrison Clark smiled casually, “So what if she knows? She has already initiated a full-scale war, and our people are retreating step by step. We are doomed. Hiding any longer has lost its value as a trump card.”

Nora Camp: “This…”

“Maybe you don’t understand my mindset. Okay, I did sacrifice something. Maybe for the next eight months, I will be hunted down by radium, but it doesn’t matter. I have confidence to survive until that day. Maybe by then, I can take advantage of the war between the clams and the fisherman, and do more things.”


It s too complicated to explain, just focus on the battlefield.”

Harrison Clark converged his mind and prepared to launch a new slaughter.

Suddenly, the situation changed again.

The Black Light War Beast Legion, which had been attacking frantically, retreated inexplicably like a tide.

In the distance, the Triangular Battleship Array, which was fighting fiercely with the human fleet, also retreated quickly and left the battlefield.

Harrison Clark looked astonished, “What’s going on?”

One minute later, the remaining more than 960,000 Black Light War Beasts retreated back to the Armed Transport Ships.

The transport ships ignited quickly, bursting out the true power of their built- in curvature engines and flew towards Earth at an extremely fast speed.

The Triangular Battleship Fleet left even faster.

Not long ago, the extremely fierce battlefield had suddenly cooled down, leaving only the destroyed battleships, Hawk Armors, and Black Light War Beasts still burning in space, and even more space debris that would float eternally in space if no one picked them up.

Harrison Clark looked bewildered.

What happened next left him even more bewildered.

“Harrison Clark? Who are you?”

He heard an electronically synthesized female voice in his own private channel.

This voice sounded… incredibly familiar.

His Hawk Armor’s intelligent system instantly recognized the owner of this voice.


However, Harrison Clark wanted to say another word.


His Hawk Armor’s intelligent system played another voice message to facilitate comparison for Harrison Clark.

“Humans, I am Radium.”

Comparing the two voices, Harrison Clark noticed obvious differences.

One hundred years ago, that voice was pure electronic female sound without any resemblance to Carrie Thomas’s voice and absolutely cold and emotionless.

But the voice he heard now was that of Carrie Thomas. It seemed cold on the surface, but there was a very subtle tremor at the end of the voice.

Had Harrison Clark not been extremely proficient in acoustics and music with the extremely keen emotional sense of Galactic Humans, he could hardly hear the difference.

Harrison Clark stared at the position where Lion had been not far away, completely stunned.

Whether it was due to physical exhaustion or the sudden influx of information in his mind, he couldn’t tell. He spread his arms weakly, allowing his body to drift slowly in the universe like a zombie until it overlapped with Daniel Thompson’s previous location.

He was utterly at a loss.

Nora Camp was also completely bewildered.

She thought she was destined to die in battle today, but Radium’s army retreated too suddenly and without reason.

When a clever intelligence officer suddenly reported to her in ecstasy that because Radium wanted to hide the War Beast Legion and did not carry out resource transfer, the bio-batteries produced in the space station this month were still lying quietly in the major storage warehouses of the space station, she was even more bewildered.

