I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World - C.325 - 226: Brother Feng’s Mighty Power [More Updates]

I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

C.325 - 226: Brother Feng’s Mighty Power [More Updates]

Chapter 325: Chapter 226: Brother Feng’s Mighty Power [More Updates]

Translator: 549690339

Following her command, 7800 human battleships swiftly increased their speed and adjusted their angle, silently slipping into a stream of particle solar wind that blew from the sun behind them.

Under the double cover of the transmission energy field and particle solar wind, the human fleet – like assassins in the darkness – approached the transport fleet that was peacefully adjusting their formation, with murder in their hearts, but without making a sound.

At 3215 kilometers, the formations began to disperse, spreading like a large net.


Even closer!

“Increase speed! Full charge! Disable transmission energy field, activate triple energy shield! All K5 ray main guns charge! Start pumping neutron stream into all 191 heavy nuclear missiles!”

The human fleet, which had been lurking, finally burst into dazzling light across the cosmos, like raindrops.

Under Nora Camp’s precision control, the various hues emanating from the 7800 battleships combined to form a large light umbrella.

The Giant Wave flagship was located directly in the center of the umbrella, while the remaining nearly a thousand battleships of the Giant Wave Vertical Team hung behind the flagship, forming the handle of the umbrella.

At this moment, the umbrella’s handle was behind and the face was up front, charging directly along a delicate curve!

The radium battlecruisers which were in charge of the outermost security didn’t raise any alarms; instead, they began to stealthily turn their hulls to face this direction.

The transport ships, which had just established their propulsion formations, began another series of transformation, where some of the transports spread outward and then extended their metal wings, linking together in pairs to shield even more transports inside.

This was Radium’s classic space defense formation, sacrificing a small number of warships to save the majority.

A natural, inherent sacrifice, devoid of dispute or hesitation.

Such was the essence of Radium’s combat style. It didn’t need to inspire morale like humans did, neither did it need to issue commands, detect anomalies, strategize, face the enemy, defend, or escape.

All of these decisions were made in an instant, and yet each time, they managed to perfectly control the situation, inflicting heavy damage on the human side with minimal losses.

Silent, deadly, indifferent, ruthless, precise, efficient…

Such was the warfare style of Radium.

“Overload power engines! Radium chose to hold on! They’re rallying for reinforcements! Giant Wave Vertical Team, overload engine to 50%! Continue accelerating!”

Nora Camp, emotionless, issued another command.

The Giant Wave Vertical Team at the center began to stand out from the crowd; the handle of the umbrella was like a suddenly thrusted sword, aiming directly at the center of the enemy’s transport fleet’s defensive formation!

By now, the Radium fleet began to charge their energy and prepare to open a large battlefield multi-protection shield that consumes a high amount of energy!

Faint rings of light appeared around the Radium fleet, spreading out like ripples in water.

But they were a step too late!

“Activate all Vertical Team High Frequency Gamma Interference Emitters! Use it for ten seconds! K5 Ray Main Gun, Fire! Launch all Nuclear Missiles! No holding back!”

Nora Camp initiated a preemptive strike with all her might, with the ray main gun and nuclear missiles being launched one after another.

Under the influence of the gamma interference emitters, the charging momentum of the enemy ships slowed down.

Then, the main gun rays briefly penetrated the enemy battlecruiser’s not-yet- fully-charged composite shield, hitting the hull, either piercing it or exploding in a dazzling display of fireworks.

The nuclear missiles followed closely, the turbulent particles from their explosions resembling miniature stars exploding.

Although the radium battlecruisers were better equipped, faster at recharging their weapons, having more penetrative power to the shields, their defense shields performed better, and their mobility was superior. However, the humans carried out a surprise attack, seizing the initiative. The disparity in military strength between the two sides was as high as 39:9.

In just one round of simultaneous firing, more than one hundred of the external 800 battlecruisers were severely damaged, and more than three hundred were lightly damaged.

The originally steady formation of the Radium battlecruiser squad was thrown into chaos.

The innermost armed transport ships had formed a solid defensive formation, bombs exploded as ripples on their compound shields and sturdy metal hulls. They were not heavily damaged.

Nora Camp issued another order, “Keep diving into the formation! Flanking vessels speed up, surround the enemy fleet, enter mid-range combat status! All Phased Photon Cannons fire at full power! Launch medium-range Quark Missiles! Shrink the space, don’t allow any transport ship to escape!”

Pointed dots on the umbrella’s face inverted, resembling a huge gaping mouth, quickly closing, as if intending to swallow the entire Radium fleet.

Explosions of intense strength were occurring intermittently, lighting up this part of cosmic space devoid of any planets.

The Radium battlecruiser squad took another heavy blow, rapidly reducing its numbers.

“Formation closing complete! Report on casualties! Move to the boarding combat phase! All warships fully suppress the armed transport ships’ mid­range, high-power weapons, try to preserve as many biological batteries as possible! Giant Wave Vertical Team continue the charge! All Eagle Strike Warriors prepare for the departure!”

Like a heart-piercing dagger, the Giant Wave Vertical Team attacked the heart of the square battlefield formed by the Radium Battlecruisers.

There was no probing, it was an all-out attack from the start.

Within less than thirty seconds, this skirmish had rapidly approached its conclusion.

The real trump card of mankind, the Eagle Strike Warriors, were already all standing on the deployment deck at the launch mouth of the Giant Wave Vertical Team warships.

Even before the commencement of the mission, twelve thousand united Eagle Strike Warriors of the Vertical Team had been on standby here.

On the Giant Wave flagship, Harrison Clark was standing at the forefront, with three hundred elite members of the Special Operations Squadron standing behind him.

“Harrison Clark, be careful.”

Just before departure, as the commander, Nora Camp did something she wasn’t supposed to do.

She sent an audio message to Clark’s brainwaves via a shared frequency.

Harrison Clark smiled, “Rest assured.”

This kind of chaotic battlefield couldn’t harm him at all.

After all, he was a man who managed to fight his way into and out of the shockwave of a particle-interference bomb that engulfed the entire space seven times.

The deck opened and he led the team to slide down first, then accelerated out.

More detailed instructions had already come through his tactical helmet.

Harrison Clark pointed forward, “Spread the formation! Tear apart those nine battlecruisers in the triangular formation! Charge with me!”

Meanwhile, all 120,000 Eagle Strike Warriors had already surged out.

The Eagle Strike Warriors were divided into two groups.

Sixty thousand of them, grouped into an average of 120 soldiers, pounced on the remaining 500-plus battlecruisers.

The other sixty thousand continued to converge on the center of the battlefield, persistently using particle interference bombs to disrupt the less offensive armed transport ships, preventing them from forcefully activating the pseudo­curvature engine to accelerate their escape.

As the ace of the elite, Harrison Clark evidently had to undertake the heaviest task. Nora Camp directly assigned him and his 300 men to nine of the best preserved, fiercest firing battlecruisers that had already formed a small battle formation. 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝖊𝔴𝖊𝔟𝔫𝔬𝖛𝔢𝖑.𝔠𝔬𝔪

Everything proceeded smoothly.

On the battlefield, even a lion used all its force to hunt a rabbit, to finish faster, maybe even with fewer comrades sacrificed. Hence, from the beginning, Harrison Clark had no intention of hiding his prowess, launching a curved move with the intermittent displacement of five pseudo-curvature engines, heading straight into the short-range multi-tubed explosive gunfire aimed at boarding hampered by the battlecruisers.

Harrison Clark traced a captivating arc in mid-air, coming ever closer.

First, he used the smaller body armor setting to dodge several times, only just skimming past the explosive barrage of self-exploding phase particles that had reached a certain distance.

After getting past the barrage, Harrison Clark switched to the Hawk Armor formation, calling up an even larger space assault mode that increased mobility by at least 30%, with a large cutter in his right hand and a Quark Grenade Launcher in his left.

With a downward slash from his right hand, he hit the composite shield, sparking flames.

The oscillating cutting particle flow on the large cutter was activated, surging forward like a tide.

A temporary ripple surged onto the composite shield.

The rapid-fire cannon inside the battleship began to turn its barrel towards Harrison Clark.

But this was meaningless, the engine behind Harrison Clark burst forth, and he began to rotate rapidly around this spindle-shaped battleship.

His right-handed cutter was continuously pressing on the battleship’s shield for continuous cutting, while his left-handed Quark Grenade Launcher fired repeatedly.

Finally, he punched a hole in the shield and barged right in.

The interior’s close range weapon – the pulse energy beam – was aimed at him.

But it was too late.

Harrison Clark had already switched to a slightly smaller, but much more powerful final form. The sharp blade in his right hand, glowing black, tore through the battleship’s metal protective layer like cutting into tofu.

He entered from the rear location of the battleship.

Thirty seconds later, Harrison Clark bursted out through a hole in the front of the battleship.

Behind him, the 6oo-meter-long large battlecruiser was erupting with bright yellow light from tail to head, and then exploded, writhing like a chrysalis was thrown into a fire.

Harrison Clark didn’t look back and charged straight towards another battleship.

Oliver Yeoman and Daniel Thompson had already shattered the shield of this battleship.

Harrison Clark summoned the ten-meter-high assault formation again, extending the large cutting sword to over fifty meters in length.

This time he didn’t turn off the pseudo-curvature engine, but just rushed over like this, tracing a curve in the air, and the fifty-meter-long cutter slid across the bottom of the battleship like gutting a fish.

The battleship that was still fiercely fighting back instantly lost all its power and became a pile of scrap metal waiting to be recycled.

Earlier, when Harrison Clark had penetrated the interior of the previous ship, he had already figured out most of the structure of this model of battleship, the layout of the engine power relay, the main biological battery chamber, and the spare biological battery chamber’s power transfer axis.

With this slash, he completely subdued this war machine without causing as much damage as possible to the battleship.

Words like “mighty brother” were blown out by Daniel and the others in the close-range communications.

The new members of the Giant Wave Vertical Team who were not far away praised, “Instructor Hill is so strong, he can train such fighters!”

With an embarrassed look on his face, Lion talked while a bullet blew up another battlecruiser.

Just three minutes later, under the unresisting close-quarters bombardment by the Special Operations Squadron, the nine battleships that Harrison Clark had focused on either crumbled into pieces of space junk or were turned into recyclable warehouses that can be conveniently towed back home.

The efficiency of the other temporary assault teams is slightly lower, but they also took advantage.

With the help of the external human fleet, these 60,000 Eagle Strike Warriors could clean up the outer battlecruisers in no more than 15 minutes.

Then the remaining thousand transport ships would naturally be in the bag.

Nora Camp issued a new order to Harrison Clark.

“According to intelligence from the War Information Command, the enemy’s nearest reinforcement battleship with only a regular engine will reach the battlefield in 24 minutes. Dagger Squadron immediately charges the transport ship’s defense formation! After Dagger Squadron’s successful combat, all remaining squadrons will follow up, with the destruction of the transport ship’s power system being the first target!”

Nora Camp’s battlefield command was certainly calculated.

When battleships needed to act in unison and fire synchronously, she even restricted what type of equipment to use and at what power.

However, the Eagle Strike Warriors were meant to exercise as much initiative as possible in a single soldier cluster, so she didn’t limit them specifically, just telling the warriors, “I need you to do this,” which was sufficient.

Moreover, there was absolutely no problem with Nora Camp’s war planning, and the allocation of forces was even more exquisite to a T.

Everything was under control.

But, just ten seconds before Harrison Clark’s Dagger Squadron was about to get close to the transport ship formation, the situation abruptly changed.

The transport ship suddenly folded its metallic wings, and the solid defensive formation unexpectedly dissolved!

