I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World - C.191 - : 154: Heartbeat Acceleration !Apr 01, 2024

I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

C.191 - : 154: Heartbeat Acceleration !Apr 01, 2024

Translator: 549690339

“General Camp, what did you want to see me for?”

Harrison Clark cautiously asked in Nora Camp’s office.

Nora raised her hand, “Wait a moment.”


Not long after, she put down the pen in her hand and looked at Harrison Clark with a curious gaze.

Harrison Clark felt somewhat unnerved by her stare.

He didn’t understand what she meant or if she had discovered something.

“Similar, so similar.”

It seemed like she was talking to herself.

“Similar to what?” Harrison Clark was even more confused.

Nora Camp pointed her finger in the air.

A photo appeared between them, accompanied by a character profile beneath it.

“Harrison Clark, a renowned musician and entrepreneur from the early 21st century, an outstanding and visionary great man.”

Harrison Clark looked at the “his” photo, slightly realizing.

“You look almost identical to the great man from a thousand years ago, and even share the same name. It’s hard not to be curious about you. Is it a coincidence?”

Nora Camp asked meaningfully.

Harrison Clark wanted to tell her it was not a coincidence, that it was him. freew ebnove l.com

But how could he say such a thing?

So, he just nodded instead, “That is truly an honor. It’s a pity that he is him and I am me.”

Nora Camp nodded again, and Harrison Clark’s evaluation from yesterday’s basic theory training appeared in the holographic projection.

“Almost illiterate, never received any cultural education. Since he passed the recruitment test, it means he has enough potential, but his laziness is evident from his lack of knowledge – Martha Owen.”

Nora Camp tapped on the table, “It seems that you only look similar to Master Harrison Clark.”

Harrison Clark himself felt devastated, but he was powerless to refute, “Yes.”

“What are your plans for the future?”

“Teacher Martha Owen said that if I don’t improve my skills, I will lose my volunteer status in a month.”

“Yes, and you’ll also become the first volunteer in Black Bear Training Base history to be dismissed for poor performance in cultural courses. I don’t want to see such a result. Go make up for your lessons, you don’t have much time left.”

Nora Camp issued the order to dismiss.

Harrison Clark was unwilling.

This was not the situation he wanted, of course.

He had done nothing wrong but suddenly went from being a prominent figure in the past to a bottom-of-the-barrel person today, completely unprepared for this change.

It’s not that we don’t work hard, but that the times have advanced too quickly.

Looking at Nora Camp, he cautiously asked, “If I cannot pass the assessment, what should I do to stay?”

“Forced melons are not sweet. You don’t have to force yourself to do what you like or are good at. Leave with peace of mind and enter the next position.”

Nora Camp looked up again, at the new recruit with an astonished look in her eyes.

She could feel this person’s uniqueness.

Compared to other new recruits, this person’s most significant characteristic, even compared to the senior instructors in the base, was that they didn’t understand the concept of pressure.

He spoke to her without any tension and had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

This was strange.

As the highest commander of Black Bear Training Base, Nora Camp was not known for her friendliness. On the contrary, her military leadership style was iron-blooded, so lower-ranking officers and new recruits were afraid of her.

Harrison Clark was not aware of this.

He was too familiar with Nora Camp and was genuinely not afraid of her.

At this point, he began to have some ulterior thoughts.

It was rare for him to be summoned because of his appearance, and if he just left obediently, he might have no more opportunities to interact with her in the future.

Since he could no longer change his fate through his abilities, he might as well give it his all and see if he could “smooth-talk” her!

While this behavior might seem somewhat shameless, his motivation was actually to stay in the military camp for a better future. Only by being exposed to the front lines of the battlefield could he calmly gather more information while also attempting to bring some results back to his time.

So, for the rise of mankind, it was time to flirt once again.

He quickly made up his mind and began thinking about the methods to implement.

The shortage of books became evident.

Harrison Clark was not a man skilled in getting close to the opposite sex, and his flirting skills had never improved.

He only had to think briefly before feeling at a loss.

What opening line could he use to eliminate the difference in status between them and quickly find common ground?

“Uh, General, do you like chess?”

Harrison Clark asked.

Nora Camp was taken aback, “Chess? You mean the ancient board game from a thousand years ago? I’ve heard of it, but I’m not interested.”


She really lost interest in chess.

Harrison Clark felt both relieved and disappointed.

This was mixed news.

“What do you mean ‘oh’? I told you to make up for your lessons, didn’t you hear me?”

Nora Camp showed a sign of anger.

Harrison Clark gritted his teeth, “No, there’s something else I need to report to you.”

“You have thirty seconds, go ahead.”

Harrison Clark quickly recalled his understanding of Nora Camp in his mind.Her personality, her preferences, their common ground…

Upon reflection, he felt a little disheartened.

In their previous encounters, they would usually get straight to the point without any setbacks, engaging in intense communication without any semblance of a dating process.

Back then, he wasn’t interested, nor did he care.

Nora Camp was the same.

So even though they succeeded in getting together twice, there were no sweet memories of their romance to savor.

Harrison Clark gritted his teeth and shamelessly asked, “Are you single, general?”

“Single. What’s your point? 25 seconds left.”

“Can I be your boyfriend?”

“Get lost. 20 seconds.”

“You like sweet food, strawberry cheesecake. That’s all you have in your fridge.”

“How do you know that? What’s your purpose? 10 seconds left.”

“Your favorite song is ‘Self-Combustion’. Your favorite movie is ‘Across the Starry Sky’. You like your cake to be three times sweeter than normal. Your favorite catchphrase is ‘I’m not afraid to die’. Apart from winning wars, your greatest wish is to have a genius son who can inherit your command abilities, as well as his father’s combat skills.”

Nora Camp was stunned.

First, she was shocked. Then her face gradually turned red with a mix of embarrassment and anger for having her secrets exposed.

“Your time is up! Private Harrison Clark! Get out! Get out of here!”

She slammed the table and stood up, unable to contain her anger.

Two guards rushed in and escorted Harrison Clark out.

Still unwilling to give in, Harrison Clark continued, “You know everything I said is true! You’re running away! I know you better than you think! Don’t you find it strange? Why would a stranger like me know so much about you? Give me a chance, and I’ll tell you everything. It might be shocking, but you need to know what I’m carrying… I’m humanity’s last…”

“Shut his mouth! Lock him in detention for a week! Harrison Clark, I warn you not to spread rumors. Or I will charge you with leaking military secrets and take you to court!”

Enraged, Nora Camp finally silenced Harrison Clark.

It fell apart. freeweb novel.com

Completely and utterly fell apart.


The detention room door slammed shut.

Harrison Clark stood speechless, staring at the silvery metallic wall.

His control over the Al assistant had been revoked, leaving him with only the ability to receive basic theoretical knowledge.

It was time for class.

His Al assistant, now with a single function left, appeared and dragged him into the holographic space without giving him a chance to explain.

Martha Owen’s image appeared before him.

As Nora Camp’s best friend, Martha Owen obviously knew something about what had happened.

She looked at Harrison Clark with a meaningful expression.

She walked up to him and said, “You little scoundrel, where did you get all that information? Nora is about to explode. Do you know that?”

Harrison Clark shrugged helplessly, “You didn’t give me a chance to explain.”

“Forget it, you’d better study.”

Harrison Clark shrugged, “Frankly, I think what we’re doing now is pointless. You should let me out, let me arrange my own path independently, and grant me more authority and freedom.”

“Of course, no problem. But before that, you have to master some basic knowledge so that you can be a useful person.”

Harrison Clark shook his head, “Alright, let’s say I become a qualified soldier. Can we defeat the invaders then? With our current technological level, we still cannot withstand the Solar System Barrier that can even compress space, right?”

“You even know about compressing space? That’s a highly advanced knowledge system. We indeed can’t crack it at the moment.”

Harrison Clark nodded, “I know a lot more, but you didn’t give me a chance to speak.”

“We’ll give you a chance. But as I said, if you want people to believe you, you have to show convincing knowledge. In 21st-century terms, would you discuss quantum mechanics with an illiterate person?”

“Well… you have a point.”

Martha Owen smiled, “Alright, you don’t need to attend military training this week. Study with me. You should know that it’s rare for me to take care of someone like this. Look at the others in the classroom. They’re all learning the boring curriculum under the guidance of my Al simulation. But my real consciousness is here with you.”

Harrison Clark asked, “Why the special treatment for me?”

“Because you’re the one who made her heart race. Can you guess what she just told me about you?”

“What did she say?”

“She has an indescribable sense of familiarity with you. But it doesn’t make any sense. I think it might be because she admires the great Harrison Clark so much that she feels a sense of attachment towards you. But she doesn’t see it that way. So, do you understand? You’re actually quite special.”

Harrison Clark smiled.

He gradually started to believe that fate invisibly left some connections between them.

In their last encounter, he had confessed part of the truth to Nora Camp and the others.

No matter how he had manipulated history, a thousand years later, she still existed and seemed to have been influenced by events across timelines.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have summoned him upon seeing his picture, nor would she have confided in her best friend after her outburst.

Her best friend, Martha Owen, had no reason to treat him, a worthless new recruit, differently.

Behind all these seemingly coincidental events, there seemed to be some inevitable causality.

“Alright, thank you. I’ll study hard this week. But I have another request.”

“What is it?”

“Besides learning contemporary knowledge, can I study history as well?”

“History? Alright, I personally approve. You’ll have two hours of free reading time every day to learn history, which will help you understand the current world.”


At midnight, school was over.

Harrison Clark finally had time to check the historical database on his Al assistant.

After spending nearly two days in this world, he had the opportunity to refocus his attention on the events in early 21st-century China, find out what he had done, and learn how humanity had developed to its current state.

As soon as he started reading, he was immediately captivated..

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