I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - C.31


[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 31

Eloise tells me that she thinks there’s a group of Luzerne leaders hiding out in the Empire.

My first thought upon hearing that was, ‘What the fuck?’

Luzernes refers to an extreme faction of elves vehemently opposed to the empire.

Despite suffering repeated defeats in wars, they refuse to acknowledge their losses.

They even considered the Hyzens, who proposed reconciliation with the empire, as enemies.

They hate everything that has to do with the empire.

Why is there suddenly this nonsense about their leaders being in Imperial territory?

Filled with doubts, I glanced at the Special Forces agent, signaling for their input in response to Eloise’s outcry.

The agent lets out a small sigh and then speaks.

“We are currently conducting thorough investigations, but the possibility seems quite high.”


Hold it in. Suppress it. There’s no point in getting mad at someone who isn’t at fault…

“No, seriously? Are you kidding me right now?”

Despite knowing it was wrong, my emotions took over, and my mouth moved on its own.

“Damn it, after three years of suffering because of those damn bastards! I had to bury countless comrades in that damned forests. Why the hell are the leaders of those bastards suddenly in the empire?”


“What the hell did the Special Forces, tasked with dealing with internal threats while the imperial army fights external enemies, do? Oh, don’t tell me you thought the Great Forest War was just a name, and that mobilizing only two legions wasn’t a big deal?”


“Speak up, damn it!”

I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew this person wasn’t at fault.

Yeah. I know. I know it all! Even so, I couldn’t help but vent my frustration.

Otherwise, I felt like grabbing a greatsword and going after those damn elves myself.

“I have no words to offer. Student Karl. No, Sergeant Karl Adelheit. As a member of the Ministry, I would like to apologize once again for all the hardships and sacrifices you have endured.”

Amidst this, the Special Forces agent sincerely apologized to me.

I have nothing to do with this. It’s uncomfortable to be accused like this. If he had said that, I might have been able to say, ‘That’s just the way it is.’

But he didn’t. He apologized. He’s sorry. He said, ‘You’ve endured so much hardship battling external enemies, yet we failed to detect the internal threats.’

“…Then maybe I should apologize too.”


“Regardless, it’s something overlooked by our side, Hyzens. And they’re still elves, whether we like it or not.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, my boiling anger seemed to dissipate slightly.

Yeah. Let’s stay calm. Will getting angry like this solve anything?

“I need more details. What exactly happened?”

“I’ll tell you. You see…”

According to Eloise, things are not going well for Luzernes right now.

It wasn’t good to begin with, but it’s worsened due to internal strife.

“So, you’re saying that some of them split off and ome of them have sneaked into the Empire?”

“Yeah. Our units thoroughly searched all territories, including the Great Forest. Among the discoveries were dozens of hideouts. And more than half of them were occupied by mid-level operatives receiving different orders.”

“…But there can’t be that many leaders, can there?”

A command should come from one source. If different orders are given, can they all be considered commands?

Listening up to this point, it was evident that the internal division within Luzernes was more severe than anticipated.

“They’re as divided as they can be. They can’t even agree on anything.”

“Right. Some are still keen on terrorizing the empire, others are directing attacks towards Hyzens, and some are suggesting giving up altogether and moving to a new place.”

“…I can’t believe it’s gotten so messed up.”

Years ago, they had built up a massive force capable of overwhelming the Hyzens.

Though their numbers had dwindled, they had recently engaged in full-scale warfare against the empire.

Now, these same individuals were suddenly squabbling among themselves?

Unable to comprehend, I found myself looking at Eloise. She likely knew more about Luzernes and had been on the ground for a long time.

“It’s only natural. The assassination of a key Luzernes leader was a significant blow.”

“…So, that wasn’t just a baseless rumor?”

In truth, I’d heard such talk before.

The Luzernes War that I was involved in. The front lines were tightly held for over two years.

Then suddenly, their defenses started crumbling, and the Imperial Army routed the enemy.

Naturally, I thought Luzernes lost due to being outnumbered and outgunned.

“Look at this guy. I asked if you were a sharpshooter, didn’t I? Did I ask for nothing? It’s almost certain that a sharpshooter from the Imperial Army killed their leader. The fact that they’ve never shown up in official gatherings adds to it. If internal divisions are deepening, the most convincing explanation would be that their leader is dead.”

“…I told you, I can’t shoot.”

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this.

Miraculously firing zero shots in shooting practice! Overturning the stigma of being a tax thief! I almost got held back in boot camp because of shooting! That’s me, Karl!

But what sharpshooter? I’d understand if they called me a sword master instead!

“Okay, okay. I get it. I’ll let it go. WThough I’m not sure I’ll be able to convince my eyes, which have seen you stop bullets with bullets, to understand.”

“That’s… no. Never mind.”

Even if they call it luck, I’d never accept it. Honestly, even I found it a bit absurd.

Who’d believe someone who claims to block bullets with bullets and then goes, ‘I can’t shoot, wahhh!’

“Hmmm. Um. Our Special Forces also lean towards the theory that the Luzernes leader was assassinated. Otherwise, it’s impossible to explain their rapid collapse. However, we don’t know exactly who, where, or how it happened.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure it was this guy! ! It’s Karl! It’s definitely Karl!”

“Please refrain from making such assertions based on speculation. Look, Eloise Loengrand. Can’t you see that Student Karl is feeling awkward?”

Well said, agent. This is so ridiculous.

I don’t know why she’s acting like this when all I did was stop one bullet with my luck.

“Than, why the hell did the story go this far….”

“Well, it seems that after the death of their leader, many of the remaining members of their organization have gone into hiding in the Empire.”

“Ah, right. Thank you, Eloise.”

According to the continued explanation from the Special Forces agent, it all comes down to one thing.

If you want to hide a tree, you hide it in the forest. If you want to hide a person, you hide them among people. And those who order terror tend to hide near their target.

It’s not entirely unconvincing. In fact, it’s quite plausible.

From the empire’s perspective, having been subjected to such actions, it’s only natural to thoroughly search the Great Forest and Elven territories.

Since the Hyzens are also cooperating, it might be the most dangerous place, all things considered.

On the other hand, the empire’s territory becomes less of a concern.

Who would imagine that the leadership of a terrorist organization would be within the target country?

“…They might be targeting the academy.”

“It’s the most noticeable move. Now that the war’s passive phase due to the recent victory, won’t they hold celebrations again?”

“And splashing cold water on such festivities would have the greatest impact, wouldn’t it?”

“That’s exactly it.”

Ugh… these damn Kanfra bastards.

How could something so insignificant affect my life?

You bastards. This is my first festival since joining the academy.

“What the hell is wrong with them?”

“We suspect that it might be due to a succession struggle.”

What does a succession struggle have to do with terrorism?

“Our Special Forces also see it that way. There’s undoubtedly hostility towards the empire, but we can’t ignore that aspect.”

“They’re really going overboard.”

I look back at the Academy for a moment. A place so different from the hellish battlefield.

Beyond it, the sounds of students laughing and chattering mingle in the distance.

I suffered through that hell to grasp that peace again.

But I can’t tolerate turning that peace into the same kind of hell as the battlefield.

I didn’t fight like a madman just to see something like that.

“I’m truly sorry, Student Karl. I understand that it’s incredibly disrespectful to say this to someone who’s already left the military and even received an honor. But…”

“Enough. What do you need me to do? You brought Eloise here for a reason, didn’t you? And on top of that, the target they’re aiming for is the Autumn Festival at the academy.”

“…Thank you for understanding. Let’s move on to the main point then. Actually—”

“Wait, before that. We need to address the most important thing.”

I almost forgot about this. It’s actually the most critical thing.

“Make sure to keep this a secret from my sister.”

The moment she finds out, she’ll come charging over, disregarding everything.

* * *

A red-haired sergeant in an office uniform steps forward.

A silver medal glimmers on her chest.

“Sergeant Lavrenti has received orders for retirement as of September 17th, Imperial Year 222.”

“Thank you for your service.”

The superior officer shaking hands quietly addresses her.

“The seat will always be kept for you. If you ever change your mind, come back. The military needs capable individuals like you.”

“Thank you. But my decision won’t change!”

“I’m sure. Anyway, Sergeant Lavrenti, you’ve worked hard all this time. Your efforts will be remembered by the Empire.”

A salute from the Imperial Army sergeant. No, now a civilian, Lavrenti.

White feather. The sniper who shot down 93 (official records only) elves during the Luzernes War.

Awarded the Silver Medal of Honor. After being asked to stay on as an instructor, she chose retirement.

Everyone was disappointed. It would have been great if she became a sniper instructor. But what could they do? They couldn’t hold her back if she didn’t want to stay.


Finally, the time has come to meet him. He was suddenly discharged from the army.

I had already heard all about him. He was so famous that it was hard not to know him.

‘I’ll meet you soon.’

With determined steps, the red-haired beauty smiles.


[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

