I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - C.163


[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 163

Karl’s tour of the Empire’s regions and dioceses during winter break. Now, Selena was included as well.

The two, accompanied by escorts and others who would assist with various tasks, boarded the train, gradually moving away from their families and friends who had come to see them off.

Among those watching this scene were four familiar faces.

“They’re gone?”

“They’re gone.”

“They’re gone.”

“They’re gone.”

In order, Shulifen, Wilhelm, Alexander, and Joachim.

In layman’s terms, they were the future powerhouses of the Empire, or as Karl would say, the damn Hydras.

The four watched the smoke-emitting train disappear into the distance, then turned around.

“Then let’s finish up quickly while Karl is away.”

“One month is all we have, Shulifen. Are you sure it’s enough? I think it’ll be tough.”

“So what? You’re not going to do it?”

At Shulifen’s question, Wilhelm shrugged, saying, ‘That’s not what I meant.’

A moment later, a carriage twice the size of a normal one stopped in front of them.

The door opened, and after all four entered, the carriage set off for an unknown destination.

“It’s been a while, young heirs.”

Inside the carriage, a man with thick glasses sat holding a stack of equally thick documents.

His identity was none other than Shafen Marini, the chief financial officer of the Karl Adelheit Veterans Pension Foundation, and a veteran who had worked in the Ministry of Financial Audit Bureau.

The four shook hands with Chief Officer Shafen.

As always, they exchanged brief greetings and well-wishes for the new year.

Next, as expected, the topic turned to business.

“The task you four requested has been mostly completed. Now, you just need to confirm the current situation yourselves.”

“Are you certain it’s been done properly?”

“Yes. There’s no evidence of funds being misused or misappropriated. And considering the current market prices, it would be quite a feat to siphon off funds without me noticing.”

The most important aspect of the pension foundation is, of course, transparent operation.

It’s not just anyone’s name, it’s Karl Adelheit’s. The name of a madman who has received the Imperial Medal of Honor twice and holds all other comparable honors and glories.

He’s even been considered for canonization. When he passes away, he’s sure to become a saint.

And if a pension foundation bearing the name of such a figure were to be embroiled in scandal? Due to opaque management, no less?

If, by any chance, something like that were to happen, it would not only lead to a collapse of social trust but also mean facing the full wrath of the Imperial family.

Even if the Imperial family were to forgive them, apologizing to the Radiant Church would be another matter entirely.

“Then, Shafen, could you give us a status report?”

“Of course. We have completed the first phase of providing comprehensive support to the families of disabled veterans across the Empire. As per your request, we are currently installing magic circuits to ensure they have a more comfortable and warm summer and winter.”

“The recent fire caused by magic at the academy might make people sensitive. How are you handling that?”

“We’ve hired ten additional experts from Avileshti. It will increase the operating costs, but safety inspections are invaluable, so I trust you understand.”

Naturally. What could be worse than saving a penny only to have someone die or get hurt?

It would not only damage their external image but also deeply wound their pride in doing the right thing.

More importantly, Karl himself might go on a rampage if his honor were tarnished.

‘Actually, that’s the scariest thing.’

‘An angry Karl? Once in a lifetime is enough.’

‘The moment he grabs his greatsword, the nightmare begins.’ 𝐟re𝚎𝘄𝚎𝐛𝚗o𝚟el.c𝐨𝚖

‘A battlefield veteran in a rage is a demon, a true demon.’

Unbeknownst to Karl, he was effectively keeping these four in check.

“How is the medical support progressing?”

“We are working on it with the Church. This part will likely require more funding than expected. Many cases have worsened due to long-term neglect, and some require ongoing treatment and care. Therefore—”

They do not directly solve the problem of livelihood but provide indirect support. Direct intervention could harm their pride or hinder their self-reliance.

The four and the pension foundation meticulously adhered to this principle while discussing what they could do.

“And… Ah, it seems we’ve arrived. Let’s continue our discussion inside.”

The carriage stopped in front of a building that was almost the size of an official Imperial department.

It was formerly the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it had been vacant for a while since the ministry moved to a new location.

Now, it has a new sign, the headquarters of the Karl Adelheit Veterans Pension Foundation.

As they entered, all sorts of people began to greet the four.

There were those like Shafen, wearing glasses and holding documents, working on administrative tasks, those in military uniforms who were mainly dispatched to various regions of the Empire for fieldwork, and those who handled auxiliary tasks.

Although it was called a pension foundation, it was practically a massive complex business.

The four heirs walked briskly and soon entered a conference room.

Several people were waiting for them inside and immediately rose from their seats.

“Please, sit down. There’s no need for that.”

“Let’s skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point.”

“Very well. Then, first of all, there are noble families who have expressed their desire to contribute to our pension foundation and are currently awaiting review. Some say our review criteria are too strict. What are your thoughts on this?”

Shulifen shook his head as if it were obvious.

“Our Karl Adelheit Veterans Pension Foundation will only accept the hands of glorious and honorable nobles of the Empire who have not caused any major trouble.”


“If they have caused significant social problems, or have never served in the Empire’s public office and only maintained their own territories, or even if there are no direct descendants in their family who have served in the Imperial Army, they will be rejected without exception. Do you understand?”

“We understand.”

Surely, many nobles of the Empire take pride in being nobles and strive to uphold their honor.

But just as there is light, there is also darkness.

There are certainly nobles who are not like that.

Especially those who are not near the capital or inclined towards public service, but simply settled in their original lands, their hometowns, are often the case.

Some of those people heard the rumors of the pension foundation and expressed their willingness to contribute.

The reason is obvious.

They want to whitewash their names through this opportunity, as if buying indulgences with money.

Shulifen, Wilhelm, Alexander, and Joachim had no intention of witnessing such a sight.

“Unless they’re willing to donate almost everything they have to the national treasury, reject them. I’d rather fail than receive help from dishonorable people.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with that strong declaration.

In an attempt to break the tension and find out what he initially wanted, Alexander asked a question.

“How are the various welfare projects and the inspection of the Empire’s regional road network, which are being carried out in Karl’s name, progressing?”

“The welfare projects are being coordinated with the Ministry of Welfare, and the inspection of the Empire’s regional road network is ongoing in consultation with the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure. Since there is a lot of overlap with national projects, there are many aspects that need to be coordinated.”

“Don’t rush them too much, but keep the pace steady. Within a few years, when the people of the Empire hear Karl’s name, they should think of ‘honor and glory’ first.”

Everyone nodded in unison.

The Imperial family and the Church had already concluded their discussions about him as a hero and a saint, respectively.

There was no problem in highlighting him. In fact, it was the right thing to do.

Moreover, as Karl’s reputation grew, the honor of the Empire’s nobles would also rise.

It was a win-win situation.

They could declare to all the citizens of the Empire that they were honorable nobles and receive the respect they deserved.

Therefore, the people gathered here often assumed that the four were aiming for such a goal.

‘We won’t die alone, Karl.’

‘We’re in this together till the bitter end, Karl.’

‘Let’s go all the way together!’

‘…Sorry, Karl. I couldn’t stop them.’

They had no idea what the four were actually thinking.

* * *


“What’s wrong, Karl? Are you cold? Do you have a cold?”

“Not really. I just got a sudden chill.”

What could this mean? This ominous feeling. It’s never been wrong before.

As I shivered again, Selena narrowed the distance between us with a worried expression.

“I think you do have a cold. Wait a minute.”

She touched my forehead and muttered, ‘You don’t seem to have a fever? That’s strange.’

But that couldn’t be. This body wasn’t one to get sick with a mere cold.

Still, it was a shame it wasn’t a cold.

If it were, I could have used it as an excuse to stay holed up somewhere and rest!

“Young Lord, we’ll be arriving in the south soon.”

“Ah, thank you.”

“And Cardinal Beolant, the head of the 4th diocese, has been waiting with the clergy for a while now.”


Ah, I wish I had a cold. Cough, cough.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

