I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - C.127


[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 127

Thinking back, Master, you were truly just being kind. There were no other feelings involved.

You wanted me to survive longer since I was already conscripted.

To survive longer and fight better. And while fighting well, to do so in a way that would benefit my family and myself.

That’s why you taught me. You condensed all your know-how and passed it on to me, someone you had just met.

Thanks to you, I became a reliable rear support for my allies and a fearsome sharpshooter to the enemy. I was even promoted to sergeant and received a medal, allowing my family to receive a pension.

I know that was it. It was just a good heart, a good influence, nothing more.

But… I can’t help it, Master. You showed me such kindness, and you became a great hero.

Respect and admiration turned into affection, growing unknowingly. I couldn’t help it.

It’s the same now. You’re giving me a casual massage, but my whole body is trembling.

The screams I’m making are partly from sore muscles, but also partly from embarrassment.

But you act like it’s nothing, so as a woman, I can’t help but feel something.

“Let’s see. Is it loose now?”

“Ah… well, if you could just do it a little longer, it might loosen up…”

“Still? It must be really knotted up. Let me see.”

You’re so kind, so good. You might not intend to be, but in this world, sometimes the result is more impactful than the intention.

And someone who gains greatly from those results can’t help but be completely captivated by the one responsible.

“… Senior Karl.”


“I’d like to ask when you plan to marry Lady Selena.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Probably after I graduate and Selena finishes her grad school.”

“…I see.”

That seems reasonable. There’s only a year’s difference between Senior Karl and me.

A year after he graduates should be enough time for a wedding and even starting a family.

By then, Lady Selena won’t be as wary of me. If she’s the undisputed first wife and has the first child, there won’t be a reason for her to be.

‘Well, at least one target is down. That’s a relief. She was the hardest one to hit.’

No, it’s not just difficult. It’s impossible. I heard Lady Selena and Senior Karl have known each other for a long time.

There were some circumstances, but in terms of time and Senior Karl’s heart, Lady Selena has the upper hand. It’s better not to waste effort on a futile endeavor.

In fact, on the battlefield, I was taught to bypass targets that were impossible to hit unless it was absolutely urgent.

The judgment that valuable resources shouldn’t be wasted on a pointless mission. I was making that judgment now.

“I heard the news. You’re getting along well with Eloise and Junior Lefia.”

“Ah… yes, that’s right.”

“I’m glad to hear that. And thank you.”

“Master… I mean, Senior?”

“Both my father and the Lasker Queen I visited recently asked me to take good care of Junior Lefia. It’s a relief to hear that people around me are already taking care of her.”

For a moment, a pang of guilt stabbed at my heart.

I am getting along with Lefia, a fellow first-year. But if there’s one thing that bothers me, it’s that my reason for doing so isn’t entirely pure. It was to monitor her.

Honestly, I can’t help it. Lefia was the one who jumped into Senior Karl’s arms first. I haven’t even done that yet, and she, the last one to catch Senior Karl’s eye, snatched that opportunity first.

Both Senior Karl and Lefia will understand this. No, they must understand! I’m holding back a lot of questions I want to ask!

“Please continue to treat her well. You three are in the same year, and you all have different circumstances. If you can get along despite that, it will have a tremendously positive impact.”

“If it’s your wish, Senior—”

“I’m asking you, not ordering you.”

“Ah, yes. I understand. I’ll do my best!”

A positive impact.

Senior Karl wants me, an Imperial citizen, Eloise, an elf, and Lefia, from Lasker, to get along and send a message through that.

Then I must try. For Senior Karl, and for myself as well.

Think about it. If we get along well, Senior Karl will be happy, right?

And his affection for me might even grow?

He might see something new in me, someone who gets along with both an elf and Lasker royalty.

This might not be a battlefield, but it’s the same in the end.

If you don’t put in the effort, you die. And if you fall behind, you end up alone.

On the other hand, if you work hard, you can stand at the front, and those at the front receive rewards.

In this situation, there’s only one reward I want. And I’m not so foolish as to not know what efforts I need to make to get it.

…No, to be honest, I might actually be foolish. I’ve been thinking lately… The academy is really tough. It’s a different kind of hardship than the battlefield.

‘The lectures, assignments, exams… It’s pure hell!’

“Um, Senior Karl.”

“Yes, Lav? What is it?”

“I have a question.”

“What is it?”

I’ve already heard the news. Senior Karl’s grades are at the top. He got scores so high that they’re not even comparable to mine!

“How do you manage to keep up with lectures, do well on assignments, and ace exams…?”


“I never imagined it would be this hard. I’m so scared that I won’t even reach the average in the final exams!!”

The pride of being the Empire’s top Sharpshooter? I’ve already let go of that.

This place, the academy, is where such things don’t matter…!

* * *

Lav’s worries were understandable from my perspective.

In the military, the chain of command is absolute, so instead of thinking and voicing my opinions, it was routine to say ‘Yes, sir!’ when an order was given.

I’m definitely not belittling soldiers. I’ve been enlisted twice myself, so why would I?

It’s just the nature of the job. Especially for enlisted soldiers, not officers or NCOs, it’s an unavoidable side effect.

Anyway, I had expected Lav to struggle for that reason.

‘I wasn’t going to give this out because of fairness, but…’

Lefia, being a princess, was quite smart. Eloise, surprisingly, also had a knack for studying. In other words, they didn’t need the cheat sheets I received from those four idiots.

[TL/N: Luv this author.]

So, I secretly called Lav to my room and shared some of the necessary cheat sheets.

…Um, Lav? Why did your eyes suddenly sparkle when I said we should go to my room?

[TL/N: ??]

“Are you really, really giving this to me? Really?”

“Yes, yes. But don’t spread it around too much—”

“Never! I would never do that, Master!”

“Then please stop calling me Master at the academy and call me Senior…”

“I won’t give this to anyone! Not even if I’m tortured! This is something you prepared just for me! I’ll cherish it forever!!”

It’s okay to give it up if you’re being tortured… And I actually received this from someone else…

Is it just me, or does it seem like she’s happier about this than when she got a perfect score on the exam? I don’t think it’s just me.

After throwing Lav a lifeline, I decided to focus on my own tasks.

Finals were just around the corner, so I had to start studying if I wanted to maintain my grades.

I could have started earlier, but I’ve heard that cramming is the key to all exam preparation. It seems to be the most effective method.

“Hey! Karl! Heading to the library?”

“Get lost, you fifth-years.”

These damned idiots. They’re on top of the world because they get to stay another semester.

They don’t even have to worry about exams like I do, as long as they get the minimum passing grade.

They’re a unique case, a mix of those who could graduate but chose not to, and those who couldn’t. 𝚏ree𝚠𝚎𝐛nove𝚕.com

“Good luck on your finals!”

“Aren’t you taking the exams?!”

“We are, but we just need to get the minimum score.”

“We’ve been suffering through exams for four years, so we deserve a break for at least one year.”

Wow. This is the first time I’ve ever envied those four. Is this what fifth-year freedom feels like?!

“If you’re that free, why don’t you join Selena and me for dinner?”

“No thanks. I can already see you accusing us of being a third wheel if we go.”

“Oh, you’re not falling for it this time.”

That’s too bad. I was hoping to scold them with a ‘Of course not!’ if they said, ‘Really? Can we come?!’ like last time.

As I chuckled,they started whispering amongst themselves.

The funny thing is, their voices were so loud that I could hear them even though they were clearly talking amongst themselves.

“Look at him, pulling those ridiculous pranks lately. It must be exam season.”

“Exams are harmful indeed. Even a Medal of Honor recipient goes crazy.”

“Alas, the poor soul has succumbed to the demon of exams!”

I can hear you, guys. But I can’t really argue. Exam season is indeed harmful. The increase in my nonsense proves it.

I told them I was leaving and turned to head back to the library, but Shulifen stopped me with a question, ‘What happened to that?’


“The medal named after you. I heard they were going to create it?”

“I opposed it.”


Why? Because if they create something like that… Damn, I’d be too embarrassed to show my face!

There are so many other heroes. Why my name? It’s not like I’m on my deathbed, and I’m only in my early twenties. Putting my name on the Empire’s highest honor?! Absolutely not!

“There were some reasons. Anyway, it’s not happening. Boom. Done.”

I replied, and Shulifen uttered an ominous remark.

“Well, I see it differently. You’re the one who always makes things happen, Karl.”

“… ”

“Why do I have a feeling that a medal with your name on it is inevitable?”

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

