I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy - C.120


[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 120

“…So. You’re saying they gave it to you, and you just took it?”


I nodded confidently, and the four of them exclaimed in surprise, ‘Hey!’ They couldn’t believe I’d just accepted it without a fuss. ‘Surely you didn’t just take it without a fight, right? Right? Damn it, say no!’ their expressions seemed to plead.

“Guys, calm down. I’m also a noble of the Empire, just like you.”

It’s customary to refuse, I know. But of course, I did try to decline. I waved my hands, insisting I couldn’t accept it.

But the lord, his family, and even the knights insisted I take it. They said if I didn’t accept, they would never be able to rise again.

I couldn’t understand what they meant, but their desperation was so palpable that I ended up accepting.

Of course, I expressed my gratitude. I wouldn’t just take it and leave without a word.

Still feeling uneasy about it, I discreetly asked the Queen the night before I left, ‘I received a sword. Can I really take it with me?’

The Queen gave me a cryptic look and said that gifts are a matter between the giver and the receiver, and it wasn’t her place to interfere.

“No way. That’s no ordinary sword, even at first glance.”

“I may not be skilled in swordsmanship, but I’d bet my tail that’s a legendary blade.”

“Don’t go around betting your tail when you don’t even have one, Wilhelm.”

“Fine, I’ll bet one of my arms, then.”

“You’re insane.”

Have these guys lost their minds again after just two weeks apart?

They’re truly something else. And these are the pillars that will lead the Empire?

“Young lords, please, I beg of you, maintain your dignity.”

“Wouldn’t you say the most undignified one here is Young Lord Karl?”

“I agree with Young Lord Wilhelm.”

“As do I.”

“Will you all shut the fuck up?”

I subtly revealed the greatsword imbued with the blessings of the Church, and they immediately backed down with a ‘Yes, sir.’


I’m afraid rumors might start circulating about me being a ‘Count with a Duchy and Imperial County in his grasp.’

Damn it.

“How did things go? Did it work out?”

“That’s classified information. You want me to spill state secrets?”

“No, but you could give me a hint.”

“It worked out.”

And I even managed to beat them up a bit.

The last thing I heard before leaving Lasker was that the knights I defeated are now all undergoing hellish training.

Even if my father is Count Friedrich, I’m still young. They were defeated without being able to do anything against such a young man.

But if you think about it, it’s actually those guys who should feel wronged.

Honestly, those young knights probably haven’t experienced real warfare.

The Empire and Lasker fought when my father was still active, which was over 20 years ago.

Our Empire shares borders with Avileshti and the Elves, so war is inevitable, but Lasker is different. If they don’t fight the Empire, they don’t fight at all.

At most, they’ve probably just swung their swords around a bit, yelling ‘Yah! Yah!’ They haven’t suffered like I have, rolling around and screaming in agony.

Even if they did suffer similarly, their mindset might have been different from the start.

‘To be precise, they do share a small border with Avileshti, but they consider each other so lowly that they wouldn’t even think of fighting.’

Sword and magic. Similar, yet never to be mixed.

In cases like this, there are two possibilities, either they fight to the death, or they hate fighting so much that they build a wall and pretend the other doesn’t exist.

Luckily for Lasker and Avileshti, they fall into the latter category.

I say ‘luckily’ because if they had fought, our Empire would have devoured them both.

The reason they fall into the latter category is because of our Empire’s existence.

They both have the mindset that they don’t want to be caught in the crossfire and suffer as a result.

“Anyway, did anything happen while I was gone?”

“Nothing, right? Oh, wait, there was something.”

“There was.”

“Of course there was.”


…These guys again? Not falling for it twice. They’re waiting for me to react with ‘What! What happened! Tell me!’ No way.

“For the record, I’m not curious about what happened to you guys. Just so you know.”

“Aww, come on! That’s so mean! Aren’t we friends?!”

“Let’s say I’m only curious when your lives are in danger.”

“We almost died!”

“You almost died? Why?”

“We were bored!”


To think they can say something like that without batting an eye. They’re truly something else. I guess not just anyone can be the main character. I could never say something like that.

I thought about drawing my greatsword for a moment, but decided not to.

Honestly, I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Ah, damn my pride. I shouldn’t have laughed.

“Anyway, I need to head back to my family estate. We can continue this conversation later.”

“Aren’t you going to see Selena?”

“I heard she’s busy.”

The four of them tilted their heads, confused.

“Huh? How do you know that?”

Oh, these fools. Asking such an obvious question. This is why they’re all single!

“I contacted her through a personal communication device. Every day while I was in Lasker.”

“Whoa, hold on. You two already have communication devices?”

Of course. What do they take couples for? Shouldn’t we be able to contact each other at least once a day, no matter where we are? It’s those little moments that make our hearts flutter.

[TL/N: My single ass doesn’t know how that feels, my guy…]

[PR/N: You are not alone brother.??]

“Wow, I can’t believe those two were breaking up and making up just a few years ago. It’s a miracle.”

“Maybe getting dumped makes relationships stronger?”

“I’m jealous. I want a relationship too.”

“Not the kind where you’re obligated to marry someone from high society. I want to make a real girlfriend at the academy!”

Go find one, you guys! Didn’t you just say you have plenty of time?

Use that time to mingle and try to make a move. Who knows? Maybe there’s a junior out there who’ll fall for a charming fifth-year senior?

You guys are hopeless.

You’re not even soldiers or returning students, the two most unpopular categories, and you still can’t find love. I’m both of those things, and I’m still managing.

“But Selena isn’t the only issue, is she?”

“What do you mean, Joachim?”

“Well, there’s also Junior Eloise and Junior Lavrenti.”

“Oh, right.”

“Why leave one out? You should include Junior Lefia too.”

…Damn it. Just thinking about that gives me a headache. And I can already feel a gaze on me from afar.

The eyes staring at me from up ahead… It’s Eloise. I can sense that distinct Elven aura.

She seems to be saying, ‘If you don’t come see me after you’re done, you’ll regret it!’ with her eyes.

Well, I guess I have no choice but to go see her.

* * *

I went to my family estate. And I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Welcome back, Karl. Did everything go well?”

“Welcome home.”

“…Yes, Father, Mother. I’m back. But… who is that woman standing behind you…?”

What? Why is she here? Not only is it surprising to see her here, but I even checked the academy earlier and she was there.

“Hi, Karl!”

The woman smiling behind my parents is none other than Eloise.

I have no idea how this Elf ended up at my family’s estate, or why.

Wait, more importantly, are you really okay with this? My mother used to collect Elf heads during her prime.

“I didn’t know we had a guest.”

“Oh? You didn’t know? She’s been visiting the estate occasionally since you left for Lasker. She tells us stories about you, and they’re quite interesting. Your mother has been sharing them with your sister, the Crown Princess.”


So, she’s basically been acting as a storyteller. Damn, she’s a clever Elf.

“From what Eloise has told us, you two seem quite close.”

“We just eliminated some Kanfras together during the train terror incident last year.”

“So you’re comrades in arms.”

“…If that’s how it’s interpreted, then maybe a little…”

I was about to say that was a stretch, but Eloise chuckled and suggested we go inside and talk.

She said she’d been visiting my family for about two weeks.

In that short time, she seems to have made a good impression with her characteristically friendly personality. Or rather, her straightforward personality.

Even my mother doesn’t seem uncomfortable, so she must have scored some points somehow… I can’t even imagine how.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a special thank you. They said you were a great help in Lasker.”

I sat down with my parents for tea and told them about the delegation.

“All I did was participate in a friendly match.”

“That’s why it was so unexpected. A friendly match at a coronation ceremony?”

“That’s what they wanted. Or rather, it was the Queen of Lasker’s wish.”

“It seems she wanted to stimulate the stagnant minds and hearts of her knights.”

My father’s assessment was accurate. That’s exactly what the Lasker’s Queen wanted.

“By the way, what’s with that sword, Karl?”

“Oh, this? I received it as a gift, but I haven’t drawn it yet. Honestly, Mother, I’m not really familiar with swords like this.”

The reason I came home was because of this sword. I wanted to stash it away in a display case somewhere because it was a hassle to carry around.

It’s a kind of trophy, I thought. If I display it, I can brag about it later, right?

“Wait a minute, Karl? Can I see that sword?”

“Eloise? No, hey, wait a second.”

Before I could stop her, Eloise took the sword. And then, she suddenly drew it.

I was about to scold her for doing that in front of my parents, but her next words stopped me.

“…Is this really a sword?”

“What are you talking about?”

“No, it felt strange from the moment I saw it. How should I put it? This is a bit…”

“It feels like it’s been artificially concealed.”

It was my father who finished Eloise’s sentence.

My mother, who was sitting next to him, looked at the sword drawn from its sheath and tilted her head, saying, ‘That’s strange.’

It’s a bit sad that I’m the only one who doesn’t understand what’s going on.

“This is really strange.”

Elowise examined the sword, flicking the blade with her finger.

Tick tick!

It sounded like something was wrong…


“One moment.”

Suddenly, my father grabbed a sword from the display case. And then he swung it?!

Clang! Crack!―

Before I could stop him, my father’s sword struck the one I received as a gift.

And with that blow, the blade shattered into pieces!

“Father?! What are you doing?!”


My father put his index finger to his lips and pointed at the shattered sword with his other hand.

Beneath the broken blade, another blade, jet black in color, stared back at me.

[TL/N: New Weapon Unlocked!]

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

