Descent of the Demon Master - C.683. Supporting (3)

Descent of the Demon Master

C.683. Supporting (3)

“It seems a hostile group is targeting the Assembly Master,” said Lee Hyeon-Su.

“I see. However, we've already suspected that something like this would happen, have we not?”

“Yes, but this threat is a bit better organized.”

“Hmm...?” Wiggins slowly rubbed his chin. “A stone with sharp corners will inevitably meet a mason's chisel. Isn't that a Korean proverb?”

Lee Hyeon-Su tilted his head. “A stone with sharp corners?”

“Yes. Sharp corners... I believe that's a perfect way to describe our Assembly Master. Since our world, which has been maintaining its precarious balance up to now, is about to trip on its feet from a jutting rock, wouldn't you say that comparison isn't so far-fetched?”

Lee Hyeon-Su briefly nodded to express his agreement.

'For sure... Before the Assembly Master made his entrance, things were relatively calmer.'

Of course, things like the imminent breakout of war between the Yeongnam Group and the Martial Assembly hung in the air back then. Also, who could forget the internal conflicts within the Assembly itself? Even so, Lee Hyeon-Su could confidently say those days were still so, sooo much more peaceful compared to the last few months.

At the very least, he didn't have to worry about other countries invading Korea back then!

“So, a better-organized group, you say...?” Wiggins crossed his arms in deep thought. “Yes, it's plausible. However, I'm somewhat amazed. I thought your information network doesn't extend beyond Korea's borders? Or did you manage to foster a group of agents while I wasn't looking?”

“Ah, no. It's not like that, sir. An informant helped me this time.”

“I see. Mind telling me who it was?”

“It's not a secret, anyway. The informant was Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter.”

“That man's grandchild?” Wiggins narrowed his eyes, then scanned the surroundings before turning around to leave. He judged that they shouldn't discuss such a topic in a place full of hard-working trainees. “Follow me.”

The two men left the training area and entered Wiggins' office. Once the two men settled down on their spots, Wiggins offered a cigar. “Would you like one?”

“My apologies, sir. I prefer cigarettes. Cigars just aren't my thing, unfortunately.”

“It's fine. You do you.” Wiggins nodded, then proceeded to cut the cigar's tip. After leisurely lighting the cigar and puffing away for a little while, Wiggins finally resumed the conversation, his voice sounding rather amused for some reason. “So... You say Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter told you?”


“How odd. I didn't think you'd spare the life of someone that dangerous.”

“She doesn't pose much danger, sir. Lee Jung-Geol's faction has already lost its influence. And she doesn't have the ability to unite them again.”

“Hmm. I'm sure you already know that humans want leaders to lead them, but sometimes, they also want puppets they can manipulate?”

“Yes, I'm aware. However, I didn't think raising even more discontent by eliminating her was worth the trouble.”

“Hmm. How odd. How odd... That doesn't sound like you. So, Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter, eh...?” Wiggins muttered, then a hint of mischievousness suddenly seeped into his expression. “Could it be... romantic feelings, then?”


Lee Hyeon-Su violently coughed, causing the cigarette between his lips to fly out like a bullet. The cigarette smoke got trapped in his throat, causing an intolerable scratchy, burning pain to disorient his senses. “W-what are you even talking about, Mister Wiggins!”

“I thought that was a pretty logical guess? You two are about the same age, aren't you? Since an objective man like yourself has made a decision that doesn't match your usual character, it can only mean a problem you can't solve objectively has occurred. For instance, like love.”

“No one would call that logical, Mister Wiggins! She's Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter, sir! You could say she and I are mortal enemies.”

“Young man, do you know the origin of the famous tale, Romeo and Juliet?”

“Sir, I know England is blessed with an author it can be proud of for all eternity. However, that is still a made-up story.”

“Don't forget that reality can often be stranger than fiction, Mister Lee. Well, since you so vehemently deny it... Rest assured, I won't ask about it anymore.”

“Yes, thank you. I'd absolutely decline any unintended misunderstandings like that!” Lee Hyeon-Su groaned while grandly shuddering away.

Romance? No freaking way!

Even the mere suggestion itself had harmed his pride as a self-professed celibate. Besides, even if Lee Hyeon-Su were to date someone... It'd definitely not be Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter!

Wiggins rubbed his chin again. “So... I'm assuming the hostile forces tried to contact Lee Jung-Geol's grandchild? Hmm... Now that's bizarre. Unless their plan was to make her their puppet, why would they risk exposure by talking to her? Not only that, but they even divulged their plans to her, too? What are the odds of this being a trap?”

“Almost none,” said Lee Hyeon-Su. “The one holding the romantic feelings for her wasn't me but the other party, you see? Unfortunately for them, she chose reality.”

“What a tragedy, then. A sad tale, indeed.”

“It's a good one for us, though. In any case... That is why I wanted to discuss something important with you, Mister Wiggins. And I need you to be honest with me on this one.”

“I see. I'm all ears.”

“You can teleport, can't you?”

“...Huh. It seems you've done your homework.” Wiggins chuckled as if he was impressed. “Yes, I can. And it sounds like you want me to send support personnel to China.”

“That's correct, sir. If it's okay with you, I'd like you to lend us your strength.”

Wiggins shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I guess I should earn my keep, then. However, don't expect miracles, Mister Lee. My teleportation technique is not an all-conquering ability but a magic spell. And you need to pay the corresponding price to perform magic spells. My teleportation spell is dependent on the distance and the number of people. In other words, I can't teleport a large group of people over a great distance. If it's as far as China... The best I can do is two people.”

Lee Hyeon-Su nodded. “That should be sufficient, actually.”

“Hmm? I see. This isn't about providing support, now is it?”

“Well, yes. We need insurance, just in case.”

“A rescue, is it...? That's a specialty of mine. Issue the order at any time. I'll do my absolute best when you do.”

“What do you mean by order, sir? I wouldn't dare order you around, Mister Wiggins. I'm just asking you for a favor, that's all.”

“Hmm...” Wiggins didn't seem satisfied by something as he glanced at Lee Hyeon-Su. “Being prudent can certainly aid you. However, being too prudent sometimes could also make you miss the correct timing.”


“What could possibly be the reason for a brat young enough to be overflowing with unchecked confidence behaving so prudently, I wonder?” Wiggins peered closely at various parts of Lee Hyeon-Su like a curious scientist studying a mysterious animal.

Lee Hyeon-Su felt uncomfortable from such scrutiny and tried to back away.

“There is no need to think too deeply about this, is there?” Wiggins leaned back and slowly puffed away at his cigar. The gray smoke from it slowly wafted out of his lips and nostrils. “A man with a less-than-ideal level of martial prowess surviving a perilous world of ours and climbing so far up the career ladder is something to be proud of. If I flip that around, though... It also means your path has been fraught with landmines everywhere. Every day must've been a never-ending chain of walking on eggshells, so you growing cautious shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.”

A bitter smile formed on Lee Hyeon-Su's face. No one would feel happy about being read like an open book by someone else, including him. “Mister Wiggins, I think of it as a medal of honor.”

“No, Mister Lee. We're supposed to call it 'wounds'.”

“These wounds have already healed, sir.”

“I see. Then, calling it scars should be more appropriate.”

“...It seems I can never win against you, sir.” Lee Hyeon-Su sighed under his breath.

Being in Wiggins' presence made Lee Hyeon-Su feel... 'uncomfortable'. That was because he felt like a little kid when talking to this English gentleman. Not even Kang Jin-Ho could make him feel that way. Of course, his respect for Wiggins' capabilities and accomplishments would always remain the same regardless of how he felt.

Comparing Wiggins to Kang Jin-Ho was a little unfair, though, since what a child felt while encountering a growling lion should be totally different from talking to a grown-up!

“I understand why you think I'm too cautious, sir. Yes, it can be a weakness others can exploit against me. I'll do my best to fix it in the future, so don't worry about me,” said Lee Hyeon-Su.

Wiggins slowly shook his head. “I'm afraid you have completely failed to understand, Mister Lee.” fre(e)webno(v)el

“...I beg your pardon?”

“If humans can overcome their trauma so easily, all the psychologists in the world would be out of a job by now. They still make a living because people can't work on their issues without outside help. A strong mentality, coupled with prudence? Unfortunately, your issues can't be resolved with such things. What you need to do is get rid of the cause. That's what I'm trying to tell you.”

“When you say the cause...?”

“Since your issues started because of your lack of strength... Get stronger.”

An unreadable smile formed on Lee Hyeon-Su's face next. “I would also love for that to happen, sir. However, that's not as easy as it sounds. I'm simply physically not gifted in that area, you see? Even if I spend the same amount of time learning the same moves as everyone else, I don't get the same results. Initially, I thought about learning demonic arts from our Assembly Master, but... I figured I wouldn't produce the same level of effectiveness as other candidates. In that case, I might as well focus on what I'm actually good at.”

“You try to sound exceedingly logical, but to me? It sounds like you're scared.”

“...!” Lee Hyeon-Su silently narrowed his eyes at Wiggins.

“Mm? Was that your reverse scale? If so, my apologies, Mister Lee.”

“No, sir. I'm just speechless after my sore spot was accurately pointed out.”

“You're also quite good at masking your emotions, then. That's good. However, there's no need to do that. Demanding apologies after getting criticized like that will be a good habit to learn. Only then will I also get expressions of gratitude from you, you see?”

“I'm sorry? I don't think I follow...?”

Wiggins smiled brightly back at Lee Hyeon-Su's confused face. “You're not interested in improving your martial prowess because you think it won't produce a good-enough result. No matter how much physical effort you put in, it will still pale in comparison to using your brain. Am I wrong?”

“...No, you're right.”

“Then, allow me to solve that quandary for you. How about becoming my disciple, Mister Lee?”

“I'm sorry?” Lee Hyeon-Su's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Not from happiness, no, but the sheer shock had gotten the better of him, that was why!

Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly clamped his mouth shut and weighed his options. Eventually, he bowed his head apologetically at Wiggins. “Thank you for your amazing offer, Mister Wiggins. However, I've already decided not to obsess over improving my martial arts.”

“It's not that you decided not to... But, more like you can't even if you want to.”

“You could be right, but I still don't have any regrets about my decision, sir. If I was ten years younger, then maybe. At my age, though, I don't think I'll see any major improvements by trying something new. In that case, I might as well...”

“What if it's possible?”

“...” Lee Hyeon-Su didn't say anything and stared openly at Wiggins.

This Englishman wasn't the type to spew nonsense. Lee Hyeon-Su would've gotten angry or acted surprised if someone else had said the same thing, but he wouldn't dare do that now when he knew the weight carried by each and every word spoken by Wiggins.

“Remember, there is more than one path in life, Mister Lee. And paths of martial arts diverge into numerous branches. Surely, one of them must suit you.”

“However, my age...”

“If there is a way to experience growth in your martial prowess regardless of age as long as you're prepared to work hard... Then, are you willing to become my disciple?”

Lee Hyeon-Su clamped his mouth shut. He instinctively knew he must not be careless with his answer. This answer, it... It could decide the path for the rest of his life.

'What should I say to him?'

Should he ask, 'Is it really possible, sir?'

No, asking that was clearly looking down on Wiggins. Someone like him wouldn't say groundless things for fun. If he was certain about something... That it must be possible.

In that case... Should Lee Hyeon-Su ask if it's possible without sacrificing too much of his time?

'Goddamn it, that's bullsh*t!'

Everything in this world demanded effort. No one in this world would be generous enough to drag a man sitting on his butt unwilling to do his share to the top of the mountain.

Then, what?

Lee Hyeon-Su slowly raised his head and locked eyes with Wiggins. And then, raised his voice in a calm, measured way. “Are you confident that my faith in you will be rewarded?”

“That's a foolish question,” said Wiggins before leisurely extending his hand.

That was when a dull impact landed on Lee Hyeon-Su's head out of nowhere, forcing him to hurriedly bend over. “Urgh...?!”

While holding his aching head, Lee Hyeon-Su looked up, his expression filled with confusion.

Wiggins smirked and said, “I don't know what you want from me, so how can I give you a firm answer? So, let me ask you instead. How far do you wish to go?”

How far... did Lee Hyeon-Su want to go? Wasn't that blindingly obvious? “Mister Wiggins, I believe that... Once we start, we must see it through until the end.”

“Very good. Then, why don't you open the door and see for yourself?”


Wiggins slowly nodded. “Yes. The doorway to the Truth. The doorway that, for the past thousands of years, many brave and talented people tried to explore but never quite managed to open. No one, and I mean absolutely no one, can boast they have unraveled the Truth. So, how about it? Do you wish to throw yourself into this extremely-difficult path? I must warn you beforehand, Mister Lee. This path will be not only fraught with unforgiving difficulty, but it will also prove to be exceedingly painful. Even so, are you interested?”

Lee Hyeon-Su smirked helplessly. Pain, was it? He was already far-too familiar with it. “So... Should I call you master from now on?”

A warm smile formed on Wiggins' face. He extended his hand to welcome a disciple he found at the tail-end of his life.

Lee Hyeon-Su also smiled and reached out to shake the offered hand... Well, at least he tried to.

Before the two men could shake hands, though, Wiggins raised his voice first. “First of all, why don't we start by having you kneel first?”


Lee Hyeon-Su's expression gradually crumpled after realizing that his difficult path was actually this kind of difficult path!

The sourc𝗲 of this content is fre(e)novelkiss

