Descent of the Demon Master - C.672. Pouncing (2)Apr 04, 2024

Descent of the Demon Master

C.672. Pouncing (2)Apr 04, 2024

Lee Hyeon-Ju shuddered grandly.

She had finally remembered it. She remembered how frightening this man could be!

Back when the Yeongnam Group and the Martial Assembly were still engaged in bitter warfare, the one name people mentioned more than Kim Seok-Il was undoubtedly Lee Hyeon-Su's.

Just how many Assembly members had to be sacrificed to that man's devilish schemes? Even after the two organizations had merged into one, plenty of people still hadn't forgotten the old grudge and continued to bare their fangs at Lee Hyeon-Su.

And Lee Hyeon-Ju was dealing with someone like that.

Lee Hyeon-Su growled leisurely. “Looks like you need to be more aware of your position, Miss Lee. Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me?”


“If you still don't get what I'm saying, allow me to explain it to you. I don't care what you say to me or what you can bring to the table. I simply have zero thoughts of humoring you. Negotiations are performed by parties of equal standing. You need to be more self-aware of the reality you now find yourself in. Because I don't have time to spare for your little tantrums.”


“If you wish to talk...” Lee Hyeon-Su muttered as a sly smirk formed on his lips. “Reveal all your hands first and wait until you get a response. Who knows? If our side is feeling generous, maybe we'll think about humoring you.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju tightly clenched her fists. This humiliation...!

The humiliation she felt at this very moment made her entire body shudder again.

She was fully aware of her situation; at least, that was what she believed in her heart. And she steeled herself to never get shaken up, regardless of how humiliating this meeting became for her. Unfortunately, directly listening to such things turned out to be a lot harder to endure than she bargained for.

Especially for Lee Hyeon-Ju, who had always lived under the halo of her grandfather, Lee Jung-Geol. When would she have ever heard someone speak so disrespectfully and crudely like this to her?

Since young, people around her treasured her. After she grew into an adult, people over-acknowledged her, sometimes well beyond what her capabilities deserved. Which meant the cold, uncaring winds of reality cutting her down proved so much harder to withstand.

'However, it's only obvious this would happen...'

Only now had she finally stepped foot into reality. As her life had been so cushy until recently, the reality she must confront had to become just a little harsher and crueler to compensate. Knowing all this, she should not resent or blame anyone.

“Then, what do you want me to do?” Lee Hyeon-Ju stared straight at Lee Hyeon-Su. “Do you want me to go down on my knees? Or should I crawl on all fours and bark like a dog? Then, will you toss me a bone?”

“That's not a bad idea,” Lee Hyeon-Su muttered, his withdrawn eyes remaining locked on Lee Hyeon-Ju. 'Still plucky, huh.'

Most average people wouldn't be able to endure if they were stuck in the same situation as Lee Hyeon-Ju. She was a woman who lived the pampered life of a princess, only for her authority to be ruthlessly stripped away. Even worse, she was even cast aside as the vanquished. Despite going through all that, she quickly accepted her reality and tried to build a new life for herself.

Lee Hyeon-Su was trying to break her haphazard determination, but she remained resolute despite the low blows landing where it hurt. As a matter of fact, Lee Hyeon-Ju was glaring right back at him with even more fierceness now!

Perhaps it was time he should admit the truth.

'She could be useful for us...'

Lee Hyeon-Su's brain kicked into a higher gear. It was true that using Lee Hyeon-Ju made more sense than suppressing her existence altogether. If she clearly indicated her support for Kang Jin-Ho and went under his wings, the remaining Lee Jung-Geol supporters hiding in the shadows would have no choice but to accept the new reality.

He knew all this, so why was Lee Hyeon-Su still being so mean to her? Could it be his unfavorable view toward Lee Jung-Geol affecting his judgment? Or...

“Don't worry, I'm not going to make you do any of that. So, why don't you get on with it, then? Tell me the information you have.”

“...Lee Seong-Hwi is targeting Mister Kang Jin-Ho.”

“Lee... Seong-Hwi, you say?” Lee Hyeon-Su cocked an eyebrow.

Lee Seong-Hwi... Now there was a name Lee Hyeon-Su couldn't forget even if he wanted to. You didn't have to be someone as well-versed in every detail surrounding Lee Jung-Geol as Lee Hyeon-Su to know who the former Assembly Master's number one disciple was.

Lee Seong-Hwi!

Lee Jung-Geol was notorious for not having disciples. However, he did accept Lee Seong-Hwi as one toward the end of his life. In other words... Lee Seong-Hwi was the frontrunner to become the next Assembly Master. Of course, that would've been the story in the distant future.

After Kang Jin-Ho had beaten him up, Lee Seong-Hwi escaped from the Assembly's prison and seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet. So... Why was his name brought up at this stage?

“Hmm...?” Lee Hyeon-Su slowly scratched his chin. “What a nostalgic name that is. Did you meet up with him?”

“Yes, he came to see me at my home,” said Lee Hyeon-Ju.

“...Even though our people were monitoring your house?”

“He still came.”

“...Should I make those idiots write a letter of apology or something?” Lee Hyeon-Su shook his head in disappointment. If Lee Seong-Hwi easily slipped past those men, what was the point of having them monitor this woman? “Okay, so... That Lee Seong-Hwi is targeting Mister Jin-Ho?”

“Yes. Judging from the hidden undertone of what he said, a scheme of some kind is already underway. He implied that my... grandfather fell without much resistance because they couldn't join up in time. Although, what 'joining up' means is up in the air.”

“Hmm...” Lee Hyeon-Su slowly nodded again.

Obviously, he knew the coup d'etat attempt hadn't been fully wrapped up yet. However, he didn't think wrapping it up 'fully' wasn't necessary at this stage. Attacking a force possessing superior military capabilities went against all known art of warfare, after all.

“Hmm. We all had a feeling something was afoot, but I still didn't expect Lee Seong-Hwi's name to pop up like this. However, he's only one man, so he can't possibly change the tide with his own strength. Which means there's another group involved...” Lee Hyeon-Su mulled over for a little bit, then glanced back at Lee Hyeon-Ju. “Japan... Or China. Most likely? However, with Lee Seong-Hwi's abilities, getting the cooperation from China or Japan doesn't seem possible to me.” free(w)

Lee Hyeon-Ju narrowed her eyes. “You seem to forget there's someone else missing, too.”

“...Ah. You mean Kim Seok-Il.”

“Lee Seong-Hwi is currently mastering demonic arts.”

“This is like solving a riddle, isn't it? A truly insidious riddle that's brimming full of darkness and evil.” Lee Hyeon-Su grunted while leaning against his chair. 'Kim Seok-Il and Lee Seong-Hwi, huh...'

There was a combination he didn't expect to materialize. Lee Seong-Hwi and Kim Seok-Il used to be like oil and water, after all. After everything that had happened, though... Lee Hyeon-Su should admit that he had been stuck in a box, unable to think outside of it.

After all, no one would've imagined Lee Hyeon-Su would be working for the Martial Assembly only a few months ago. And that also included himself! As long as people shared a goal or a path leading to their destinations, things like old grudges would be put on the back burner.

Kim Seok-Il and Lee Seong-Hwi happened to share one common goal. And that was most likely Kang Jin-Ho.

'They failed in the initial phase. Yet, they are still targeting him. Which means...'

Lee Hyeon-Su's expression stiffened suddenly.


If he was Kim Seok-Il, he'd aim for when Kang Jin-Ho was in China. After all, the target would be well outside the support range of the Martial Assembly. Not only that, but...!

'What the hell? This might be more dangerous than I thought?'

Kim Seok-Il wouldn't even need to deploy his entire force to eliminate Kang Jin-Ho, either. Simply causing a minor ruckus there and letting the world know that Kang Jin-Ho was in China would be enough to make the Crimson King's faction move, after all! fre(e)novelkiss

Murder by proxy! If Lee Hyeon-Su was the planner, he would've chosen this method.

“This is a good piece of information,” said Lee Hyeon-Su while shooting up to his feet. “You should go home in the meantime. Don't worry, I acknowledge your information to be valuable. I promise that we shall decide on your future as soon as possible. So, you...”

“No,” Lee Hyeon-Ju stared directly at the standing man. She didn't flinch once and locked her unwavering glare at him. “If I leave now, you will most likely forget about me. I'm sorry, but I don't trust you. If you accept that my information is valuable, you change how you deal with me right now. Wouldn't you agree that that is the correct way of doing things?”

Lee Hyeon-Su cocked an eyebrow as another wave of strange feelings washed over him. 'Well, this is something new.'

In the past, people called the Yeongnam Group's brains. Or the devil of Yeongnam. Whatever nickname was used to call him, it didn't change the fact that no one dared to question or reject his orders even though so many people worked for him. It was the same story in the Assembly, too.

Only those higher up the food chain opposed his opinions or tried to trip him up. But here was Lee Hyeon-Ju, knowing Lee Hyeon-Su occupied a higher place in the totem but still going against his orders.

A hint of displeasure crept into Lee Hyeon-Su's expression. However, there was something else, too. And that was...

Lee Hyeon-Su quickly asked her. “Are you good with computers?”

“Thankfully, I haven't stopped evolving, Mister Lee. I can handle more than stone tools if that's what you are asking.”

“...No, I only wanted to know if you can handle administrative work.”

“Do you think my grandfather was good with computers?”

“...No, he probably wasn't.”

“Then, who would've been in charge of handling his secret documents and ledgers? When was he the type to never fully trust his own family?”

Lee Hyeon-Su mulled over what he should say, then nodded. “Very well. I will give you an opportunity to prove yourself. By that, I mean I will give you work to do. Complete that perfectly... Or, at least to my satisfaction, then I shall guarantee a position in this organization. Even if Mister Jin-Ho isn't 100% onboard, I'll argue your case on your behalf.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju's eyes gleamed brightly as she listened.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su wasn't done yet. “Of course, there are several conditions to fulfill first.”

“I see. Tell me what those are.”

“First condition. Change where you stay. It's hard to monitor you in your current place. We will find a room in the nearest dormitory, so you will live there for the foreseeable future.”

“That's acceptable. No, scratch that. I actually welcome that.”

“Secondly, you will be kicked out if you fail to meet my expectations.”

“I've already prepared myself for that much,” said Lee Hyeon-Ju, her eyes burning brighter now.

Lee Hyeon-Su smiled wryly at that expression on her face.

'I guess it won't be easy to deal with her, then?'

Those with overflowing 'passion' for work were bound to cause a scene sooner or later. Considering Lee Hyeon-Ju believed her future depended on her performance, she'd probably throw herself into whatever work was assigned to her with over-the-top zeal.

Even so, it was still worth exploiting her.

'At least she's quick to accept her reality.'

If Lee Hyeon-Su had been in her shoes, he had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to actively step forward like her. Lee Hyeon-Ju was trying to walk the best path available to change her life's trajectory.

Her journey could be one of untold hardship and loneliness, but succeeding in her quest meant she'd finally escape the shackles of being Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter.

“Third condition. Try to contact Lee Seong-Hwi. We need more info.”

“That's impossible. I've already drawn the line with him. I told him I will continue working for the Assembly. If Seong-Hwi's brain is still functioning as it should, he won't show up again.”

“That was rash of you,” said Lee Hyeon-Su.

Lee Hyeon-Ju nodded, looking unperturbed. “It might be. However, I didn't have a choice. If I replied that contacting Seong-Hwi was still possible, you'd continue suspecting me. Wouldn't you?”

“Well, you have a point there.”

Lee Hyeon-Su finally accepted it. This woman was not only smart, but also quick at reading the flow of the conversation. A talented individual like her was too valuable to cast aside. Never letting things like pretexts and other nonsense get in the way of acquiring practical benefits—that was Kang Jin-Ho's pet theory, wasn't it? And it was also the belief Lee Hyeon-Su subscribed to.

“Lastly...” Lee Hyeon-Su narrowed his eyes and stared at Lee Hyeon-Ju. “...I'll say this now to clear the air. I don't like you.”


“You being Lee Jung-Geol's granddaughter is a good enough reason for me to confine you inside a dimly lit backroom somewhere and never let you outside. Still, you're here. And you better prepare yourself. I'm going to pick. Every. Single. Fault. With everything you do and try to cut you down to size.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju shot back. “That goes without saying. And let me also say this. I will definitely pull you down and take over your spot. You just wait and see. So, you better watch yourself!”

“Kekeke...!” Lee Hyeon-Su cackled before nodding slowly. “Why don't you head to the cafeteria and enjoy a cup of coffee? Preparing a desk and assignments for you will take a bit of time, after all.”

“I see. Understood. Also...”


Lee Hyeon-Ju bowed deeply. “Thank you for this opportunity.”


“I know that it's not easy to view me objectively, especially from your perspective. I only hold deep respect toward your abilities.”

“Hah. Really? Don't make me cringe,” Lee Hyeon-Su blushed a little at this unnecessary flattery.

Lee Hyeon-Ju wasn't done, however. “Of course, I still think you're the absolute worst in terms of a human being.”

“...Let's do one thing at a time, shall we? One thing at a time.”

“Well, then.” Lee Hyeon-Ju got up and turned around to leave the office.

Lee Hyeon-Ju called out to her. “Oh, wait. I forgot the most important thing. It's also an absolute must.”

“Sorry?” Lee Hyeon-Ju turned around to stare at him.

Lee Hyeon-Su deeply smirked. “If you want to work with me... You better change your name first. I felt like I've been suffering from the Gestaltzerfall phenomenon for a while, you see?”[ref: the Gestaltzerfall (ゲシュタルト崩壊) phenomenon, or gestalt decomposition, originally means a type of visual agnosia where the longer one spends staring at a complex object, the more it seems to 'decompose' into its constituting parts. The author wanted to say Lee Hyeon-Su felt like he was decomposing (breaking down) into complex parts in his mind and losing his meaning by staring at Lee Hyeon-Ju.[/ref]

“...Insane bastard,” Lee Hyeon-Ju expressed her honest opinion before leaving the office.

Lee Hyeon-Su slowly rubbed his face.

“I'm still not sure why I need to deal with you while being insulted to my face, but... Oh, well.”

He turned his head and stared into the distance outside his office. Into somewhere really far away.

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