Descent of the Demon Master - C.670. Adjusting (5)Apr 02, 2024

Descent of the Demon Master

C.670. Adjusting (5)Apr 02, 2024

“Thank you, Mister Jin-Ho.”

Kang Jin-Ho was about to say it was fine, that she didn't need to thank him so much, but he had to clamp his mouth shut. The sincerity evident in her voice stopped him from making such a casual reply.

She wasn't paying mere lip service here. Sometimes, human emotions could overcome the barrier of understanding and touch the other party as they intended.

“Uhm, so... That's why...”

Kang Jin-Ho stiffened slightly. “Yes?”

Choi Yeon-Ha grew a little bashful. “I wanted to express my gratitude a little better, so...”


She sneakily scanned her surroundings, both in and out of the van. Then, as a determined expression formed on her face, Choi Yeon-Ha got up. Although she couldn't stand properly due to their location being inside a van, she still tried her best.

“N-no, hang on a sec...” Kang Jin-Ho twisted a little in his seat after nervousness washed over him. “I know you're grateful, Miss Yeon-Ha. No need to express it like this...!”

“Mm... You have a point. I guess expressing my gratitude like this is a funny way of doing it. You're right. I was short-sighted.”

Kang Jin-Ho sighed in relief when Choi Yeon-Ha seemed to accept she was in the wrong. Unfortunately for him, though... That wasn't an acceptance.

“Then, let me rephrase that. This isn't an expression of my gratitude. No, I'm just doing what I feel like doing.”


Choi Yeon-Ha inched closer and closer toward Kang Jin-Ho. As for him, he gradually retreated from her. However, how far could he go when he was sitting in a van's backseat? When the firmness of the leather seat got transmitted through his back, a flood of cold sweat suddenly broke free on Kang Jin-Ho's skin. “W-what's gotten into...”

“Be still, Mister Jin-Ho.”

“N-no, wait...!”

“I said, be still. This noona will take care of everything, okay?”

Was now the right time to utter that line? This woman was a strange person, alright. Make that very strange, indeed!

“Miss Yeon-Ha, your line was a bit...”

“What's wrong? I am older than you, aren't I? So, noona it is.”

Well, she was technically correct. According to their IDs, that was.

However, the truth was that Kang Jin-Ho had lived long enough to be called her grandpa!

That didn't mean he could correct her now, though...!

'N-no, wait! That's not important, now is it?'

Kang Jin-Ho fidgeted nervously while trying to retreat even further. However, Choi Yeon-Ha's eyes still glowed ominously like an eagle flying away with a prey caught in her talons. As if she... had zero thoughts of backing down!

Kang Jin-Ho immediately fell into a serious dilemma. Should he push her back? Or open his arms (?) and accept it?

The dilemma was settled pretty quickly. Even though Choi Yeon-Ha was threateningly (?) looming over Kang Jin-Ho, her eyes were subtly trembling. It was the same story for her lips, too.

How could he push away someone in that state?

In the end, Kang Jin-Ho chose to close his eyes.



Han Eun-Sol opened the driver's door and entered the van. “Noona. They say we're stopping filming here for today.”

“I-is that right?” Choi Yeon-Ha stammered back.

Han Eun-Sol tossed his cap to the passenger seat next to him, then got ready to turn the ignition on. Before setting off, though, he glanced at the rearview mirror to see if passengers were all there... and began tilting his head at what he saw. “Huh? Why didn't you turn on the aircon?”

“N-no, that's not it.”

“Really? Then... Why is it so hot and humid here?”

“W-we're in the middle of Summer, Eun-Sol.”

“Eh?” Han Eun-Sol furrowed his brow ever so slightly.

That was when a red light suddenly went off inside his head. The 'Choi Yeon-Ha Analyzer' always in full operation in his brain yelled at him that something was not quite right here.

Choi Yeon-Ha was acting strangely.

'What's going on?'

Han Eun-Sol scanned the reflection in the rearview mirror with the sharpness of a detective.

'...What the hell? What is up with her expression?' f(r)eenovelkiss

Han Eun-Sol's jaw slightly dropped. Choi Yeon-Ha was sitting upright with her hands demurely gathered in front of her. What a picture of serious awkwardness that was! Such a posture didn't suit that woman at all!

'Holy cow! Noona is being coy? Coy?! What the f*ck!'

Now, that was as absurd and unrealistic a notion as tree-huggers and tree-loggers coming to an amicable understanding!

'Huh? Her cheeks are flushed, too? Flushed?! What?!'

What was up with her rosy cheeks!

Something must've happened here. Something strange and untoward had happened for real here!

To gain more clues, Han Eun-Sol's eyes peered even deeper into the rearview mirror. Eventually, his gaze landed on Kang Jin-Ho sitting in the backseat.

'Huh? W-what is up with that dude now?'

Kang Jin-Ho seemed to be a bit... stupefied?

Kang Jin-Ho was making that kind of a face?! Now that was even weirder than a 'coy' Choi Yeon-Ha! Han Eun-Sol never imagined once that Kang Jin-Ho was capable of making that kind of expression until now.

After all, wasn't Kang Jin-Ho expressionless but always restrained in his behavior? But now, he...

'...Totally slack-faced?'

That wasn't quite right. Rather than slack-faced... How should anyone describe the face Kang Jin-Ho was making?

'N-no, besides all that! What happened between the two of them?'

Now possessed by the spirit of a top sleuth, Han Eun-Sol's probing eyes sharply scanned the van's interior. Then, those same eyes burned brightly. “Mister Jin-Ho?”

“...Ah, yes?”

“You have a bit of lipstick around your mouth.”

“...!” Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly raised his hand and wiped at his lips. However, nothing came off. “Mm? But there's nothing...?”

Kang Jin-Ho finally realized what happened and hurriedly stared back at Han Eun-Sol.

Choi Yeon-Ha's manager smiled in satisfaction. “Yup. You two finally did it, didn't you?”



Kang Jin-Ho's expression subtly crumpled, but Choi Yeon-Ha openly scowled.

“Gee whiz. How innocent can you two be? To think you'd perform lip wrestling in a van parked in the corner of a film set! Isn't this more movie-like than actual movies you make, noona?”

Choi Yeon-Ha sharply glared at him. “Why don't you start driving before you stop breathing forever?”

After picking up the hair-raising murderous intent emanating from behind him, Han Eun-Sol wordlessly and obediently turned the ignition on. One more word from him here, and he'd be dead meat.

And so, as this strange atmosphere descended inside the van, the vehicle set off toward Choi Yeon-Ha's lodging.


How vague and uncertain this was. That was the best way to describe the atmosphere in the van.

Han Eun-Sol was doing his absolute best to suppress his laughter.

Shouldn't he feel bad about this situation? Not really. Of course, he couldn't exactly be happy about Choi Yeon-Ha kissing Kang Jin-Ho, but...

'Are you guys elementary school kids or what?'

Both of them were adults in their twenties, yet what was up with that awkward air between them?

'So adorable, I tell you. So adorable!'

There was no need to mention Choi Yeon-Ha's societal status, but Kang Jin-Ho was obviously no ordinary man, either. Although Han Eun-Sol wasn't sure exactly what Kang Jin-Ho did for a living, the latter's financial muscle or status in society easily rivaled Choi Yeon-Ha's, and then some.

Despite those impressive traits, why were these two behaving like little kids?! People of such renown and power couldn't even look each other in the eye just because they... kissed once?

Did Han Eun-Sol stumble into a natural monument protection agency by mistake?

'They are a perfect match, no?'

Indeed, they suited each other. Way, way too well!

What a funny thing to see Choi Yeon-Ha, usually high-strung and high-handed toward other people, becoming a meek little lamb before Kang Jin-Ho. And it was just as amusing to see Kang Jin-Ho, responsible for training that hopeless idiot called Liu Wei like a dog, enveloped in an awkward, fidgety aura like that.

Maybe, just maybe... Only they could make each other feel and behave this way. What was crucial, though, was that these two weren't pretending. No, they were being genuine.

Choi Yeon-Ha tried to defend herself by saying her actions were all calculated, but Han Eun-Sol didn't fall for that excuse. Pretending to be someone else was a way to deceive the other party. The way Han Eun-Sol saw it, though...

Choi Yeon-Ha would really change her behavior in Kang Jin-Ho's presence. It was anyone's guess as to how this particular situation would play out as they continued on with this relationship, but for now... Her changes were absolutely noticeable.

In that case, why should Han Eun-Sol butt in and interfere? Still...

When he noticed how Choi Yeon-Ha's expression had relaxed a tad, Han Eun-Sol cautiously addressed her, thinking she wouldn't hit someone in the middle of driving. “I mean, really now. You two are healthy young adults and all. No need to be so shy about...”


A pouch suddenly flew toward the driver's seat, narrowly missed the driver and bounced off the window. Han Eun-Sol instantly clamped his mouth shut.

This was fun. This was genuinely, seriously entertaining!

Han Eun-Sol instinctively realized something. This might be his final chance to tease Choi Yeon-Ha mercilessly. If his assumption was correct, then he couldn't afford to miss this chance! Even if Choi Yeon-Ha would rip his head off after their trip was over... At least, during this ride, he'd be the ruler of all, now wouldn't he!


“What now!” Choi Yeon-Ha sharply yelled back.

However, Han Eun-Sol brushed aside her venomous yell with a slimy smirk. “Should we change where you're staying?”

“Ng? Why would we do that?”

“I mean, think about it. There are plenty of eyes watching in a hotel, right? If we change your lodging to somewhere a bit less crowded, I think we can minimize the risk of gossip spreading around.”

“Gossips? What gossip?”

“Eii, don't be like that now~. A grown woman and a man will be staying in the same room from now on, so do you still think people won't gossip about it? Aren't there several Korean guests staying on the same floor as...”


A lipstick crashed into the van's front window and bounced off. Now that was a little too dangerous!

“You... better stop while I’m still being civil, okay?” Choi Yeon-Ha growled menacingly.

“...My apologies, ma'am.” Han Eun-Sol decided to stop there after realizing that he wouldn't be able to deal with the consequences of pushing her buttons any more than this. However, the wide smirk etched on his lips still couldn't be wiped away.

Choi Yeon-Ha hissed angrily. “You're smirking?”

“Nonono, I'm not! I'm not laughing because I want to... Fuhp! Kek!”

Choi Yeon-Ha's eyes burned even fiercer just then.

The sight of Choi Yeon-Ha's lips ominously twitching had helped Han Eun-Sol sober up and focus on the road ahead. If their eyes met now, that crazy woman might really pounce on Han Eun-Sol and start yanking at his hair!

Han Eun-Sol's poor hair had barely begun regrowing after all the stress had taken its toll on them, and he would dearly like to not take any more hair-growth medication if he could help it!

“Noona, I'm sorry. Please forgive... Huh?” Han Eun-Sol let out an alarmed gasp and stared at the road ahead. 'What's going on now?'

A group of men were standing smack-dab in the middle of the lonely road leading toward the foot of this steep mountainside. What a strange sight that was, seeing four adult men blocking the road and glaring in the van's direction.

“Someone's blocking the road,” said Han Eun-Sol, his narrowed eyes studying the group. His expression gradually crumpled at what he could see.

They were wearing shabby, ragged clothing. Worse still, their expressions couldn't be called friendly. Just those two things alone were enough to let Han Eun-Sol know this wouldn't be a friendly encounter.

'Should I just ram our way through?'

Obviously, it was too dangerous to stop the van. They were in the middle of an uninhabited mountainside, after all. Carelessly stopping the vehicle could lead to a catastrophe. So, the reasonable thing to do in this case was to keep driving, whether such an action posed a danger to others or not.

However, what if those men didn't bother to dodge? That would lead to a huge accident.

'What should I do?'

That was when Han Eun-Sol noticed something else. One of the men blocking the road raised his hand holding an... object?

'Eh? Is that a... knife?'

Han Eun-Sol only needed a split second to realize that the object was a massive machete. And another split second was all he needed to urgently cry out to his passengers. “Everyone, keep your head down!”

That man powerfully threw the machete at the van. The weapon spun viciously in the air while flying in... before smashing right into the van's front window!


The window shattered into pieces as a loud noise exploded forth. Han Eun-Sol kept his head low while slamming his foot on the brake.

'Please! Please!'

He also yanked the steering wheel to the left. Going off-track to the right, even by only slightly, would mean plunging down a steep cliff. Much to Han Eun-Sol's relief, though, he could feel the van coming to a vicious stop. They hadn't fallen off the edge.

However, they were still stuck in a big problem.

'What should I do now?!'

Were those men robbers? Or...?

Regardless of who those men were, the outcome would still not be pretty. Han Eun-Sol grabbed his phone, thinking that getting help was his urgent priority.

That was when Kang Jin-Ho, hugging Choi Yeon-Ha to protect her, let her go and slowly stood up. “Mister Eun-Sol, stay in the van.”

“...I'm sorry?”

“I won't take long, so please stay seated. Don't worry.”

“M-Mister Jin-Ho?!”

“It's fine. I'm in a good mood right now, you see?” Kang Jin-Ho opened the van's rear door and stepped outside even before Han Eun-Sol could stop him.

Han Eun-Sol freaked out. “N-noona! Shouldn't we stop Mister Jin-Ho?! T-those lunatics...! They have knives and stuff!”

Much to his surprise, though... Choi Yeon-Ha's response was quite different from what he expected.


“Yes, noona!”

“Did you hear what he said just now?”


Choi Yeon-Ha covered her cheeks as a radiant smile bloomed on her face. “He said he's in a good mood! Kyaaaah!”


Han Eun-Sol's torso was initially twisted around so he could talk to Choi Yeon-Ha behind him, but that reply from her... He slowly sat upright in his seat, then leaned against the cushion supporting his back. After pressing his head against the comfy headrest, he began fiercely massaging his forehead.

'She's... totally hopeless. Totally, hopelessly a lost cause!'

Even though Han Eun-Sol was her manager, he just couldn't stop himself from thinking that this woman was a lost cause!

The sourc𝗲 of this content is fre(e)novelkiss

