Descent of the Demon Master - C.648. Healing (3)Mar 11, 2024

Descent of the Demon Master

C.648. Healing (3)Mar 11, 2024

“Sir, why do you think the reason for this man's capture is important?” Zhang Dajing asked while tilting his head.

Vator shrugged his shoulders. “Let me answer you one question at a time. You said you were curious about this insect's paralysis, didn't you?”

“Oh, that. Yes, sir.”

“The answer is straightforward, Zhang Dajing. It's because of pressure points.”

“Pressure... points?” Zhang Dajing's eyes grew slightly wider. “As in, using qi to affect a person's pressure points? As in the stuff appearing in wuxia novels?!”

“That's right,” Vator coolly nodded.

“But how can such a thing be possible in reality?”

“It is possible. Look no further than at this insect before your eyes as proof. You can't be thinking that this fool has a strange fetish of pretending to be a corpse for the whole night without moving an inch?”

“No, sir. Of course not. It's just that this story is so outlandish and all...”

“Zhang Dajing. All fantasies have their basis rooted in reality,” said Vator with firm conviction. “Do you know why legends of dragons and wyrms can be found throughout the West and East? That's because the ancient people had unearthed dinosaur bones. Legends were born after people began adding spice of fantasy to the medium of these strange-looking fossils they couldn't explain. It's the same story for pressure point techniques. Although the technique itself might be lost in time, people have witnessed it. No matter how much you try to regulate the spread of information, what has been witnessed cannot be fully eradicated from people's memories. So, it'd be passed down in the mediums of oral traditions and tall tales.”

When he got this far in his explanation, Vator briefly paused and shrugged his shoulders again while pursing his lips.

“Of course, not everyone can freely use this technique like in those stories. You'd need a truly-vast qi reserve and unbelievable control to inject your qi into someone and have it maintain itself without getting absorbed by the host. Most experts can't even dream of doing something like that. Indeed, only those who have reached the pinnacle can utilize this technique.”

Zhang Dajing weightily nodded. “I see. Oh, does that mean you can also use it, Sir Vator?”

“...Kuh-huh-hum! Looks like the air has gotten a little cold lately.”

Zhang Dajing spied a hint of discomfort in Vator's face and immediately tried to change the topic. After all, he was a smart and competent subordinate capable of reading the room and not getting in his superior's bad books! “I-I see. What about my other...”

Unfortunately, there was a small issue here, and that was with how considerate Vator was as a superior!

“Let me clarify myself so there can't be any misunderstanding. It's not like my abilities are too lacking for me to use this pressure point technique. The truth of the matter is this. My martial arts are a million light years away from the delicateness required for such technique. That is why.”

“Yes, I totally agree, sir.”

“...You totally agree? Really?”

'Ah, sh*t!'

Zhang Dajing flinched when he realized the slip of his tongue. However, a mistake was not a mistake if he could fix it on the spot!

“Yes, sir. I figured you'd not be interested in trifling things like restricting your opponents' movements and suppressing them that way.”

“Fufufu, Zhang Dajing...”

“Yes, sir?”

“I predict that you will live a long life.”

“Ehehe. Thank you, sir.”

Vator smirked before finishing off his explanation. “Indeed, my cultivation realm is more than sufficient enough to perform this pressure point technique. However, whenever I tried it in the past, the bodies of my opponents simply blew up for some reason. Yes, I admit that I lack the delicate control required for it, but it might be due to how violent my qi is. I would love to use this insect as a guinea pig to test my theory out, but he can't die yet, so I must stay my hands. Tsk...”

Vator smacked his lips a little.

'What a poor bastard.'

That was the thought bubbling in Zhang Dajing's mind. The poor bastard in this case was, of course, Guo Liqin. It must've been so scary and despair-inducing to listen to their conversation while trapped in his terrifying paralysis.

'That's why you should've been more careful with who you mess with...'

There was an old proverb about looking first before stretching one's legs. Why did this fool stupidly dare to harm Choi Yeon-Ha? It was a small miracle that he didn't get ripped apart into a million pieces on the spot!

Zhang Dajing leaned forward and asked, “By the way, sir? Why was this fool captured? And what is that important?”

“Obviously, this insect wouldn't be alive if that was what my master wished. Considering my master's anger, this insect should have died a hundred times over. Even so, he was captured unhurt. Which could only mean... My master wishes to find out who has been pulling the strings through this insect. Whether that is through torture or other some method, well...”

“The one pulling the strings?” Zhang Dajing tilted his head. “But, sir? Choi Yeon-Ha isn't important enough for that. I mean, who would plot a scheme to harm her?”

“Mm? Just who is Choi Yeon-Ha, then?”

“Well, she's Mister Jin-Ho's reprodu... part... ner... Kuh-hum. She's his woman.”

Why the hell was that term still trying to escape from his mouth? At this rate, it might really succeed in its quest and cause a problem if Zhang Dajing carelessly let his guard down!

Zhang Dajing steeled himself to be more careful with his mouth. Vator was built like an iron vault, and that was why he could withstand Kang Jin-Ho's beatings. That story obviously didn't apply to Zhang Dajing. Just one punch from Kang Jin-Ho would be instant death for him!

Imagine the face King Yama would make if Zhang Dajing stood before the great king of Hell and said, 'That crazy bastard punched me to death when I said the term reproductive act!'

A man should at least die for a dignified reason, no?!

Vator lightly shook his head. “That's not important.”

“I'm sorry?”

“Let's say your child was playing in the garden and got stung by a wasp. What will you do? Are you going to search for that one specific wasp now?”

“No, sir.” Zhang Dajing shook his head. Doing that was practically impossible.

“Then, what will you do?”

“...Well, I'd try to hunt down all the wasps in the vicinity. Or find a wasp nest and burn it down.”

“That's right,” Vator weightily nodded. “And my master has captured a wasp that will lead him to the nest.”

Zhang Dajing clamped his mouth shut. He finally understood what Vator was saying. That didn't mean he could accept this way of thinking. “Sir, humans can't be the same as wasps. For one, humans reason, while wasps move according to their instincts.”

“Is that right?” Vator smirked deeply. “Then, tell me. Why do you wish to burn down a nest of creatures acting on instinct? Did the wasps commit a grave sin?”

“...No, sir.”

“Indeed. You're simply eliminating a threat that has harmed you. Am I wrong? It's a future source of trouble, after all.”

“Yes, you're... right.”

Vator nodded again. “To my master, this insect and the ones backing him are worth the trouble.”

“But... Even so...”

“Do you still think this is the wrong way to handle this situation?”

Zhang Daqjing grimaced but couldn't readily respond.

Vator crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back against his chair. “Do humans consider the feelings or circumstances of mosquitoes while trying to kill them? We already know that mosquitoes are merely buzzing around in search of blood for their propagation. But we still don't spare them, now do we? Don't forget, my master is human, just like the rest of us.”

“But, sir. People don't usually do stuff like this.”

“No, Zhang Dajing. It's not the case of people not doing it but more like people lacking the power to do so. I don't need to remind you of how many people were killed by those with power, now do I? I'm sure history books should be enough to tell you everything.”

Zhang Dajing clamped his mouth shut again, knowing Vator hadn't said anything wrong.

“Knowing how many people dictators have killed throughout history, my master or I are innocent little pups compared to them. Hah, even now... Dictators responsible for murdering thousands, nay, hundreds of thousands of people are still in power and enjoying the fruits of their labor. So, I find it funny to argue about humans this and humans that.”

Zhang Dajing's frown deepened, and so did his silence. This was his way of protesting. He was trying to imply through silence that, even though he couldn't win in logic, he'd still resist accepting it right until the end.

Vator chuckled at that childish protest. “That's fine. Trying to remain righteous to the end is also proof of being human, after all. You are also not wrong about this.”

“...Sir Vator?”


“My apologies for saying this, but... Whenever you play the part of an intellectual like this, I just can't help but think that it doesn't suit you.” fr eeweb novel

Vator's expression crumpled. “What was that, you fool?”

“It's the truth, sir.”

Vator chuckled hollowly at Zhang Dajing's petty attempt at revenge. “Fine, fine! I guess it doesn't matter. Still, you'd do well to remember this.”

“Sir?” Zhang Dajing sat up straight after noticing Vator's somber expression.

“You must've been wishing for a situation where nothing of note happens in China, and we'd get to go home without an incident. Unfortunately, that dream was as good as dead when my master captured this insect. I can tell you with absolute certainty that that will not happen.”


“This insect is a small fry. However, I'm sure you know just as well as I do. Of course, I mean China's martial society.”

“Yes, sir.”

Vator was right. Zhang Dajing knew almost better than anyone that China's martial society was markedly different from its counterpart found in South Korea.

While the Korean martial society was more like a single, unified 'sect' where influential individuals shared power, China was chaotically divided into countless factions and sects. All those disparate forces had built bridges and got into messy tangles with one another to eventually create the super-massive Chinese martial society.

Vator grunted. “In other words...”

“...If we start digging with this fool, we don't know how deep the hole will go.”

“Mm. That's right. Unless my master decides to stop at a suitable depth, we might even unearth the Crimson King at the end. Or the Azure King, for that matter!”

Zhang Dajing stumbled back in shock and covered his mouth.

'No, that can't be!'

Kang Jin-Ho was insane enough to drag this matter all the freaking way to the finish line! Most people would seek to create a suitable point of compromise with the other party so they wouldn't get pushed to the extremes and hurt each other more than what was deemed necessary. But Kang Jin-Ho didn't know the concept of compromise or negotiation. He only knew how to keep charging forward until he got what he wanted!

It was an indecipherable mystery how someone like him managed to survive for so long. So, what would happen if he kept digging until the name of the Crimson King popped up?

'That cannot be allowed to happen!'

Zhang Dajing had no desire to die in this particular part of the world. And it must be the same story for Kang Jin-Ho, too. Even then, Zhang Dajing wouldn't be surprised by whatever insane stunt Kang Jin-Ho decided to pull next! 𝓯𝙧𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝙗𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝓬𝙤𝙢

“W-what should we do, sir?”

“Mm? Be more specific, Zhang Dajing.”

“Sir, I genuinely do not want that situation. It'll be impossible to completely stop Mister Jin-Ho, but... There must be a way to dissuade him from taking things too far. For instance...” Zhang Dajing shifted his gaze to the still-paralyzed Guo Liqin. “...Eliminating that bastard right here.”

His prior sympathy for the paralyzed man was long gone by now. His survival came first, after all!

Vator shook his head. “That might not be a bad idea, but my master ordered us to keep our eyes on this insect. So, if you go against his wishes, my master's wrath will be directed at you instead. You think you can handle that? Remember that my master has captured this insect precisely to vent his anger. What you propose is nothing more than a way to hasten your own demise.”

Guo Liqin was greatly relieved to hear that, but Zhang Dajing could only despair. “T-then, what should we do about this situation, sir?”

“My bad, Zhang Dajing. However, I've been told by a reliable source that being intellectual doesn't suit me.”

“...So petty.”

“What was that?”

“Sir, if you can't figure out the solution, just who else can? You are the only one with the necessary wisdom and experience in the entire world capable of figuring this out, sir!”

“Hah... You will definitely live a long life, Zhang Dajing,” Vator couldn't help but chuckle at that obvious butt-kissing. “Anyways... Everything in this world has a master key. My master keeps saying it's not true, but his real purpose of coming to China was... Well, to come here. Wouldn't you agree?”

“Yes, sir. Even a blind can see that.”

That explanation about demonic cultivators in China? If that was Kang Jin-Ho's real purpose, he'd have gone there first. The way Zhang Dajing saw it, Kang Jin-Ho didn't even seem to know where the demonic cultivators had gathered. If he had a clear purpose for this trip, obviously he would have acquired all the pertinent information before setting off. However, he didn't, and that painted a rather clear picture.

Vator grunted. “In that case, that lady... What's her name again? Choi? Choy?”

“It's Choi Yeon-Ha, sir.”

“Yes, her. She must hold an incredible influence over my master. If my assumption is correct, then... Convincing her would be one of the options.”

“Ohhh!” Zhang Dajing urgently nodded while clenching his fists. He finally found a clue to his survival.

Vator smiled bitterly while glancing at his underling's obvious happiness.

'It's still too early.'

Kang Jin-Ho might consider this as disobedience. However, true loyalty wasn't about subordinates blindly following their master's every wish. No, it was about guiding their master on the correct path, even if doing so went against the master's wishes.

That was why Vator could remain unshaken with his decision.



“If you carelessly approach that lady, my master will swiftly beat you up to death. So, you better think long and hard about how to handle this matter.”


Zhang Dajing's brow furrowed slightly as he sank deep into his thoughts.

New novel chapt𝒆rs are published on 𝓯𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒃𝓷𝙤𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝓬𝙤𝙢

