Descent of the Demon Master - C.640. Reunion (5)Mar 03, 2024

Descent of the Demon Master

C.640. Reunion (5)Mar 03, 2024

Updat𝓮d from 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝙗𝙣𝒐𝒗𝓮𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

Content Warning: Possible upsetting content below

“Still, I gotta admit you're a top-class woman. And don't say I've got nothing to base that on, okay? I've good eyes for people, you know? Will you believe me if I say I knew that punk was a loser from the very beginning~?” Guo Liqin glibly muttered while yanking Choi Yeon-Ha's face closer by her collar.

She couldn't fight back at all. Guo Lqin's strength was such that not even a grown adult male could fight back. Choi Yeon-Ha even briefly wondered why her bathrobe hadn't been ripped apart from the force yet!

“Loser? Who is this loser that you keep talking about!” Choi Yeon-Ha yelled back. Since she couldn't physically fight back, the next best thing was to use her voice to resist.

She bit down hard on her lip.

Scenes like this appeared frequently in various movies. Whenever Choi Yeon-Ha saw such a scene, she couldn't figure out what the female characters were thinking. What were they planning to do if the male lead didn't show up to save them?

Would anything change by them sobbing and begging? Would yelling and screaming make any difference in the end?

“I'm sure you've already guessed it, though? You'll see for yourself later on anyway, so I guess it's fine to tell you, eh? It's Liu Wei. That loser.”

“That son of a b*tch...!” Choi Yeon-Ha loudly gritted her teeth. That loser was behaving like a powder keg earlier, ready to blow... And sure enough, he went and created a massive problem! Choi Yeon-Ha urgently focused her attention back on Guo Liqin. “Y-you! You're doing this only because he paid you, right?”

“Well, saying he paid me is slightly incorrect, but yeah, it's something similar. Besides all that, though... Your Chinese is really good, you know that? Liu Wei said it's barely comprehensible, but I guess you just didn't want to talk to that loser, eh? Yup, you are one smart lady, I tell ya.” Guo Liqin cackled while dragging Choi Yeon-Ha toward the bed.

That was when Choi Yeon-Ha urgently yelled at him. “How much did he pay you?”

“Ng?” Guo Liqin stopped and glanced back at her.

“Someone like you obviously wouldn't call that loser your 'boss', right? So, how much did he pay you to do this?”

“Huh?” Guo Liqin's brows rose up in surprise.

Obviously, this wasn't his first rodeo, so to speak. Folks of the shadowy world were very honest with their ambitions and desires. Unsurprisingly, one of those desires was lust.

Some men would stop literally at nothing to 'acquire' the women they lusted after. Guo Liqin wasn't exactly a fan of this sort of work, but that didn't mean he'd shy away from a fat payday, either. So, he had some experience in... 'handling' various women this way.

Even then, Choi Yeon-Ha was the first woman to respond like this.

Now genuinely curious, Guo Liqin asked her a question. “What makes you think I don't work for that loser?”

Choi Yeon-Ha shot back. “There is no way a stinking mutt like him can order a tiger around!”

“Hah? Hahaha!”

A tiger, was it...? Now that was one well-calculated declaration! Choi Yeon-Ha was obviously trying to suck up to Guo Liqin and loosen his guard. In a different situation, he would've roundly ignored such an attempt, but not right now. To be able to calculate that much in such a dire situation demonstrated how smart this woman was.

Guo Liqin leaned in closer. “Listen, naive lady. In this day and age, money can even make a tiger obedient toward a mutt.”

“I know that! That's why I told you I'll give you more!”

“Really? You'll pay me more than he did?”

“That's right!” Choi Yeon-Ha cried out, her voice verging on a scream. “How much did that loser say he'll pay you?! Listen here! I can pay you several times more. Tell me how much you want, and I'll more than match it!”

“...Huh. I guess you are rich, aren't you?” Guo Liqin slowly shook his head.

Most folks belonging to the world in the shadows didn't have to worry about money problems, but that didn't mean they were loaded enough to shout loudly about it, either. To think Choi Yeon-Ha's world prioritized pretty faces over talent...

“Your offer is mighty tempting, but here's the thing. I also have my own circumstances. I can't just quit my day job to accept your money, you know?”

“You will get enough money from me to last you a lifetime!”

“Heh, that sure is tempting, alright. Very much so. Unfortunately, smart lady... Money isn't as important as keeping my life. That's how an adult's world operates, you know!”


“That's enough,” Guo Liqin scowled in irritation. He gripped Choi Yeon-Ha's collars harder to stop her from talking, then easily tossed her on the bed.


Even if the bed was supple and soft, the impact of her landing was still considerable. Choi Yeon-Ha cried out in pain, but even then, her anxious eyes were urgently scanning the suite's exit.

'No one's coming?!'

Undoubtedly, this was the absolute worst situation for her. That loser, also known as Liu Wei, obviously wanted only one thing from her. And it'd be the worst fate a woman could suffer. Even as the threat of such a fate loomed over her, Choi Yeon-Ha's head was rapidly filling up with worries about something else.

She loudly yelled at Guo Liqin. “What happened to the people outside?!”

“People outside?” Guo Liqin cackled insidiously. “Who are you talking about? Your bodyguard? Or your entourage? Oh, well. It doesn't really matter which one, right?”


“What do you think? What happened to them, I wonder~? You're a smart lady, so you should be able to imagine that much, right? So why hasn't anyone shown up here yet? Hahahah!”

“You son of a b*tch!” Choi Yeon-Ha's brows shot up high in rage. When the thoughts of Han Eun-Sol and her other staff members meeting with gruesome fates invaded her head, it felt like a volcano had erupted inside her. “I'll kill you!”

Choi Yeon-Ha lunged at Guo Liqin, her rationality momentarily lost.

“Huh. Lost your mind, have you?” Guo Liqin casually kicked the incoming Choi Yeon-Ha away. She flew back faster than when she was lunging at him before crashing back on the bed. “Listen, lady. Let's keep physical resistance down to a minimum level, okay? I don't want to damage the goods, you see? My client wants a living, breathing fresh catch, not a half-dead rotting lump of meat.”

However, Choi Yeon-Ha still got up and lunged at Guo Liqin again while yelling indecipherable things.

Guo Liqin frowned deeply in annoyance and grabbed Choi Yeon-Ha's mouth. “I thought you were smart, lady. I guess I was wrong. Are you that stupid or just hard of hearing? No matter how much you resist...”

Suddenly, Guo Liqin was forced to clamp his mouth shut. Choi Yeon-Ha had grabbed his hand with both of her hands, then began biting at his fingers. Seeing her bloodshot eyes glaring murderously at him, even Guo Liqin felt this inexplicable chill run down his spine.

“Well, I'll be...”

Of course, even if Choi Yeon-Ha tried her hardest, her teeth would never break through Guo Liqin's skin. Still, this scene left behind a powerful impression in his head.

This woman had already experienced Guo Liqin's monstrous strength. Obviously, he had encountered women who offered fierce resistance against him, but they all gave up fighting after experiencing his physical power. However, Choi Yeon-Ha was still resisting until the very end.

“You sure are something else, lady,” Guo Liqin muttered quietly while pulling his hand out of Choi Yeon-Ha's grip. He then easily lifted her off her feet and suppressed her resistance before tossing her back on the bed. After that was done, he casually took out his phone and called Liu Wei. “You know where her suite is, right? Hurry up.”

-I'm on my way! You better not touch her, got that?! Or I'll kill you!

“And you better watch your mouth. Before I rip it open.”

-M-my bad. It was a force of habit...

“You better hurry, though. 'Cause I'm thinking about doing it myself, you see?”

-...! I'm on my way now!

Guo Liqin ended the call in slight irritation, then turned his head to scan Choi Yeon-Ha from top to bottom.

'Damn. It really is a waste...'

This woman was simply too good to hand over to that loser. If Guo Liqin was being honest here, even he wasn't good enough to match this woman's level. And when his thoughts reached that far, Guo Liqin's face grew slightly flushed.

Using power to forcibly shove down a woman normally beyond his reach...! That gave him this indescribable sense of accomplishment and ecstasy.

While smirking suspiciously, Guo Liqin leisurely approached the bed. Choi Yeon-Ha's glare grew even more venomous.

“Thinking about resisting again?” Guo Liqin casually asked.


“It's kinda fun suppressing you as you resist. I don't care either way, but what about you?”

“Are you prepared to end a life?”


“You better kill me. Or else!”

“Huh?” Guo Liqin was initially left slightly befuddled, then a hollow feeling washed over him. Why was this woman responding like this now? free

“Do whatever you want, you piece of sh*t. You think I'm going to shiver and sob because you're gonna force yourself on me? My body will just rot away after I die, anyway! So, I don't care, do whatever you want. But you... Let me give you a warning. When you're done, you better kill me. If not, I will hunt you down to the depths of Hell and make you pay. And make you regret every second of this!”

Guo Liqin could tell she wasn't just bluffing. Looking into Choi Yeon-Ha's eyes was enough to know that. She really was serious about making good on her threat!

“That might have worked on other people, lady,” Guo Liqin cackled while closing the final few inches toward Choi Yeon-Ha. “Here's the thing, though. Some people in this world don't give a rat's ass about killing other people. People like that might be rare in your part of the world, but where I'm from? There are so many you're gonna frequently trip over them like pebbles on the road! How unfortunate for you, but that's the kind of man I am. So, that threat ain't gonna work on me.”

Guo Liqin climbed onto the bed, then reached out to grab Choi Yeon-Ha's legs. His hand slowly, oh-so-agonizingly-slowly slid up. The bathrobe got caught on the back of his hand and also slid upward.

“Okay, so... What should I do with you? You can tell me.” 𝒇𝒓𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝒃𝙣𝓸𝓿𝙚𝒍.𝙘𝓸𝓶

Choi Yeon-Ha didn't say a word and glared murderously at Guo Liqin.

“It's as you say. I don't want any future trouble, so I gotta kill you. Which means this will be your last, too. Since I'm a bit of a romantic myself, I would love to make your last moments as enjoyable as possible. So? What should I do? Do you have any preference? I'll try to humor it to the best of my abilities.”

“Ptooi!” Choi Yeon-Ha spat at Guo Liqin.

However, he simply cocked his head out of the way to dodge the incoming saliva. “Sorry. I'm not into that sh*t. I guess I can't humor everything, eh?”

Guo Liqin's hand reached high enough to yank open her bathrobe and reveal her body covered only in underwear.

“Whee-woo...” Guo Liqin wolf-whistled. Although she seemed a bit excessively thin, Choi Yeon-Ha's figure was still excellent enough to make him do a double-take. “Lady, I'm curious about something.”


“If I don't kill you afterward and let you go, you think you can still carry on with your life?”

“Isn't that obvious?! Listen here, you piece of sh*t! You think I'll get traumatized by this? This is nothing! It's no worse than falling into a pit of sh*t, that's all!”

“Good, good. Then I won't feel as guilty, then!” Guo Liqin smirked and stuck his tongue out to lick Choi Yeon-Ha's leg.

That felt like a cold snake was slithering across her skin. Choi Yeon-Ha's expression rapidly froze.

'Others must be okay, right?'

Seeing how she was still worried about Han Eun-Sol and others in this situation, it seemed Choi Yeon-Ha was also beyond help. She half-resigned herself and threw her head back, only to catch the glimpse of the suite's ceiling with geometric patterns.

'If I knew this would happen, I should've met him first...'

Choi Yeon-Ha gritted her teeth. She only needed to endure. Endure! As long as she clenched her teeth and endured, this much would be nothing.

Guo Liqin reached up and grabbed Choi Yeon-Ha's underpants, then smirked like an insidious snake. “Now, then. Shall we begin? Oh, before that. I gotta confirm something. After we're done, we probably won't be thinking straight, after all.”

Choi Yeon-Ha silently glared at Guo Liqin.

“How do you wish to die?”


“I don't want to hurt you if I can help it, you see? Maybe I... I think I've fallen in love with you or something.”

“Shut up, you insane bastard.”

“Got it. I'll take that as you don't care how. Well, then. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?”

And then, just as Guo Liqin tried to yank Choi Yeon-Ha's underwear down!

Something bone-chilling suddenly happened.


That was a somewhat bizarre noise. So bizarre, in fact, that Guo Liqin in heat had to force himself to stop and turn his head to look.

That noise had come from the suite's entrance. The weird thing about that noise wasn't that it came from there. No, the really-weird thing was the nature of that noise itself. Something like that couldn't normally be produced, after all.

That noise was only possible when an incredible force crushed metal. It was the scream of metal unable to withstand that force!

'W-what the f*ck?'

Guo Liqin's complexion was drained of color immediately.


And then, the crushed door slowly opened up. The bizarrely-distorted door obediently stood to the side to allow a man to walk inside.

This man reached the suite's living room, then stared at the scene on the bed.

As all this happened, Guo Liqin was unable to move a muscle. Not even an inch. As if he was a rat that had encountered an imposing cat!

No, it'd be more correct to say... His entire body had frozen up in sheer terror like a sinful man standing before King Yama!

He could see bizarre and unexplainable things behind the young man entering the suite. Those things... were death and judgment! If the grim reaper was real, it must've looked like this man.

“So...” The man slowly opened his lips, allowing his bone-chilling voice to leak out of there. “How do you wish to die?”

That man was none other than Kang Jin-Ho. And when his voice registered in her hearing, an expression too complicated to describe formed on Choi Yeon-Ha's face.

She tearfully yelled at Kang Jin-Ho. “You dummy! How could you be this predictable and show up only now?!”

With her tension finally released, tears began flooding out of her eyes.

