Apocalypse Gachapon - C.777.5- Colorful Wheel Illusion Part 2 (2)

Apocalypse Gachapon

C.777.5- Colorful Wheel Illusion Part 2 (2)

As time passed, the sky suddenly turned dark.

The white sky had no clouds for miles, and the sudden darkness was weird. Suddenly, a giant wheel appeared a few dozen meters from Ye Zhongming. It was illusionary at first but turned physical after a few seconds.

Ye Zhongming ran over. He took a look and saw five regions. One was black, and the rest were colorful regions representing job scrolls.

Ye Zhongming couldnt suppress his smile after seeing that.

Although high-level evolved, all already had jobs, but in truth, not everyone in the apocalypse had one.

Ye Zhongming lived for ten years in his last life and only got to six-star, but he had two jobs. They were ordinary jobs. If not for his being lucky to raise his Marksman job to a high level, he probably wouldnt be able to enter a squad.

With Xia Bais team as an example, Ye Zhongming spent many resources on them so that they could all become five-star evolved and have at least four silver equipment. He also gave them all battle beasts.

Each one of those showed Ye Zhongmings job advantage and his fortune.

He could craft many silver equipment as a Glory Smith and having Ghost Metal. He had the Super Elimination Technique and naturally had large amounts of evolution potions.

But he didnt have a way to get many job scrolls for them. Every faction lacked this. Job scrolls didnt have restrictions, so people who got it would use it for themselves. They didnt consider whether the job was useless or whether they could get job advancement scrolls.

The conclusion was that greed caused a waste of large amounts of resources.

So, the prices of job scrolls were always high, and there was no supply of them.

Even Ye Zhongming obtained job scrolls because he was lucky. Some were from a few big events. If not, his jobs wouldnt be completed.

Thus, when he knew Sharp Peak Mountains position, he planned to come here to try his luck.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

But he immediately noticed that this wheel was different from ordinary colorful wheels. The center of it was a golden star.

What did that mean?

Ye Zhongming didnt understand. But he knew that the formation was limited. Each wheel was also time-limited, so he didnt have time to study the star. He placed demon crystals into the wheel.

The colorful wheels cared about overall energy and not level. He had large amounts of level three crystals, so he used them here.

Very quickly, the wheel was filled with energy. He used the Super Elimination Technique to remove the black region. When the skill worked, he totally relaxed.

The wheel spun and landed on a colorful region. A job scroll rolled out, and he grabbed it.

He didnt look at the skill and placed more crystals to spin a second time.

But the energy bar only reached half before there were sounds from behind. He turned and saw an energy monster the same color as the region he spun appearing behind. It raised its giant hand and smacked down at him.

This attack didnt give off any energy fluctuation. If not for his people reminding him, he might have been hit.

His body flashed to dodge the attack. He waved, and a bright energy fired at the energy body. This fellow was shattered. Its body exploded and turned into energy specks that scattered in the sky.

The Lightning Turret and Crystal Cannon fired, and insta killed this rare monster.

Ye Zhongming saw that it worked and wanted to continue spinning. But he turned and saw that the wheel was turning translucent. It disappeared.

Your sister! My crystals!

He had placed many level-three crystals!

It appeared again!

Liang Chuyin pointed forward, and Ye ZHongming looked. Two similar wheels appeared a dozen steps from him. The reason why they were similar was because they had differing numbers of regions. One had three; one had six. Moreover, they had golden stars. The three region was a five-sided star, while the six region had two stars.

Was it level? This thought flashed in his head. He ran to the two-starred wheel and started to toss crystals.

When Ye Zhongming was busy, more wheels appeared. There were many of them, and in one period, ten appeared.

Ye Zhongming had only heard of the news and didnt know exactly what would happen. He thought about it and called Xia Bai and Liang Chuyin over. He passed them crystals.

Put it into the wheels, but dont spin it. Wait for me!

They nodded and knew that time was of the essence. They split up to place crystals on the wheels.

Ye Zhongmings wheel was full. He got a scroll, and that energy being appeared again. They still used the crystal cannons to attack, but this time, it spun, and the light on its body dimmed. It was still alive. It got close to Ye Zhongming to attack.

The Violent Lightning Turret didnt dare to fire as he was too close. The first 50-person team charged into the battlefield and surrounded this monster.

Ye Zhongming rushed to spin the other wheel.

Xia Bai had filled it up, so Ye Zhongming went to spin it. But when he returned, his wheel was gone, and those crystals were wasted.

After this repeated, although he gained a few scrolls, there were more energy bodies, and they had lost many crystals.

Ye Zhongming started to understand the pattern. The wheels could be spun once or twice before they disappeared. The time was random. Some would still be there after two spins; some would disappear after three. Some would disappear after one.

Ye Zhongming told the two women to back out. He would select the wheels to spin.

On one side, he spun the wheels, and on the other were Cloud Peak warriors who entered the battlefield. This region started to get busy because of the illusion.

Five stars! Ya Tian shouted. Ye Zhongming saw the wheel with the most stars today. He dashed over.

This chapter is updat𝓮d by fre(e)webnov(l).com

